Opinions Editorial
Archive 2005 Archive 2004 Archive 2003 Archive 2002
Archive 2006
Introduction to Understanding Islam by Ali Sina 2006/05/27
The New York Times and Sweden : The Dark Side of Paradise Baron Fjordman 2006/05/27
"Islamophobia" is ad hominem By Ali Sina 2006/05/26
Do We Need Religion? Part 2 Wolfgang Bruno 2006/05/24
The Constants and Conditions of Gulf Islam Jacob Thomas 2006/05/24
Is the Quran Really Inimitable? By Y.M. 2006/05/26
Is Left-Leaning Google Censoring Right-Leaning Websites? Noel Sheppard and Marc Sheppard 2006/05/23
Defeating Islam By Ali Sina 2006/05/23
The Purpose of Life Ali Sina 2006/05/21
Why Iran wants War Slater Bakhtavar 2006/05/17
The Ingratitude of a Would Be Suicide Bomber Paolo Bassi 2006/05/16
The public execution of Ayaan Hirsi Ali 2006/05/16
The Apocalyptic Message of President Ahmadinejad to President Bush Amil Imani 2006/05/15
Combating Jihadi Terrorism: Problems, Processes and Prospects Dr. Babu Suseelan 2006/05/08
Is Saudi Arabia Against the Terrorists? Khaleed Waleed 2006/05/03
Innovative Jihad Ayesha Ahmed 2006/05/01
MSN serving the cause of Islam David Yeagly 2006/05/01
Encephalization Quotient Mohammad Abdullah 2006/04/30
The Last Dance Sher Khan 2006/04/30
Is the United States serious about Iran? Amil Imani 2006/04/29
Wake up, Neo The Matrix has you Islamic Apostate 206/04/29
Quran is the Primary Manual of Islamic Suicide Terrorism Syed Kamran Mirza 2006/04/28
The Iranian Identity Crisis: Islam v. Iranian Identity Paolo Bassi 2006/04/27
A New Oslo Peace Process? Fjordman 2006/04/25
Mohammedans D.C. Watson 2006/04/24
Goose-Stepping Iranians Alan Caruba 2006/04/24
Do We Need Religion? Part 1 Wolfgang Bruno 2006/04/21
On Interpreting the Quran Mohammad Asghar 2006/04/19
Abracadabra Democracy Slater Bakhtavar 2006/04/19
The Lefts War on the Family Thomas S. Garlinghouse 2006/04/19
Islam: A False Religion Amil Imani 2006/04/17
1984 Mohammad Abdullah 2006/04/16
Unveiling the reality behind Jihad Peaceforever 2006/04/15
The Presidency and the Anti-Terrorism Alexandra Paris 2006/04/14
The Far-Left's Limitless Foolishness Paul Neska 2006/04/13
Science, Democracy and Islam Morten Breivik 2006/04/12
The Roots of Muslim paranoia Ohmyrus 2006/04/12
Banning speech - banning prophesy Snouck 2006/04/11
How long will the British stand for this? Lawrence Auster 2006/04/11
How Much Does The Quran Rely on Fear? Omar Malomaari 2006/04/10
Im a Terrorist Groupie, Hear Me Roar! Fjordman 2006/04/10
Allah in a Tomato... and in e-Colie? 2006/04/08
Moderate Muslims Muddy the Waters Jacob Thomas 2006/04/08
No Humanitarian US Aid To PA. J. Grant Swank, Jr.2006/04/08
America : The Last Frontier of Greatness Amil Imani 2006/04/07
Nuclear and Radioactive Bombs and Radical Islam Alexandra Paris 2006/04/07
Why Judaism is Superior to Islam Umma Allergic 2006/04/05
Banu Quraiza or How the Prophet Muhammed Momentarily Forgot the Peaceful Nature of Islam Isaac Schrφdinger 2006/04/05
The problem with the Left Ali Sina 2006/04/05
Abdul Rahman Insane! Abdul Rahman Insane! Is There No Islamic Justice In The 21st Century? Denis Schulz 2006/04/04
Will the Internet Slay Islam? Wolfgang Bruno 2006/04/04
Islam and Superstitions Syed Kamran Mirza 2006/04/03
Islamic Thinkers Bill Peterson 2006/04/03
Turkey : A Case Study in Failure to Secularize Jacob Thomas 2006/04/02
Descent into Dhimmitude J. Peter Pham & Michael I. Krauss 2006/03/30
