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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nadir that has to be the worst response in this debate that I have ever seen. You did not counter anything that Ali Sina said. All you did is scream "lies" and "liar" and let's not forget "they can kiss my brown a$$".

How pathetic for someone who called himself the "Sword of Islam"
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Denis Giron

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pax Vobis Bread

bread wrote:
As for the ``debate`` carried on with Mr. Nadir, is it over?

If it is still ongoing, I would like to take part in it. Espectially about his claims regarding iron.

If Im not mistaken, he lciamed that to produce just one atom of irn, it would take 4 times the energy contained in our solar ssystem??

If I misread it, please correct me. If that was correctly quoted, then could Mr. Nadir provide some proof for this claim? I would be very interested to find out about it. :wink:

While I don't know about the precise number of 4 (i.e 4 times the energy contained in the solar system), it is generally agreed from what I can glean on the net that iron atoms did not originate on earth (or even within this solar system), because their binding energy is so high that they had to be forged within a star larger than our sun. For example, one site states the following:

Supernovae are the source of many of the heavy elements such as iron, cobalt, nickel, titanium, silver and gold that we find on Earth. The Earth contains material from many supernovae that occurred before our solar system was born.


However, with all due respect to Nadir, I don't believe he's ever going to provide you with a solid answer on this subject simply because he is not very well versed regarding it. Nonetheless, one Muslim who, as far as this layman can tell, seems to have a decent grip on the subject of nucleosynthesis and the binding energy of iron atoms would be Dr. Muhammad Saifullaah, a frequent poster to soc.religion.islam (SRI) who is a research fellow in the physics (or engineering?) department at Cambridge university. Dr. Saifullaah gave what is, as far as I can see, the clearest Muslim argument regarding the alleged scientific knowledge hidden in Soorat al-Hadeed in a SRI post last February:


The article covers the subject and even gives a couple relevant links. I really don't believe Nadir has a thorough understanding of the subject (and I don't mean that as some sort of disrespect towards Nadir, I actually have great respect for the man), thus the article above is probably the best source for getting a clear version of what the Muslim argument is exactly regarding iron. I recommend reading it.

That being said, the problem is that what is true of iron also happens to be true of all of the elements heavier than helium - i.e. they were not forged on earth. As I noted in the debate with Nadir, if you take a blade of grass, almost every element in it was once on a star outside our earth, and surprise, long before we discovered this, Walt Whitman wrote in his 19th century piece Song of Myself: "I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars."

Can one reinterpret poetic references so as to create a post-hoc harmony with science? Of course! Does this mean that either of the author of the Qur'an or Walt Whitman understood nucleosynthesis or binding energy? No. With regard to the Qur'an specifically, it can be explained in perfectly natural terms. Why? Because a pious monotheist would believe that iron, like everything else that is helpful, is a gift of God, and the nun-zain-lam root (employed in the relevant verse in Soorat al-Hadeed) does not have to be literally taken as descending, but rather as a gift from God (I mean this in the Form IV - af'ala - stem, anzala, where something is caused to descend, thus when the Qur'an uses the word anzalnaa - "we sent down" - it could also be taken as a gift of God, and Wehr lists given of God as one of the possible, though less literal, meanings).

Think of Soorat ash-Shu'araa 26:198 (though it is Form II), where there is hypothetical talk of the Qur'an being revealed ("sent down") to 'Ajameen (non-Arabic speakers? mutes?). I don't think this should be taken literally as the Qur'an being dropped out of the sky, but rather only as given (and the NZL root is perfect for this since God is in heaven and we are down below, thus anything He gives us is "sent down"). Similar is the case with Soorat al-Baqara 2:176 where Allaah nazzala 'l-kitaab, or "sent down the book" (the book being the Qur'an, but of course the Qur'an did not fall out of the sky in book form, not even according to Muslims).

As for Form IV (which is the stem used in Soorat al-Hadeed), in Soorat al-Baqarah 2:99 there is mention of sending signs, and in the same chapter (in verse 57) it states anzalna alaykumu al-Manna wa as-Salwaa, or we sent down the manna and the quails. In one Arabic translation of the Bible I noticed that anzala is used for Luke 1:52, anzala 'l-A'izzaa'i 'ani 'l-karaasiyyi, but I don't think this means the mighty were literally caused to descend or fall from their thrones, rather it is figurative. Soorat al-Araaf 7:26 has God saying "we sent down (anzalnaa) clothing," but this could be seen as being given clothing, having clothing bestowed by God, et cetera.

