




 Leaving Islam



 Finally the team behind Faithfreedom.com a site created to "expose my lies" are communicating with me and have started to expose my lies. I am extremely grateful to them and thank them for their dedication to truth. They kept saying all I say is lie, so I wrote in their Guestbook and asked them to pinpoint some of my lies. They invited me to have a live voice chat with them, and here is the rest of our correspondence. please visit this page frequently as I hope that our debate will be productive and educational. 


A challenge for faithfreedom.org: Once again, we would like to offer you the opportunity to debate with us,  live over the Internet, using voice chat. All actions  will be taken in order to hide your identity.

Sina wrote:

I would like to ask you what is wrong in debating through written communication? You are more than welcome to use this forum. I would be also happy to exchange emails.

Using your forum would be the greatest mistake of our Internet careers. Your hate inspired fans with their anti-Islamic sentiment and highly offensive slurs are the main reasons which prompted us to have our own web presence.

Anyone who visits our forum can see that what we cannot be accused of is hatemongering. We are humanists and love all humanity. We come from all religious backgrounds and it is the love of humanity that unites us. The reason we dislike Islam is because according to our understanding Islam is divisive and causes hate. We hate Islam for the same reason we hate Nazism, KKK or any other racist ideology. However if you do not wish to write in our forum, we can continue our debate by writing in our own sites. Just as we are doing now.   

I prefer written communication to voice chat because:

Written communication is produced with more care and there is time to back up one’s claims with supporting documents. In voice chat one can say anything he or she wishes even lies, because supporting documentations cannot be readily available.


Written communication sure gives people ample time to produce documents which support their claims but simultaneously gives them ample time to concoct stories and get away with it. Using voice chat it becomes a little bit more difficult for both parties to do rebuttals, do you fear you may not have the knowledge at hand? We have the knowledge at hand, therefore it poses no problem for us. Your versions of events are quite evidently taken from anti-Islamic sources which deduce an altogether different version of events, are these your supporting documents? A real man would rise to the challenge without hesitation, he would argue for what he believes.

If you find something concocted by me, you have the opportunity to demonstrate that to the world and that will prove that I am a liar. So I don't think that is something that should concern you rather you should look forward to it as this will give you the ammunition to discredit me once and for all and the case will be closed. 

As for me fearing not to have the knowledge at hand, you may be right. I never made any claims about my knowledge, I do not want to promote myself and I am not running for any office. This is not about me at all. There are many things I don't know but my ignorance does not make Islam a true religion. What I know is enough to show that Islam is a false belief and Muhammad was an impostor.      

In written communication ideas collide while in voice chat personalities clash. In religious discussions often emotions are heightened and the debate is reduced to name-callings and adhominems. I have hardly seen any debate with a Muslim where Islam has been under attack without the Muslim insulting the accuser and trying to win the argument through arrogance and rudeness. I am not willing to step into that quagmire.


Mr Sina, you assume way too much. Personalities may clash but within a “sensible” debate involving “sensible” people its not going to happen, is it? Name-calling? Once again Mr Sina, you belittle Muslims too much. After dealing with many non-Muslims on the Internet, using voice chat, I am truly proud to be a Muslim, my brothers and sisters have lead by example, refraining from cursing those who curse them and not showing any kind of hate towards those who hate them. The postings under your “Muslim comments” section are laughable to say the least. I really cant imagine somebody writing to you in the nicest possible manner and ending the letter with a swear word or two! Just who are you trying to convince?

I am pleased to hear that. I am sure you are a decent person and would not start cursing those with whom you disagree. But you believe in Muhammad who invited his opponents to a round of cursing and invoking Allah's wrath on each other to prove who is right and who is wrong and my own experience show that often Muslim recourse to cursing and even adhominem when they fail to find satisfactory answers.    

YUSUFALI: If any one disputes in this matter with thee, now after (full) knowledge Hath come to thee, say: "Come! let us gather together,- our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves: Then let us earnestly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie!"

I find it difficult to believe that any sensible person in this day and age would find cursing as a valid conflict resolution. 

Written communications can be posted on our sites and thousands of people can read it. Voice chat is lost after it is over and who knows how many people can listen to it at the time that is convenient for the debaters.

With written communication, we would not be dealing with only you but all those around you as well. People such as yourself, to the average Tom, Dick or Harry come across as very convincing because you deliberately choose to tell half-truths and fabricate stories which are most favourable to their ideals and needs.

Okay, now you have your chance to expose my lies once and for all and save “the average Tom. Dick and Harry”. So let's get to work.  

Each and every reply we give will be horrendously scrutinised by the agenda-holding fans of yours. The point in question will be disregarded and a whole series of new points will be thrown at us, chunk by chunk. One often finds its not a rebuttal which forces people to end participation in a written debate but the sheer volume of people one has to deal with. It’s highly time consuming and can be very tedious.

That is fine. You don't want to use our forum? There is no obligation. Your team against me is fine with me. Our "confrontation" is intellectual not physical. I am of the opinion that one person who says the truth is more powerful than the entire humanity who believes in a lie. Galileo proved my point.


When the man you call prophet assassinated his opponents, when the great Islamic scholars encourage Muslims to lie to forward the advancement of Islam and when you believe in a deity who by your own prophet’s admission is Khairul Makerin (the best of deceivers), I would be a fool to jeopardize my life and trust the "protection" that you offer me. You are a Muslim and it is your religious duty to kill the apostates. As long as you believe in Islam I see you as my potential assassin and would rather stay safe.


