Banu Quraiza or How the Prophet Muhammed Momentarily Forgot the
Peaceful Nature of Islam
By Isaac
Sahih Bukhari: Volume
4, Book 52, Number 280.
When the tribe of Bani Quraiza was ready to accept Sad's judgment,
Allah's Apostle sent for Sad who was near to him. Sad came, riding a
donkey and when he came near, Allah's Apostle said (to the Ansar),
"Stand up for your leader." Then Sad came and sat beside
Allah's Apostle who said to him. "These people are ready to accept
your judgment." Sad said, "I give the judgment that their
warriors should be killed and their children and women should be taken
as prisoners." The Prophet then remarked, "O Sad! You have
judged amongst them with (or similar to) the judgment of the King
The Prophet Muhammed was glad because of Sad. A more detailed look at
this event follows.
1. After the Battle of the Trench, the Prophet
Muhammed was enjoying a bath. Suddenly, the angel Gabriel appeared and
told him that the Battle was not yet over. Muhammed had to fight the tribe
of Banu Quraiza.
2. After almost a month-long siege, the Prophet
Muhammed proposed that Banu Quraiza accept the judgment of a man named Sad
bin Muadh. Sad offered a simple final solution: Behead every single
postpubescent male of the tribe--approximately 600-800 males; take all the
females as slaves; divide up their property among the Muslims who
accompanied the Prophet.
3. The Prophet Muhammed praised Sad. A few days after
the massacre of Banu Quraiza, Sad died. Sahih Bukhari: Volume
5, Book 58, Number 146.
A silken cloth was given as a present to the Prophet. His companions
started touching it and admiring its softness. The Prophet said,
"Are you admiring its softness? The handkerchiefs of Sad bin Muadh
(in Paradise) are better and softer than it."
Sad, the man who proposed the death of an entire helpless tribe, has a
place reserved in Paradise.
4. The Prophet Muhammed had clashed with two similar
tribes earlier--Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Al-Nadir. However, in their case,
the Prophet let them go into exile. Why? Here's
the answer:
All three tribes are accused of breaking their treaties. If Muhammad
would have acted on the basis of law from God he would have judged them
consistently. We see that "circumstances" played a much more
important role in determining the punishment for these tribes. If it was
right to let them go, why did he not let the Banu Qurayza go into exile?
If it was right to execute them, why did he give in to `Abdullah b.
Ubayy b. Salul and let him prevent the execution of the judgment of God?
No true prophet would give in to a misguided companion who wants to stop
God's righteous decree. This inconsistency shows that Muhammad was
guided chiefly by his own desires of vengeance against those who would
not accept him as a messenger from God rather than by a law of
consistent justice as it comes from God. The judgement is about
offending Muhammad, not about offending God, and Muhammad decided
according to expediency.
5. Banu Qurayza was a Jewish tribe.
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Muslims are taught from an early age that the Prophet Muhammed is an
infallible example for mankind till the end of time. There is zero
tolerance for anyone who dares to say otherwise. Muslim-majority nations
have legislation on the books--blasphemy laws--that accord horrific
punishments for those who merely question the actions of the Prophet
For example, Section
295-C of the Pakistani Penal Code states:
Use of derogatory remarks, etc. in respect of the Holy Prophet.
Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by visible
representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly
or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for
life, and shall also be liable to fine.
It is important to note that, in the eyes of Islamic nations, such laws
should not be constrained by geographical boundaries. Recently, the most
famous example of this "universal blasphemy decree" was the 1989
fatwa by Ayatollah Khomeini calling for the death of Salman
Rushdie. The Iranian regime has continually reiterated the call for
Rushdie's death.
Today, the Cartoon Riots have surpassed the Rushdie Affair in terms of
body count. More than 135 people have been killed. Wikipedia:
Deaths have been mainly in Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
It is vitally important that the West not put Islam or any
other religion off-limits to critical analysis. For only in the West can a
person safely write that the obliteration of a Jewish tribe, the taking of
sex-slaves, and the confiscation of non-Muslim property is something not
to be celebrated and emulated.