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Ali Sina
"Islam is a religion of peace".
This is what our politically correct politicians keep telling us. But
what is politically correct is not necessarily correct. The truth is
that Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of hate, of
terror and of war.
A thorough study of the Quran and
Hadith reveal an Islam that is not being presented honestly by the
Muslim propagandists and is not known to the majority of the people of
the world including Muslim themselves. Islam, as it is taught in
the Quran (Koran) and lived by Muhammad, as is reported in the Hadith
(Biography and sayings of the Prophet) is a religion of Injustice,
Cruelty, Absurdities,
and blind faith. Islam advocates killing
the non-Muslims and abuses the human rights of
and women.
Islam expanded mostly by Jihad
(holy war) and forced its way by killing
the non-believers. In
Islam apostasy is the biggest crime punishable by death.
Muhammad was a terrorist himself therefore terrorism cannot be separated from the true Islam. Islam means submission and it
demands from its followers to submit their wills and thoughts to
Muhammad and his imaginary Allah. Allah is a deity that despises reason,
democracy, freedom
of thought and freedom of expression.
reject Islam a) because of Muhammad’s lack of moral and ethical
fortitude and b) because of the absurdities in the Quran.
Muhammad lived a less than holy life. His lust
for sex, his affairs with his maids
and slave girls, his pedophilic
relationship at age 54 with Aisha,
a 9-year-old child, his killing sprees, his massacre and the genocide
of the Jews, his slave making and trading, his assassination
of his opponents, his raids and lootings of the merchant caravans and
unarmed villagers, his burning
of trees, his destroying the water wells, his cursing and invoking
evil on his enemies, his revenge on his captured prisoners of
war, his torturing of his captives to for greed and his hallucinations
such as believing of having sex with his wives when he actually did not,
disqualify him as a sane person let alone a messenger of God
b) An
of the Quran shows that far from being a “miracle”,
that book is a hoax. The Quran is replete with scientific heresies,
historic blunders, mathematical mistakes, logical absurdities,
grammatical errors and ethical fallacies. Could possibly the author of
this Universe be as ignorant as it appears to be in the Quran?
tells Muslims to kill the disbelievers wherever they find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123),
slay them (9:5), fight with them (8:65
), strive against them with great endeavor (25:52), be stern with them because they belong to hell (66:9) and strike off their heads; then after making a “wide slaughter among
them, carefully tie up the remaining captives” for ransom ;47:4).
This is how the pagans are to be treated. As for the
Christians and the Jews, the order is to subdue them and impose on them
a penalty tax, after humiliating them (9:29) and if they resist,
kill them.
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