Islam, Apostasy and the Human Right to Freedom of Conscience Paolo Bassi 2006/03/30
Part One: Boycotting the Fruit of the Infidel Mind R.Y. Alam 2006/03/30
Afghanistan: A Christian convert is saved from the gallows but at what price? Jaffor Ullah 2006/03/29
Convert Case Sparks Surge of Interest in Christianity Among Afghans Patrick Goodenough 2006/03/29
The War Against Swedes Fjordman 2006/03/28
Islam Doesnt Mean Submission: It Means Death Barbara Stock 2006/03/28
Mother of murdered French Jew speaks out on what went wrong Brett Kline 2006/03/27
Today's True Feminists Cinnamon Stillwell 2006/03/27
The Death Threat Club Cinnamon Stillwell 2006/03/27
Man Faces Execution After Converting to Islam Antonio di Bari 2006/03/27
If You Desire Political Rights And Civil Liberties, Is Islam Undesirable? Omar Malomaari 2006/03/27
Egyptian Blogger Arrested, Expelled From Al Azhar For Exposing The Truth J. Ahmed Salib 2006/03/26
Afghanistan's Democratic Deficiency Claus Christian Malzahn 2006/03/25
Were they not saying: Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance? Syed Kamran Mirza 2006/03/25
A Christian Martyr in Iran Bahman Aghai Diba 2006/03/24
An effective weapon against terrorists: Ridicule Peter Schweizer 2006/03/24
Death for Apostates and Sodomists Andrew G. Bostom 2006/03/23
You Have Blasphemed Against Islam, The Prophet and the Koran: Wafa Sultan Speaks Out Denis Schultz 2006/03/23
Mein Kampf - Part Deux Tom Glennon 2006/03/23
Child Bride Kevin Sites 2006/03/22
Denial: A Characteristic of the Islamic Mind Jacob Thomas 2006/03/21
Dr. Wafa Sultan: Exposing the Lies of Islam Barbara J. Stock 2006/03/21
Women at war with the mullahs Christopher Goodwin 2006/03/20
What is it we owe Islam again? D.C. Watson 2006/03/20
Death Penalty For Leaving Islam: Afghanistan Grant Swank 2006/03/20
Stand up: Wafa Sultan is passing Mona Charen 2006/03/18
Human Rights Violations in Arab Prisons Jacob Thomas 2006/03/17
A letter to Americans concerned about the treatment of the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay 2003/03/17
Rediscovering Secularism Baradam Kuppusamy 2006/03/16
The heroic story of the Quran petition V Sundaram 2006/03/15
Islamism: A Concept invented by the infidel for the infidel! Mark Alexander 2006/03/15
Swedish Cops are Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome Jauhara al Kafirah, 2006/03/14
Boycotting the Fruit of the Infidel Mind Azadi Ruh Alam 2006/03/14
Things Non-Offensive to Islam Paolo Bassi 2006/03/13
Revisitation David Warren 2006/03/13
No cheer for Muslim women Marina Mahathir 2006/03/11
A Fool's Paradise Rajesh 2006/03/10
Albania: Muslims Torch Churches , Hate Christ Grant Swank 2006/03/09
The Muslim Trigger Pete Fisher 2006/03/08
Lessons of Riyadh Book Fair Khaled Batarfi 2006/03/07
Cruel Affection Isaac Schrφdinger 2006/03/06
The Danish Cartoons and Rajesh 2006/03/05
Western Columnists, Please do your Homework when Writing on Islam! Jacob Thomas 2006/06/05
Islam: The enemy of democracy and freedom! Mark Alexander 2006/03/04
Defeating Defeatism - The End of the Phony War Wolfgang Bruno 2006/03/03
Interview with Wafa Sultan 2006/03/02
Infidel Tom Glennon 2006/03/02
Why this venom towards Israel? Matthai Varkki 2006/03/01
Allah is an Idiot Part 2: Be Careful What You Curse For Jassassah 2006/03/01
The Devious Fight for Supremacy Carl Jacoby 2006/03/01
