




 Leaving Islam



Edip Yuksel vs. Ali Sina

Round IX - page 34

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Closing the Debate, Analysis of Ali Sina and His Mission , and the Surprise

January 17, 2005
Edip Yuksel, 19.org

On January 14, 2005 I wrote the following:


"What are you saying Ali Sina? Was it your other personality who for about three weeks has been scavenging among the piles of hadith and sira books?

"In your attack to the Quran so far you have not been able to get your nose out of those trash; you always followed the "Six Steps to the Power of 666" methodology. It would be perhaps a much better argument if you could give up from your hadith treasure and focus on that book alone. But, deep in your heart you know that you cannot criticize the Quran against someone like me; so you tried to delay such a debate. So far, all your accusations have been thrown into where they belong. With the exception of the few troll who will clap you even if you sneeze, people will see it.

"I will post a brief analysis of your site, your cause and I will present you a little surprise. Hopefully, before the next week starts."

Well, now it is time for the ANALYSIS and the SURPRISE note. However, first I will explain what led me to end this debate: 

Before we read your “analysis” and your “surprise”, let us be clear that the accusation that I “have not been able to get my nose out of the trash of hadith” is a not true. I attacked the Quran and what I asked you is to explain the Quran only. At no time I held you responsible for any haidth. You wrote a book even before knowing me and you based your entire history of Muhammad on the same "pile of trash" of haidth and sira books that you decry. Then you said you did that to trap me. I can’t see how this affects me. You said the details of that history are not important and what is important is the Quran. I did exactly what you did. My questions hinged around the Quran and never any hadith. You did not answer any of the charges I brought against the Quran and your only line of defense has been accusing me of relying on haidth. Anyone who reads our debate can see this is not the case.



About a month ago, I accepted Ali Sina's invitation to debate on Islam. I had limited time, so I invited him to debate face-to-face in public. I told him that I could arrange such a debate at the University of Arizona or Pima College . I was working to finish important projects such as the Reformist Translation of the Quran; a script for a political comedy; animation school; and establishing an alliance with other organizations under the name Islamic Reform; and teaching philosophy.

But, Ali Sina rejected to debate in public claiming security and his need for research; so, we ended up debating on Islam at his website, which took about a month. Despite my repeated reminder to debate on the Quran, Ali was obsessed with using hearsays of hearsays in his arguments. I was glad that finally, Ali Sina was offering to debate in a nicer language and focus on the Quran, and I congratulated him for that decision. Nevertheless, my happiness did not last long. On January 13, 2005, Ali posted a paragraph exposing his real face. I read the paragraph first at free-minds.org then I saw it published at his website, faithfreedom.org. I reacted to that in a language that it deserved. Here is the merged version of my successive two reactions. Note that for the first time I did not feel free to call Ali with the word "dear":


You may say but Muslims are humans too. Is having the human appearance enough to make us humans? The sign of humanity is in our humanness. No person who believes in those inhumane teachings of the Quran that calls for killing and murder of innocent people deserves to be called human. Therefore, this is a war between humanity and a spiritually underdeveloped subhuman species. The actions of Muslims are barbaric. Their thoughts are beastly. They have no human conscience and they are preying on us humans. So this is a war between humans and Muslims.


I know that your mouth is filled with foam and venom against Muslims, but I do not expect you to be using the exact language of Fascists and Nazis. In case you have not written the above-quoted idiotic statements, which I hope that you have not, then ignore these words and let the real source get my message.

To the coward vampire, who is instigating wars and genocides:

You are the real subhuman, you are a vampire who is thirsty to suck the blood of more than a billion humans on this planet. If this is an irrational reaction to a terrorist event that killed several thousand people, then you should demonstrate many times more hatred and irrational reaction to the terrorism, atrocities, murders, and massacres committed by USA-INC, UK, USSR, and Israel; in the last century alone, in which they killed MILLIONS of PEOPLE and destroyed countries and annihilated entire cities! By calling destruction of entire cities, together with families and children, with the word WAR does not make a bit difference.

Though I condemn a warmongering group of hypocrite Christians by calling their name Evilgelical, I never justify killing Evilgelical Christians, let alone all Christians, or killing Zionist Jews, let alone all Jews. You are a monster using the mask of humanism. You cannot be a human; you are a hatemonger and bloodthirsty creature. I do not condone killing animals like you; but I might approve of putting a leash around your dirty neck.