I think the final conclusion is that anzala does not have to necessarily be taken as literally sending down. It is possible for a person to use the word in a figurative sense. If this is possible (and indeed it is), then it is possible for a mere mortal to use it when speaking of God giving us iron (as a gift, in light of all its benefits). Furthermore, it would be more natural to believe that the author of the Qur'an had physical iron in mind, not iron atoms. Nadir has not given us any real reason to consider this verse miraculous - rather all he has offered is the miracle of reinterpretation.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nadir_ahmed wrote:

more to come...

I can kinda figure, that Ali Sina will never post this debate the debate folder.... but thats ok, this will be available on my website, not lost in some discussion forum...

Robert Morey said, Its always the winning side which will post the debate Cool

While your at it, mister 'honest', why not inform the people on your site that Meghnad6 was banned after his remarks instead of passing his racist and violent filth of as some sort of FFI endorsed rethoric?

Oh, and please note that your dishonesty (or plain and utter stupidity) with regards to my remarks about your notion of 'chance' has been exposed and you may need to update your site and your 'argumentation'; frankly I wouldn't dare calling someone a liar if I was the one telling such a lot of untruth.

Best regards.
Ceterum Censeo Somnium Rabidum Esse Refutandum.
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Denis Giron

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 10:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would like to add that in the Qur'an Forum I have just submitted a post which subjects Nadir's first response to Dr. Sina to some more in depth analysis. The post can be found here:


I put it in that forum because the post is entirely on the subject of Nadir's arguments for allegedly scientific statements in the Qur'an being proof that the text is from God.
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Scandinavian infidel

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ali Sina wrote:

The sixth miracle according to Mr. Ahmed is the verse:

We sent aforetime our messengers with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance (of Right and Wrong), that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down Iron, in which is (material for) mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help, Unseen, Him and His messengers: For Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might (and able to enforce His Will).

Mr. Ahmed says that according to the Modern science, iron is the only element that does not belong to the Earth but is sent from heaven to Earth and hence the above verse is a miracle.

The truth is that four billion years ago, when our planet was still a scorching ball of fire, a giant asteroid mostly made of metal struck the Earth scattering a lot of it to the sky. The asteroid however penetrated the core of the Earth. That is why the deeper we go the more metal we find. However iron was not the only metal found that came with that asteroid. It contained many other metals including gold.

Actually, Ali, that is not entirely accurate. The elements we have today were already present in this cloud of gas and dust left over from an earlier supernova explosion. Of course, this doesn't change the fact that there is absolutely nothing miraculous about this verse. Sorry, Mr. Ahmed, but reading scientific knowledge into the Koran is like trying to squeeze orange juice out of a stone. Good luck. You're going to need it.

Ali Sina wrote:
Mr. Ahmed in the defense of his theory states that the energy required to create one atom of iron equals several times the energy stored in the sun. This is obviously absurd.

Yes, it is extremely absurd, and it shows just how much he lacks understanding of science. An unworthy opponent, which we should waste no more time on.

There IS indeed something particular about iron: The fusion process going on inside a star, which is what makes it produce energy and "burn", stops when the process has reached iron. When you "melt" two hydrogen cores together to helium, each nucleon (proton or neutron) has slightly less mass after the fusion. The rest is released as energy, after Einstein's (yes, the Jew one!) famous formula E=mc2 . Likewise, when you fuse helium cores to oxygen etc., the "excess energy" due to the loss of mass in every nucleon will be released. This continues with "heavier" fusions until the process has reached iron. Because each nucleon in an iron core has less mass than for any other element, there is no longer any excess energy to tap. On the contrary, you have to provide extra energy to fuse two iron cores. Thus the star loses its energy supply and "dies".

For a big star, this is pretty violent stuff and will result in a supernova explosion. Most of the star's mass will then end up as a cloud of gas and dust, which can than maybe make up the raw materials for new stars and planets like ours. The fusion process in the old star has produced all elements known to man, including heavier ones like gold. Earth and us earthlings are just left-overs from an old supernova explosion.

By the way, Mr. Ahmed: I'd like to make a challenge of my own. If the Koran is so scientific, how do you explain this verse:

72.19 : And when the slave of Allah stood up invoking Him in prayer they ( Jinns, spirits who are usually evil) just made round him a dense crowd as if sticking one over another.

How does a dense crowd of Jinns look like? These creatures must be important, since the entire chapter (sura 72) is named after them. Tell us about Jinns. Please. I'd like to know more about them.
Islam is like the dinosaurs: Big, ugly and too stupid to survive. Our grandchildren will know it only from museums, together with other prehistoric artefacts.

