Iran, Theology & Messianic Apocalypse
J. Grant Swank,
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes in the Second Coming of the Shiite
Messiah. The Messiah will appear when the globe is in utter chaos. Spell
"chaos" as meaning "nuclear blow up."
Add to that the egocentric eccentric personality of
Ahmadinejad. Add to that his delight in demanding center stage daily
That is why it is imperative for the free nations’
politic to translate their politic parlance into theological language. I
don’t think they know how to do that. They are consumed with political
vernacular and not versed in theology of a killing cult. In that is their
Last September when Ahmadinejad spoke at the UN, he
informed those close to him that he felt the presence of deity close to
him. That is, Allah was there in a special manner.
Several weeks ago a plane crashed in
. Ahmadinejad interpreted that as Allah disciples going before him into
Allah land. It was also a message that they were paving the path for
martyrs to follow them shortly.
The President’s Messiah is the Hidden Imam of Shia
Islam. Ahmadinejad believes that his time has come to establish a
government honoring the Messiah by preparing the planet for the Second
Coming of that Messiah.
Ahmadinejad gave much money to the Jamkaran mosque, a
holy site where Muslims drop notes to the Hidden Imam. The messages are
thrown into a holy well there.
The Messiah who has temporarily disappeared left the
globe in the ninth century at age five. He will come back to the planet
when the globe is in total disarray—international conflict and
bloodshed. Following that, the Islamic Messiah will rule the world in
Islamics even state that Jesus will return with the
Islamic Messiah.
Ahmadinejad seems to have faith that all of these
occurrences are near. Therefore, he must give allegiance to one voice
alone—Allah—who informs him of what to do to prepare for the
Messiah’s comeback.
In other words, a war with the West could mean
Ahmadinejad envisions such to be the welcome mat for the Coming One.
If Muslims die in the chaos, fine. Their males will
go to Allah’s playboy eternity where they have virgins and young boys
aplenty. Though homosexuality is frowned upon in earthly Islam, it is not,
interestingly enough, in their eternity for males cavorting with young
males. Females don’t go to paradise since females are considered worth
less than dung.
Islamic theology then propels the Iranian
president’s every thought, every act, every motive. Therefore, for other
political leaders globally to communicate with him and his colleagues only
on political terms is to have two communication tracks never meeting.
When he spoke at the UN, he did not apologize for
addressing his audience in apocalyptic terms. He spoke to them
"religion in Islamic context." His speech was about his beliefs,
not his political agenda.
He spoke of "light and dark countries,"
"the logic of the dark ages." He closed his speech with a prayer
to deity to "hasten the emergency of your last repository, the
Promised One, that perfect and pure human being, the one that will fill
this world with justice and peace."
In that scene, Ahmadinejad stated he felt the divine
glow about him. "I felt it myself. I felt that all of a sudden the
atmosphere changed there. And for 27 – 28 minutes all the leaders did
not blink. . It’s not an exaggeration, because I was looking. They were
astonished, as if a hand held them there and made them sit. It had opened
their eyes and ears for the message of the Islamic Republic."
Therefore, if the West and Europe do not listen to
Ahmadinejad they are in fact rejecting the Divine One. They then will pay
in damnation. However, Ahmadinejad will be eternally lauded.
Western delegates who heard the President’s UN
address said that "they couldn’t believe what they were hearing
from Ahmadinejad." No wonder. He was not speaking politic. He was
speaking cultic theology.
Copyright © 2006 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.
Email: [email protected]