The Quran is alien to freedom of belief and
recognizes no other religion but Islam (3:85). It condemns those who do not believe to hellfire (5:10),
calls them najis (filthy, untouchable, impure) (9:28),
orders the Muslims to fight them until no other religion except Islam is
left (2:193), slay or crucify or cut the hands and the feet of the unbelievers and
to expel them from the land with disgrace.
stresses that the
disbelievers shall have a great punishment in the world hereafter (5:34) and figuratively depicts a horrendous chastisement for them stating
that they will go to hell to drink boiling water (14:17), that they will be engulfed in smoke and flames like the wall and the
roof of a tent and if they implore relief they will be granted water like
melting brass that will scald their faces, (18:29)
and that "garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured
over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and
skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods”
It also prohibits Muslims to associate with their own
brothers and fathers if they are non-believers (9:23),
As for the women the book of Allah is emphatic that they are inferior to
men and if they disobey their husbands the latter have the right to beat
them (4:34).
Their punishment for disobeying their husbands does not end there, because
after they die they will go to hell (66:10).
The Quran emphasizes the superiority of men by confirming that men have an
advantage over the women (2:228).
It not only denies women's equal right to their inheritance (4:11-12), it also regards them as imbeciles and decrees that their
testimony is not admissible in the court of law unless it is accompanied
with the testimony of a man (2:282). This means that a woman who is raped cannot accuse her rapist
unless she can produce a male witness. Muhammad allowed the Muslim men to
marry up to four wives (although he himself had a score of them) and gave
them license to enjoy their "right-hand possessions" (women
captured in wars), as many as they can capture or afford to buy (4:3), even if the woman is married before being captured (4:24).
The man who called himself the holy Prophet and a
"mercy of God for all beings" did just that. Jawairiyah, Rayhanah and Safiyah
were beautiful young girls who were captured when he raided the tribes
of Banu al-Mustaliq, Qurayza
and Nadir. The prophet slew their husbands, fathers and their male relatives and
let his men rape them while he kept the prettiest for himself and raped
her in the same day while they were still in the shock of the loss of
their loved ones.
book scrutinizes Islam with Rational Thinking. It rejects time-honored
beliefs that cannot stand the probing of reason. It asks questions and
encourages independent thinking. It promotes unity of humankind,
equality between men and women, abolition of prejudices and freedom from
dogmatism and blind faith.
a world that has become technologically so advanced that even some poor
nations that cannot feed themselves boast having nuclear and biological
weapons, small misunderstandings can have catastrophic results. Religion
has always been a major source of misunderstandings among mankind. For
religion, many people are ready to die, kill and destroy everything. Islam
encourages that aggressive spirit explicitly. Only a Muslim can believe
that he would go to paradise if he kills other human beings. Only a Muslim
has no regard for lives that he destroys because their faith is not right.
the last few decades, and thanks to the newfound wealth of the oil rich
Islamic countries and massive immigration to the West, Islamic
fundamentalism has been on the rise and the dormant spirit of Jihadism has
been rekindled once again. This fervor has been translated into terrorism,
revolutions, and upheavals, and world peace has been put in jeopardy.
Millions of lives are now in danger.
tells Muslims to slay the unbelievers wherever they find them (2:191),
do not befriend them (3:28),
fight them and show them harshness (9:123),
and smite their heads (47:4).
us pause for a moment and take a second look at Islam. Can these really be
the words of God? Was Muhammad really a messenger of God or was he a crazy
man, like Hitler, who used the religious sentiment of the gullible to
conquer, to dominate and to have an endless supply for his narcissistic
is a cult created by a psychopath. It cannot be reformed. It must be
eradicated. Islam must be eradicated not because the Quran says Earth is
flat or the shooting stars are missiles that Allah fires at the Jinns
who climb the heaven to eavesdrop on the conversation of the exalted
assembly. These stupid tales could even amuse us. Islam must go because it
teaches hate, it orders killing of non-Muslims, it denigrates women and it
violates the human rights. Islam must go not because it is false but
because it is destructive, because it is dangerous; a threat to peace and
security of humankind. With the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction in Islamic countries, Islam has become a serious and a real
threat to the survival of our civilization.
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