Regime Change as Official Policy Peter Kohanloo 2006/03/01
Mohammad The Unquestionable Paolo Bassi 2006/02/27
From Today There is No More Mohammad Pete Fisher 2006/02/27
An Interview with Ali Sina On Muslims in Europe By Jarek N. 2006/02/26
How to Sow the Seeds of Doubt Sid 2006/02/26
Allah is an Idiot! Here's Why... Jassassah 2006/02/26
An Advocate for Muslim Rights in Europe Cries Foul! Jacob Thomas 2006/02/25
Islamic Leaders Step Out From Behind the Curtain Barbara Stock 2006/02/25
Discrimination In Malaysia Ramza 2006/02/24
Anatomy of a Cartoon Protest Paolo Bassi, 2006/02/24
No One Slanders Islam Better than Muslims! Denis Schulz 2006/02/23
What Doesn't Offend the Muslims Isaac Schrodinger 2006/02/23
The slippery slippery slope Jon Aubri 2006/02/21
Islam: Its Time to Turn the Tables Dr. Wolf Bain 2006/02/21
The Treatment of Infidels in Saudi Arabia a Time to Apologise? Khaled Waleed 2006/02/20
Radical Islam and the Survival of the West Ron Banerjee 2006/02/19
Another Chapter in the Clash of Civilizations Ibn Iblis 2006/02/19
Zeich Heil Ahmadinejad Slater Bakhtavar 2006/02/17
Sharia and the Shahada: Where is OUR Outrage? Lex Emmanuel 2006/02/16
No Valentine's Love in Islam Grant Swank 2006/02/15
Support the people of Iran Melanie Phillips 2006/02/14
Ayaan Hirsi Ali Speaks Out 2006/02/14
There Is No Honor, No Honor, No HonorIn Islam Denis Schulz 2006/02/14
The Perils of Islamic Obscurantism Babu Suseelan 2006/02/13
There Is Something Healthy in the State of Denmark by Srdja Trifkovic 2006/02/13
Talking With Abdul Mark David 2006/02/13
Uncle Boutros and Uncle Tom A Lesson In Arab Tolerance Gerald A. Honigman 2006/02/12
Muslims and the imperceptibility of the West Mohammad Asghar 2006/02/12
Viva Voltaire Theodore Dalrymple 2006/02/12
A Black Day in Iranian History Potkin Azarmehr 2006/02/11
Cartoon Debate: The case for mocking religion Christopher Hitchens 2006/02/11
Muhammads Little Warriors D.C. Watson 2006/02/10
Hush-hush Cartoons Sher Khan 2006/02/10
Death Warrant to the Writers of FFI 2006/02/09
Morality and Islam Ali Sina 2006/02/09
Islamic Tolerance 101 Vernon Richards 2006/02/09
The European Case for Israel Wolfgang Bruno 2006/02/09
Lies and Deception are Islamic Traits Ali Sina 2006/02/09
The tide may be turning Ohmyrus 2006/02/08
True Islam Unmasked Barbara Stock 2006/02/08
Seeing Is Believing Denis Schulz 2006/02/08
Cartoon Saga: Can Prophet Muhammad Command Unqualified Respect from the Westerners? M. A. Khan 2006/02/07
Muslim Outrage David Davis 2006/02/07
On the row over offensive cartoons Azar Majedi 2006/02/06
Laugh at MuHamMad Ali Sina 2006/02/06
The Spoiled Brat Islam Pete Fisher 2006/02/06
Tolerant Islam: An Erroneous Perspective Sang Yeung Ong 2006/02/05
Why Mock Islam? Ali Sina 2006/02/04
What about Sensitivities of Non Muslims? Ayesha Ahmed 2006/02/04
More of CAIR's follies D.C. Watson 2006/02/03
Danish Cartoons, Double Standards and False Rhetoric of Islam and its Public Defenders K.W.2006/02/03
Muslim Misinformation As Required by Islamic Law Alexandra Paris 2006/02/03
Caricatures of Muhammad and Democracy! Ali Sina 2006/02/02
Iran, Theology & Messianic Apocalypse Grant Swank 2006/02/02
Europe 's Angry Muslims Robert S. Leiken 2006/01/27
The Death of British Liberty Robert Locke 2006/01/18
The Growing Threat of Iran Barbara J. Stock 2006/01/11
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