




 Leaving Islam



 Jalal Abualrub


like for example, no matter how many times i read it, i can't figure out the stuff you said about highway robbery, what it means, based on what evidence, found in which books, and as compared to what universal system that considers it as such...added to that, your statement that instead of calling muhammad a highway robber, you accuse him of highway roberry, is the very same thing...no doubt, saying such words will not help you convince your opponent, but will only serve to infuriarate them...to me, insulting muhammad is worse than insulting my parents, myself and everything dear to me and i started this conversation with as a believer in muhammad, totally devoted to his religion and to every aspect of his sunnah...



Dear Jalal,  

I have no doubt that you are totally devoted to Muhammad's religion. But your belief in something does not make that thing true. The followers of Jim Jones were also totally believers. They proved their faith in this man by drinking poison and committing mass suicide. The followers of Shoko Asahara were totally believer too. They released toxic gas in the subways of Tokyo killing dozens of people and injuring hundreds. So as you see the faith of people in someone is no proof that that person is right or even deserves any respect. Jones and Asahara were/are psychopaths and you would not hesitate to call a spade a spade and tell the truth about them no matter if their followers get offended.   

When I accuse Muhammad of highway robbery, I will bring my evidences to back up my claim. We will get to that.  But for now let us concentrate on one subject at a time. I have laid the charge of misogyny on Muhammad and I have presented my case against him. Please respond to that first. Once that is out of the way I will present ample proof that Muhammad was a highway robber. If I fail to do that or my evidences are debunked by you, I will withdraw that charge and issue a public apology. That won’t absolve Muhammad of other charges, but it will absolve him of that particular charge. But if you mange to prove all the charges are unfounded then I admit defeat and withdraw completely. I will remove the content of this site and in the home page I declare I have been proven wrong and Islam is a true religion. I think that is very fair.  

Now I ask you to respond to the charge of misogyny. If you decide not to respond we will move to the other charges. I am not going to beat my chest claiming victory but I am sure our readers will come to that conclusion on their own.  After all it is they are the jury. And I remind you that there are many Muslims like KK who read this site and decide whether Islam is false or true based on how Muslim apologists like you respond to the claims made against Muhammad.  

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