Last edited by Scandinavian infidel on Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Iron has four stable isotopes. In any sample of iron, Fe-56 composes 91.7% of the sample. This isotope has 26 protons and 30 neutrons. Fe-54 composes 5.8% of the sample. (Fe-54=26 protons, 28 neutrons). Fe -57 composes 2.2%,( Fe-57=26 protons, 31 neutrons). Fe-58 composes .28%, (Fe-58=26 protons, 32 neutrons.) There is a very slight difference in proportions of isotopes of extraterrestrial iron. (meteorites)

Iron composes one third of the earth's mass and in star systems that have elements of this weight or higher, it is also extremely abundant, being the most common of the heavier elements. Iron 56 composes 92% of iron and has the highest mass defect of any isotope within the periodic chart. The natural structural extension of silicon 28 is the proton arrangement of iron 56. This structure is the least energy structure of 56 nucleons and, or 26 protons. This structure exemplifies a simple lattice while also incorporating the strength of in-line posting and the strength of the completed circular hexagon. 56 nucleons would achieve this structure with the conversion of nucleons needed to attain it. This structure is also almost indestructible meaning its survivability inside the condition of a star is much greater. The other isotopes of iron each derive from a unique form of symmetry and each one is the lowest energy structure for the symmetry they possess.
Iron has the highest binding energy of all elements. With a centre neutron, five added neutrons are compressed around the interior cube.

Nuclear Binding Energy
The "binding energy" of a nuclide is the "mass loss" or "mass defect" between the exact mass of a nuclide and the sum of the free masses of the protons and neutrons which are known to compose it substituted into the Einstein equation.

The binding energy of a nucleus is almost a billion times greater than a chemical bond, about 100 kJ/mole.
Stability of Nuclides
The binding energy divided by the number of nucleons (#p+#n) composing it is a common way to describe the stability of nuclides.

e-process: A hypothetical group of nuclear reactions by which the iron group is assumed to be synthesized. At temperatures > 5 × 109 K and densities > 3 × 106 g cm-3 there are great numbers of collisions between high-energy photons and nuclei. These collisions break up the nuclei, the fragments of which promptly combine with other particles. Thus, there is in effect an equilibrium between formation and breakup. Since the iron group has the largest binding energies, the particles over the long run will tend to be trapped in these nuclei. The e-process (the e stands for equilibrium) is presumed to occur in a supernova explosion.

The Theoretical model of Iron formation is this: in stars 5x or more massive than our Sun, the fusion of hydrogen to helium, all the way to Iron occurs. But Iron doesn’t fuse with an energy surplus under ``normal`` conditions. So suddenly there is no energy outflow to counteract the enormous forces of gravity, and the star collapses. At this point the collapsing and by now much denser and hotter star explodes in a Supernova. The surge of neutrinos creates a shockwave whick propel the heavy elemonts into space and these (heavy elements) continue to be to bombarded by neutrino streams, while capturing many of these neutrinos, becoming in the process the heavy elements beyond Iron. If no stars 5x or more massive than the Sun existed, then no Supernovae and thus no elements heavier than Iron.

What happens in the case of a star that is sub-mass for a Supernova, say 0.4 to 3.4 times the mass of our Sun? Well, after the hydrogen ``fuel`` is used up and turned into helium, then helium is fised firther into carbon. (for our Sun that would be done in a few minutes). Carbon structure (atomic structure) is too strong to be fused any further by the compressed mass od such a small star and the Star`s fusion processes come to an end. Eventually it becomes a white dwarf, the size of a planetoid a few thousand miles across.

Thus all the elements beyond hydrogen are ``manufactured`` inside stars. Iron is just one of them(the star must be 5x or more larger than the sun).

When Mr. Nadir interprets the Quran as saying Iron is ``sent down`` by Allah as meaning supernovas producing Iron he is grasping at straws. All elements beyond hydrogen are produced inside stars. Where in the Quran is it written about fusion or stars exploding (supernovas)?? This is a forced interpretation of a vague verse. More likely Muhammad was referring to meteoritic iron, since the Arabs of his days didn’t yet achieve iron age and were using only meteoritic iron which was scarce, and whatever iron tools or weapons they could purchase ready made from the Byzantines and Persians.

Ali Sina wrote:
Mr. Ahmed in the defense of his theory states that the energy required to create one atom of iron equals several times the energy stored in the sun. This is obviously absurd.

