Dear Mubarak Gandhi was indeed a great man. But he was just a human and humans err.
Gandhi was not a scholar on Islam. His knowledge of Islam was superficial.
Of course he did not agree with everything Muhammad said or he would have
converted to Islam. Furthermore Gandhi was a pragmatic politician. He was keenly aware that if he spoke directly against Muhammad his words would have incited violence and caused millions of death. I assure you that if I were in his place or a leader of any country I would hesitate talking publicly and openly against Muhammad. I think this should happen but gradually. At the time of Gandhi when Jinnah was trying to break up the country on the lines of religious differences, Gandhi would have played into this man’s hands if he had disparaged Muhammad. He tried to foster unity by appeasing the Muslims. Many criticize him for that but I don’t. So the answer is a) He did not know Islam properly and b) He did what was right under the circumstances.
Moses is a mythical personage. Someone called Moses must have existed.
He must have been a charismatic leader like Yaser Arafat. In his twisted
way he tried to secure a country for his people but like Arafat he chose
the method of violence and destruction. We really do not know much about
Moses. He was not that important to the Jews at first. By the time the
Pentateuch was written (these five books are wrongly attributed to Moses)
no one knew even where he was buried (Deut. 34:5). If he was an important
person would his followers lose his place of burial? The Bible was written
around 700 BC during the time of Ezra and Jeremiah. It is the work of four
rabbis. The Biblical personages are mythical and their stories are
apocryphal. It really makes no sense for us to attack mythical beings and
accuse them of wrongdoing. Furthermore Jews are not terrorizing the world
today so even if some of them continue believing in those myths and
fairytales it does not affect us. We are not in any danger of Judaism.
This is not the case with Islam which is imperialistic and expansionistic
and is truly the greatest threat to the peace of the world. Judaism is now
reduced to a personal religion while Islam is a tool of domination. You ask why I do not give the same consideration to Muhammad as I give to David and Moses who also killed innocent people and are still called prophets. Well, I do not call Moses and David prophets. I do not believe God sends prophets. The whole concept is ludicrous. If God wanted to talk to us humans he would have talked to us directly not through dubious intermediaries with no credentials but their own words whose characters and intentions are questionable. A real God would have known this system does not work and it causes nothing but confusion and disunity. Everyone, including religious people admit that the system has failed. Everyone, including the religious people agree that more people are lost than saved. They of course blame it all on Man. But God should have known the weakness of Man and should have sent his guidance differently. If there is lots of accidents in a segment of a road, you can't blame it all on bad drivers. The road must be faulty too. Perhaps you want to know why I do not pick on Moses and David and have
singled out Muhammad. I already gave the answer. The old biblical prophets
are more myths than real and their stories of conquests and crimes could
very well be hot air and bravado by a vanquished and oppressed people in
exile ( Each religion is different and has emerged out of a different context. Judaism is not a religion brought by Moses. Moses could have
laid the claim of being sent by a god to gain credibility but what you see
in the Bible has nothing to do with this semi mythical personage. For
example monotheism was not the message of Moses at all. In many places of
the Old Testament we see references made to other gods and statements such
as the
god of the Jews is a "jealous god". Why be jealous if there are no other
gods but you? Would you be jealous if there were no competitors? If the god of the Jews is constantly
reminding his followers that he is a jealous god, it is because he is
afraid of losing his adepts to other gods. In Psalms 82 you see this
god of the Jews assembling other gods and rebuking them for their lousy
work. But Muhammad was a real person and his crimes against innocent people really did happen. There are some scholars such as Crone and Cook who have come with the theory that Muhammad is fabricated. This theory is ludicrous and I don’t know why it has gained currency at all. Yes much of the traditions reported about Muhammad are apocryphal but it is not difficult to separate the forged stories from the true ones and get a fairly good image of Muhammad through these hadiths. The picture emerging is disturbing. We see the profile of a psychopath and not of a holy man. This monster is now worshiped by a billion people and his examples are followed religiously. Not only the lives of these billion plus benighted followers of this man are filled with misery, they are also endangering the peace of the world. This is madness—total insanity. We can’t let these befogged followers of a psychopath blow up the world. These wretched people have given up rational thoughts altogether and have been reduced into zombies. They are dangers to themselves and to the world. This is the biggest threat facing mankind. We have to stop this insanity. We must save the victims of Islam or save ourselves from them. Islam today is more dangerous that Nazism was 70 years ago. We have to stop it. If logic and good words don’t have any effect on them, then force must be employed. The more we tolerate Islam the more the possibility of an Armageddon becomes real. All the good people of the world must join force and must eradicate Islam. But the major share of this burden is on the shoulders of those Muslims who are still capable of rational thought, in other words the apostates. Therefore I invite you to leave Islam and help us save these poor people before it is too late.