Peace is our weapon against fascist warmongers. Yes, PEACE

I am waiting for Ali Sina's answer for this matter, ASAP. This excerpt is not something simple to get away with it. I will explain after Ali Sina's rejection or admission. And I hope he will reject or rescind it. I will accept his denial even if he was the one who had written in a moment of irrationality and rabid insanity.

So, Ali Sina, if it is not you who has written the above Neo Nazi remarks then who is posting articles together with you? If it is you, be brave and own your words.

Tell me whether it is indeed NOT you who have declared himself to be a promoter of genocide by dehumanizing all Muslims. Tell me that a TALIBAN or a NEONAZI hacker hacked your website and wrote answer in your name. I would be glad to accept this scenario. Because, I cannot believe that a person who is smart enough to engage in intellectual debates, though frequently sniffing and stuffing himself with holy trash, could be author of such rabid and diabolic words! SALAM, that is PEACE

On January 14, 2005 Ali Sina responded to my query as follows:


"Looks like you took that personally. Does that description describe you too? If not then why you get so worked out and if yes what else do you want me to call you when all you think is killing innocent human beings?"

"Make your position clear Edip. Do you approve of terror and murder of innocent people or not? Is this talk about reformation and humanization nothing but cheap propaganda? Which side are you standing anyway? If you are on the side of humanity why you get so upset and if you are on the site of the savage terrorists then why pretend to have been reformed. Is there a third position that I am not aware of?"

Ali Sina after condemning and convicting the entire muslim world to death and then as the judge of his court now he is contemplating to forgive my life if I can prove to him that I am not guilty, or subhuman. Though he had visited my personal website (yuksel.org), my organization's website (19.org), read my life story, and learned my uncompromising standing against violence, terror, wars, human rights violation and suppression of freedom… Knowing that I had to flee my country because of my rejection of traditional corrupt Islam, knowing that my mentor and close friend was the first victim of al-Qaida terrorism in the USA, and witnessing that the rabid Sunnis and Shiites participating at his forum sided with him against me, knowing all of these, his majesty is not yet clear whether to distinguish me from other Muslims who are condemned to death by his "humanistic" decree of genocide. He needs more evidence, perhaps, me publicly begging for my life in his court of inquisition!

Thank God, this so-called Hislamic apostate who is openly supported by Evangelical Christians does not have power. He would be worse than Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, or his like-minded Taliban. 


You seem to have a very high estimation of yourself. This was typical of Muhammad who killed and looted so many innocent people and had the guts to call himself the best of the creation and a perfect example. As I explained during this debate, Muhammad was a narcissist and every one of his followers, to the degree that he or she is influenced by him shows the same pathological traits.  

Dear Edip, what you say about yourself count very little. After all everyone thinks to be a superior person and them more he or she is a narcissist the more the holier than thou attitude is manifest in him.  

I am afraid; you did not come across as a man who stands against violence, terror, human rights abuses or suppression of freedom. You are a staunch defender of the Quran and there is no question that this book advocates violence, terror and human rights abuses and it suppresses the freedom of its followers and particularly its opponents. You have been abused and persecuted but this is normal in Islam. All the Muslims are victims and victimizers in their own rights. This is the nature of Islam. Muslims have killed and persecuted many more among themselves than the non-Muslims. We can’t say all the victims of Islam are innocent. When the tables are turned, they do the same things with others. Your total devotion to the cult of terror of Muhammad proves that you are far from being a peaceful and non-violent person.  

Furthermore you poured your unbounded vituperation on Jews and the Christians whom you disparagingly call “Evilgelical”. The interesting part is that you have escaped persecution from your Muslim brothers and here in America you found protection and freedom. And how you thank your hosts? You viciously attack them and incite hate against them.  This is so typical Islamic.  

You seem to be obsessed about thinking of yourself as distinguished from other Muslims. That distinction exists only in your mind. In fact show me one Muslims who does not think he is distinguished from other Muslims by virtue of the fact that he interprets the Quran differently. It is the nature of Islam to make people haughty, self-righteous and arrogant. I see you as a Muslim and a Muslim is a Muslim. As long as you follow and worship a terrorist you are a potential terrorist.  This debate has helped us see the real nature of the Submitters and show to the world that their claim of reformation is bogus and it is nothing but a cheap propaganda. In fact when I pressed you to explain what this reform means you were evasive and all you could say was to call me ignorant for confusing “Islamic reform” with “reform of Islam”. You refused to explain what you mean by Islamic reform because you knew you would expose yourself to further attacks.   

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