Yes, this is absurd. When fusion occurs, only a minute amount of the mass of the lighter elements fused to produce a heavier elelemnt is transformed into energy accordingto the E=mc2 formula. Obviously if the entire mass of the sun were trabsformed into energy this released energy would be far larger than the energy necessary to create one atom of iron.
Bread, proudly a former Muslim who saw the light.Islam is the only personality cult dedicated to a dead man, MuhamMAD. MuhamMAD is the only paedophile, antisemite, ethnic cleanser and rapist who is worshipped and praised for ``moral``behaviour.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is there any place in Koran where it says the water in the clouds come from the water in the seas and lakes? All I could find in Koran is that Allah gives water from the clouds.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:44 am    Post subject: Iron .... NOT Reply with quote

The most tightly bound nuclei is not that of Iron. It is that of Ni.

Element.........B/A (Binding energy/mass no.)............B (keV)

Units of B/A are keV

In terms of total binding energy, both Ni(62) and Ni(60) come ahead of Fe. In terms of B/A, Ni(62) leads all.

Reference: Wapstra, A. H. and Bos, K., "The 1983 atomic-mass evaluation. I. Atomic mass table," Nucl. Phys. A 432, 1-54, 1985.

A convincing case for Ni(62) having the highest binding energy can also be found in the following paper:
Reference: Fewell, M. P., "The Atomic Nuclide with the Highest Mean Binding Energy", Am. J. Phys. 63, July 1995.


I will also answer the most obvious question that will come from the above notes:
Higher the binding energy per nucleon an element has, the more stable it is because it is difficult to divide the nucleus due to its strong binding energy per nucleon. In this respect, the element that has the highest binding energy per nucleon is the most stable substance on the earth. Why is then Fe the most abundant element and not Ni?

Fewell discusses this point, and indicates that the reason lies with the greater photodisintegration rate for Ni(62) in stellar interiors.

Proof that Sun can produce more energy than the nuclear binding energy of Fe

There are two ways of producing energy from an atom: fission and fusion. Amount of energy produced is much greater in nuclear fusion than in fission. Sun is not a static storehouse of energy. It is generating energy through fusion of "Godzillion" number of hydrogen atoms .

Energy is generated in the Sun through the following reaction:
overall reaction is "burning" hydrogen to make helium (i.e., fusing of hydrogen atoms to make Helium) :

4H + 2e --> 4He + 2 neutrinos + 6 photons

In this reaction, the final particles have less internal energy than the starting particles. Since energy is conserved, the extra energy is released as energy of motion of the nuclei and electrons in the solar gas, the production of lots of low energy photons and, finally, the energy of the neutrinos, which just "fly" right out of the Sun. The amount of energy involved is 26 MeV = 26 x 10^6 eV each time the reaction above happens.

Total nuclear binding energy of Fe_58 is 510 MeV. For every 4 hydrogen atoms that are fused, we get 26 Mev. 100 hydrogen atoms generate = 26 * 25 = 650 MeV > 510 MeV.

In case you did not know, Sun has ***lot*** more than 100 hydrogen atoms. Sun definitely produces a lot more energy than the total nuclear binding energy of an Fe atom.

Reference: "How the Sun Shines" http://www.nobel.se/physics/articles/fusion/index.html

An obvious question related to fusion would be: If fusion is such a greater source of energy than fission, why do we not use it on earth?

Answer is that the temperatures needed to initiate fusion reactions are so high that it makes it currently impractical. In the "Hydrogen" bomb, the energy needed for fusion is created via a fission reaction.

We don't need to challenge the powerful Sun for this. US can do this with Hydrogen bombs right here on earth if there is a need.

Here endeth the lesson.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." - Russell
"The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more light you shine on it, the more it will contract."

Last edited by PeaceOnEarth on Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:48 am; edited 18 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

you guys know more Science than Allah Wink Laughing Very Happy (but ofcourse you do)
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Scandinavian infidel

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

adnan wrote:
you guys know more Science than Allah Wink Laughing Very Happy

Well, it doesn't take much of an effort! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Kafirs: 1 - Allah: 0
Islam is like the dinosaurs: Big, ugly and too stupid to survive. Our grandchildren will know it only from museums, together with other prehistoric artefacts.
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Egyptian Kafir

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 7:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh..damn..what am I missing here? Rolling Eyes

guys..guys...what are you doing? whats all this Scientific stuff for?

to refute this kid's claims..all what you need is this:

some knowledge of arabic!

because all of these claims are nothing but this:

1- lying in translation of a certain word.

