By: Vernon
Richards (author of ‘Islam Undressed‘, available free upon request
[email protected])
Casualties of
self-described religious warriors, 3000 unarmed victims were massacred on
9/11/2001. On March 11, 2004 hundreds of simple commuters in Madrid, Spain
experienced the same fate, at the same hands, with 1400 left maimed.
Israelis know intimately the nature and intents of Islam, while the
children of Beslan, Russia had their up-close and personal introduction to
‘real Islam’ in 2004. These historical facts are simply indisputable.
Muslim terrorists kill people in the name of their God, while vast numbers
tolerate such actions. To civilized human beings, such acts in Gods name
are a great sacrilege. Muslims, however, seem largely oblivious to the
self-evident truth that the greatest blasphemers in any religion are those
who appoint themselves God’s executioners.
Muslims seem to have enormous capacity to absorb huge
contradictions and great hypocrisies, remaining completely unfazed. With
nary a blink, moderates and extremists alike call monsters who target
Jewish children in Israel ‘mujahedeen’ (holy warriors). Arab Muslim
societies, instead of developing any empathy for the victims of Muslim
terrorists, race backward into ever deeper superstition, bigotry, and a
culture of blame which renders reformation impossible. Huge parts of the
Muslim world are afflicted with what can only be called world-wide denial,
if not a deep psychosis characterized by a false sense of superiority and
irrational hatred of all others, particularly those capable of defending
If a small group of Muslim terrorists are humiliated in Abu-Graib
prison, and all Muslims take it personally, gathering in great numbers to
demand revenge. But the treatment of Iraqi western ‘collaborators’ by
the prisoners ‘peers’ evokes little concern. If any American
(non-Muslim) soldier were to be captured, is there any doubt as to his
fate? Muslims around the world appear largely indifferent to the most
in-humane treatment of infidels in Iraq. Many even relish videos and
reports of atrocities as if it is some sort of Islamic national sport (”An
American is killed with a road-side bomb, …score one for Muhammad!”)
Horrendous crimes are being committed by Muslim Arabs against their
Muslim brothers, sisters, and children in Sudan, while a deafening silence
is observed throughout the Arab world. Arabs know all about what is going
on in Darfur, even Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya have started reporting some
aspects of the crisis, but they don't react. Muslim public opinion with
regard to the ongoing genocide has remained muted, causing barely an
eyebrow to be raised. Yet had the slaughter targeted Arab Muslims
perpetrated by Infidels, there would have been an uproar.
A poor Palestinian child in proximity to terrorists is
unintentionally hurt in Israel and Muslims are incensed,
but when hundreds of children are massacred in Beslan, those same
sensitive Muslims seem to feel nothing, just go about their business as if
nothing happened. The ‘best’ people also seem incapable of feeling
pain for any of the hundreds of child victims of Palestinian
homicide-bombers. When the victim is not Muslim, or insufficiently Muslim,
hyper-sensitivity suddenly turns to mind-boggling apathy. With the
knowledge that the victims in Beslan were not Muslim and the attackers
were, acute empathy and compassion is instantly replaced with casual
indifference. Yet if the attackers would have been non-Muslim and the
children and their parents Muslim, is there any doubt protests and revenge
attacks would have spanned the globe?
If a Palestinian is killed in Israel, even if he has been involved
in hundreds of attacks against Jews, Muslims worldwide chant and demand
revenge. Yet if hundreds or thousands of Spaniards in Madrid, or Americans
in New York, are massacred, their stone-cold hearts feel nothing.
A U.S. Marine in Iraq kills a wounded terrorist, in a place where
wounded terrorists are a fatal threat, and Muslims are mad as hell. But
when vile Muslim murderers kill an helpless, benevolent woman serving poor
and needy Iraqi Muslims for decades, Muslims can only say, "Bush and
Blair are at fault."
Islamic politicians demand western societies show tolerance toward
Islamic laws and customs. But when Dutchman filmmaker Theo Van Gogh was
silenced by an Islamic assassin, the same voices suggest he brought such
misfortune upon himself by insulting the words of the Qur’an. Islam
crushes resistance, protest, and disobedience in all lands where it has
the upper hand, while taking full advantage of protections of speech,
religion, movement, and association in its ongoing efforts to make host
lands ‘Islamic’. Playing a political game, spokespersons demand
their adoptive societies show tolerance for the most intolerant,
restrictive, harsh, cruel, misogynist and reactionary ideology in human
The ‘Red-Crescent’ was formed to be an answer to the western
‘Red-Cross’, yet it follows strict Islamic doctrine in limiting its
services to Muslim Brothers and Sisters. When terrible, brutal things
happen to non-believers anywhere, at the hands of Muslims or not,
shoulders are shrugged as they say “it is the will of Allah”. But such
antipathy disappears when Muslims strike a blow maiming any part of a
population of non-believers, say …Americans, Indians, Russians, Jews,
Australians, Italians, Spanish, Brits, Philippines, etc etc. Such malice
serves as proof manifest that their ‘most compassionate,
most-merciful’ Allah is indeed God. Hell, they seem to get the same warm
giddy feeling of self-righteousness and superiority when Sunni and Shiite
kill each other in large numbers.
Muslims throughout Europe and the US were enraged when Tariq
Ramadan (an Islamic ‘intellectual’ with radical, anti-Christian,
anti-American ideas) was denied a visa and so tenure at the University of
Notre Dame in Indiana. Suddenly so many Muslims were terribly worried
about stifling intellectual freedom. Of course no one thinks to ask just
how many Christian or openly anti-Islamic scholars have jobs at Islamic
universities, as such a question is unthinkable. It is amusing to see
Muslim folk rise to promote diversity, freedom, moral values, or equality.
Sort of like the owners of the sunken Titanic coming out to promote
‘Iceberg Awareness Week’.
The intractable problems embedded within Islamic doctrine and
culture are often quite obvious, to anyone but Muslims who seem to have
their Islamic blinders super-glued on. Whereas the rest of us usually see
ourselves as humans first, Muslims see themselves as Muslims first. As
such Islam is an anti-individual, anti-human religion, As in Gene
Roddenberry's classical Star Trek ‘Borg’ culture, individuality and
humanity become the first causality of ‘the Muslim collective’ (Ummah).
Reinforced by the concept that they are the ‘best’ of people, the only
individuals of worth to their Allah, they easily view all misfortunes of
non-brothers as a good thing. Similarity, if any ‘Brother’ or
‘Sister’ is humiliated or hurt, it is an evil thing, doubly so if the
misfortune comes at the hands of vile non-believers. Such feelings are not
attenuated by the fact that Muslim suffering if usually a natural
consequence of the acts of Muslim militants. As they pile one misfortune
after another upon themselves and their communities, in the Muslim
collective they easily escape all culpability. Islam offers them a Teflon
theological/psychological shield from guilt or regret. Being neither blind
or stupid, they plainly see the blood on their own hands, yet remain
unmoved in sincere belief that Allah is pleased at such a spectacle. With
introspection unlikely, the prospects for enlightenment remain dim.
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