When is Islam Oppressed?
By Abul Kasem
am telling you that my religion doesn’t tolerate other religion. It
doesn’t tolerate. The only one law which needs to be spread, it can be
here or anywhere else has to be Islam.”
(Australian Broadcasting Corporation) interview with Abdul Nacer Benbrika
(Abu Bekr), the spiritual leader of the Victorian terror cell suspect).
The daily Telegraph,
, Thursday, November 10, 2005, p.31]
HAT IS THE ISLAMIC definition of oppression? Ask any Islamist this
question and he will certainly provide answers such as: Kashmir,
….and so on. Think carefully, how true these statements are. In fact, if
one takes the trouble to read the blood-soaked history of Islam, one could
not help wondering why this label of oppression not be imposed on Islam
itself? The unprovoked, savage invasions by the Bedouin Arabs, to
subjugate, at the point of swords, the people of Iraq, Persia, Syria,
Egypt, Asia Minor, Armenia, Cyprus, Sicily, Crete, Spain, Afriqiya (north
Tunisia), India to their fascistic/Arab imperialism (peddled as Islam)
demonstrate a naked truth—that it was Islam who had started this
Therefore, the charge that the Islamic mayhem in the current world is
due to what is happening (read oppression) in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine
and Chechnya are just sham pretensions by the Islamists, the ideological
gurus of the Islamist terrorists and the suicide bombers.
Indonesia, Jordan, Turkey,
…have none of their soldiers fighting in
, yet these countries are not immune from the Islamist terrorists’
attack. Did you ever wonder why?—why, not being satisfied with the
campaign of unremitting terror in the infidel territories, the Islamist
terrorists even have to terrorize the innocent people of these Islamic
Paradises? To find the answer to such a perplexing issue please read on.
One fact stands out very clear from the hypocrisy of the Islamists. This
fact is: Islam is grossly offended/oppressed by any un-Islamic moves of
the infidels/not-so-good Muslims (like the Islamic Paradises, I listed
above). This is simply because these Islamists audaciously believe that
Islam is the only religion into which each and every person on this planet
must be subjected to by hook or by crook—using terror, force and
slaughter, if need be. They have the Qur’an solidly backing them up.
This is the major theme of the Qur’an, which is so eloquently supported
by the cleric, quoted above.
Here are a few verses from the Holy Qur’an which are 100% in support
of the above imam of a mosque in Victoria, Australia: [Readers, please CLICK
the following link for the full texts of these verses]: http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/reference/reference.html]
only religion is the religion of Allah, Islam…16:52
Muslims (Islam) are the best of righteous
has perfected Islam and it is the only religion for mankind (last verse
revealed, and so, the final word of Allah disclosed to Muhammad)...5:3
is the perfect religion; it will dominate all other religions...9:33
worship anything other than Allah; Islam is the only right religion (the
purpose of an Islamic state)...12:40
is only one God (Allah) and all should bow to Islam...21:108
proclaims Islam (the religion of truth) over all other religions…48:28
has sent Muhammad to proclaim the 'Religion of Truth’ (Islam) over all
What happens to those people who, despite the call to convert to Islam,
do not follow suit? In the language of the Qur’an, they are worse than
animals, believe it or not. Here is how the Holy Qur’an grades the Kafirs
The worst of beasts in the
sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb (unbelievers) who do not understand
How about using (read sword) on those who refuse to convert to Islam or
deviate from Islam? After all,
the Islamists are foaming: ‘Islam means peace’, ‘there is no
compulsion in religion’, ‘killing one person is killing the entire
mankind’, and so on. Because of such deliberate misleading propaganda by
the cunning, crafty and sly Islamists and their bogies of western
apologists of Islam, one might find it hard to believe easily that there
could be anything in the Qur’an but unbound ‘peace’, incessant
‘love’ and boundless ‘mercy’ for the infidels. Sadly, to the
disappointment of these gullible unbelievers, the Qur’an, in many
verses, categorically exhorts the true believers to use force preemptively
to convert the unbelievers to Islam. Here is a sample verse:
Allah sent down iron as a
material for war and for other benefits; whoever deviates from Islam is to
be brought back with iron (i.e. with force, meaning use iron (sword) to
force people to Allah’s religion)...57:25
And when all efforts to pursue the Kafirs to convert them to
Islam have failed, or when the unbelievers resort to rejecting Islam
openly, Islam stipulates that they be crucified or maimed. Read this
terrible verse from Allah:
Punishment for waging war
against Allah (i.e. the unbelievers who reject Islam) and His messenger is
execution (beheading) or crucifixion or cutting off of hands and feet from
opposite sides or exile from the land...5:33
One might still insist that the above verse is applicable only in war
situations, when Islam and its founder, Muhammad (or Muslims) are/were
attacked in a physical fight. Perish this thought, if you want to learn
about ‘real Islam’. The words, ‘waging war’, in the above verse
has very little to do with real combat (like
). Any action, activity, remark, gesture, word/s, sound, utterance, look,
manner, habit, conduct, style and so on, which are not in conformity with
pure Islamic percepts are considered as blasphemous or ‘waging war’.
Thus, even the slightest criticism of Islam, Muhammad, Qur’an or Sharia, verbally or in writing, might be treated as gross violations
of Islamic tenets. These acts are absolutely blasphemous, and are
punishable by death (by beheading, the Islamic method of slaughter). The
conclusive proof of this dreadful provision is the appalling blasphemy
laws enacted by most of the Islamic Paradises. This is the meaning of
freedom of thought in Islam—the freedom to mete out capital punishment
to those who dare to mildly criticize Islam, in any manner whatsoever. If
anyone still has any suspicion of what I just wrote, let him consult the
blasphemy law of any Islamic states, which complies one-hundred-percent
with the Qur’anic verse I quoted above.
Below, I have listed a few innocuous activities, manners, social
customs, traditions and the daily way of life, which the Kafirs
blithely take for granted, but which are extremely un-Islamic. According
to Islamic morals, customs and laws, these offensive activities/practices
might be construed as oppressive to Islam and, therefore, they are
legitimate targets for eradication, or they must be swiftly replaced by
Islamic practices or Islamic purification. The very small number of
Islamists currently occupying (the Islamists think that Allah has sent
them to infidel lands to conquer it) the infidel lands (camouflaged as
economic migrants or political asylum seekers or refugees) will fight
tooth-and-nail, legally or politically, covertly or overtly to remove such
un-Islamic practices from the infidel lands which they have occupied
(migrated for Islamic occupation). They would, whenever possible,
incessantly lobby the simple and fair-minded Kafir politicians to
enact Islamic laws as a replacement for those infidel customs, traditions
and values. In their language, this process of Islamisation by stealth is
called ‘elimination of vices and promotion of virtues’—a secret
method of inuring the infidels into Islamic imperialism.
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