2- lying in the "tashkil" of a certain arabic word..wich may change its meaning.

3-lying in the meaning of a certain old arabic word that is unknown to people today, and give it totally different meanings that what it originally supposed to mean.

thats it..

just like the word that I have exposed a fraud awhile back....and what you guys are discussing now..the word "anzala" wich the crocks claim it means "brought down" ...while it actually means "created" because it was used in another verse to describe cattle and clothes !! last I checked, cattle and clothes were not "brought down" to us from the heavens...I wrote a rersponse to this somewhere in the quran forum look it up.

while i know that this "theory" is wrong in the first place, I do not care to discuss weather its scientific or not, just expose the abuse of the arabic word, because when just this was done, the muslims' argument is eradicated from its core.

their premise is the following:

-this certain word in this verse means "..."

if you eradicate this premise by proving that that certain word does NOT mean "..." , you eradicate the rest..easily, smoothly.

play it smart! expose their arguments as fraud from its linguistic side, no need to give yourself headechs with all this scientific arguing..
Did I offend you Muslims?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 11:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So, I see that Mr. Nadir has been BEATEN twice on the "iron" subject, once with good scientific reasoning and a second time thanks to EK with a linguistic argument. I wonder if he's going to put that on his site...

I have been following this debate and had to conclude that Mr. Nadir doesn't really have any good scientific background... I almost feel pitty for him. Why on earth did he want this debate on scientific grounds in the first place?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The most tightly bound nuclei is not that of Iron. It is that of Ni.

You are right only for Ni 62, a rarer isotope, but not for the regular Ni60.

I was referring to the basic form of Ni (Ni60).

But you are right about Ni62.

I guess Nadir was really having a different point in mind: i.e. that a star the size of our tiny, puny Sun, cannot fuse beyond Iron and that in order to do that it would have to be at least 5x bigger. If that is what Nadir meant to say, then he was right. This is so, as I explained above.

But he worded it in a confusing maner and in that maner that he worded it it is wrong.

However, my good friend Egyptian Kafir demolished his argument completely, because it seems Mr. Nadir had mistaken the meaning of the Arabic word he used to deduce these ``scientific`` claims in the Quranic verse he discussed here with us.

Thanks Mr. Egyptian! Very Happy Very Happy

Thanks also PEaceon Earth for pointing out about the isotope Ni62.
Bread, proudly a former Muslim who saw the light.Islam is the only personality cult dedicated to a dead man, MuhamMAD. MuhamMAD is the only paedophile, antisemite, ethnic cleanser and rapist who is worshipped and praised for ``moral``behaviour.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 12:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post

Egyptian Kaffir has pointed out a valid arguement here.

while i know that this "theory" is wrong in the first place, I do not care to discuss weather its scientific or not, just expose the abuse of the arabic word, because when just this was done, the muslims' argument is eradicated from its core.

their premise is the following:

-this certain word in this verse means "..."

if you eradicate this premise by proving that that certain word does NOT mean "..." , you eradicate the rest..easily, smoothly.

I would like to add to that. Muslims themselves admit to not fully understanding the Quran. They stand divided over interpretations of variations of meanings in Quran. That problem itself should never have occured since Allah says in the Quran that 'it is a clear book', 'easy to understand' and'a guidance for all mankind'. But the fact remains that the Quran is easily manipulated by its defenders, thanks largely to the amount of figurative speech and metaphorical descriptions it contains. That resulting ambiguity, is justified by muslims as Allah's will of not disclosing the truth of Quran to those whom Allah chooses not to(as mentioned in the Quran), and not as a contradiction to the 'clear book', 'easy to understand' verses made elsewhere in the Quran.

Furthermore, muslims today claim that science is only now beginning to discover 'facts' mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago. Let us assume for the sake of arguement that Quran contains scientific facts. And that the 'signs' and 'miracles' in it are proofs that authenticate Quran as divine. I ask Mr Nadir, if science is only now uncovering the secrets contained in the Quran, were people who lived before such scientific advancements took place, to have beleived in it blindly as the word of Allah? The Quran when it was revealed only mentioned events and occurances that were obvious and easily observed by everyone around Muhammad. At the time of Muhammad up until recently, there was no claim of anything mentioned in the Quran being even remotely scientific. In the absence of such facts, on what grounds did Allah expect those people to believe in Quran as his/her/its work? Is Allah not short-changing us(people in the 21st century) with 'less proofs' as opposed to future generations who will have the scientific know-how to unearth the rest of the 'secrets' contained in the Quran?


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