The above is not an accurate account of events at all. I refuse to answer the above points within this reply. Your tactic of changing the topic in discussion has been employed once again, and I will not fall for it this time. Stick with the issue at hand. I’d like to meet the Western Muslim who is willing to assassinate you on Western land. No, Mr Sina, you are deluding yourself and the public. Those particular apostates (some of whom were spy's) mentioned in the Hadith (if the Hadith is correct), were I'm sure dealt with in a manner which was most appropriate at the time. 

Yes this is a separate topic and I do not expect you to respond to is in this moment. But I did not raise it to change the subject but rather to make my point. We will get to that in due time and I look forward to your enlightening explanation. 

But allow me to disagree with you on your claim that a western Muslim would not assassinate for Islam. I believe the American. British and the Australian Jihadis (Muslim terrorists) that were found in the recent events prove that terrorism is not the exclusivity of the Middle Easterners but rather a peculiarity of Islamism. Also I don't think an intelligent person like you would actually jeopardize his reputation and freedom and assassin me. However what keeps you passing the information that you have about me to your religious brethren who are more than willing to kill me? (Read comments from Muslims in my site)  With all due respect, as long as you are a Muslim you are a potential terrorist and this is the message that I want to communicate to the world.  My objective is to show through Quran and Hadith that Islam means terrorism. When everyone (including the Muslims) learns about this bitter truth, no one would like to be called with the name of Islam. Muslims will leave Islam, they will be embarrassed to be known by this name and calling someone a Muslim would be taken as an insult just as calling someone a Nazi is considered to be an insult to many today.  

And you know full well what the Quran teaches about apostates, yet you deliberately delude the people into believing those verses are indeed speaking of apostates -  We are working on this at present.

Yes I know what Quran teaches about apostates and this is a subject that we shall definitely discuss in our future correspondence. 

Once again you choose to conceal the surrounding events behind each of those Hadith and prompt the reader to assume the worst in every situation. Your comments are in fact so derogatory one often finds it difficult to concentrate. To see the same old nonsense repeated so casually by you, even after the immense number of refutations, is truly indicative of your mentality.

Let us leave that judgment to our readers. 


I posted one message in your Guestbook and you deleted the URL of my site that I had placed. What are you afraid of? You created your site dedicated to expose my lies and I immediately made a link to your site from mine and encouraged everyone to see it. Why did you remove link to my site?

We have your websites URL listed in our “list of anti-Islamic websites section” – This has always been the case. Please do not knowingly conceal your knowledge of this matter - you know full well how certain search engines work. We have one link to your site, and you have one for us.

Oh, so is that why you deleted the link to my site? Thank you for clarifying it. Now I understand! ;-)

Also, I see on your forums some of your fans have claimed we have deleted certain guest entries and we are now guilty of censorship. Please let them know we also deleted some very offensive comments and the usual racial banter. At the same we chose to delete guest entries which we felt were really questions. We did not delete them to run away from the point in question. We are working to answer these claims at present, and how repetitive they are!

Well my friend you don't have a forum. Your Guestbook is the only place people can post. You could respond to those questions anyway or create a page dedicated to responding the questions that are raised in the Guestbook. 

This action of your speaks volumes of how sure are you of your own faith. But very unfortunately for you and luckily for me you made a huge mistake that you won’t be able to rectify. You chose the name of our organization that is dedicated to expose Islam’s lies for your site. This will certainly bring more visitors to our site and the truth is always stronger than falsehood.

To be frank with you Mr Sina, when we discovered the domain was not already registered we immediately new it was a divine miracle! Please do not elevate your position. Many people have written in to say had it not been for the minor typo they would have thought Ali Sina remains unchallenged and are ever grateful for our presence.

I am sure that must have been a miracle. But who will benefit from this miracle only time will reveal.

I did not know so many people thought I am unchallenged. That is quiet encouraging. But please tell them that Ali Sina is just an average guy with an average knowledge and average understanding. (Oh well this is how I think of my self. My opponents have a much less opinion about me. As usual the truth is somewhere in between.) The reason I have remained “unchallenged” has nothing to do with my intelligence or learning. It has to do with the power of reason. I speak with commonsense. Although the commonsense is not very much common, it is the most effective weapon to win every argument. Try it! With your superior knowledge you’ll become truly invincible.            

If in the end it brings more visitors to your site, we are not bothered by that at all. So long as people have the opportunity to make a choice between your hate-filled propaganda and our refutations, we remain pleased.

My site is not hate-filled and this is clear to any unbiased person. My message is the message of love, of unity of humanity, of equality of rights between men and women, of democracy, of freedom of thought and conscience, or abolition of racial and religious prejudices and of independent thinking. Fighting hate is la raison d'etre of my site and my message.  To give people this opportunity to make the choice I will make sure they see your site too by placing a link to it and inviting them to visit your site. 


We have already received several emails from non-Muslims encouraging us to debate with you, some of these people come across as very objective and lend an open ear to us as well as you – which is a healthy thing.

That is what I asked you all along! 

See what Islam teaches regarding the permissibility to lie: 

“speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praise worthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible “ (Ref: Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri, The Reliance of the Traveller, translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller , Amana publications, 1997, section r8.2, page 745).”

Of course no one would lie if he or she can achieve his objective by saying the truth so “lying is unlawful when you can achieve your objective by saying the truth” is redundant and ridiculous. The crux of this message is that lying is permissible.


How demeaning it is to know I am dealing with someone with the mentality and reading ability of a child. 

Didn't you say that you won't debase yourself insulting me? It didn't take you much to break your own oath. Do you really want me to trust you with my life? My dear! I was born a Muslim. My linage with Islam dates back to Muhammad himself through his daughter Fatima. I don't know for how long you have been a Muslim, but I know Islam inside out. I lied for this religion too, and I know too well how low Muslims can descend to defend this cult.   

The bottom line of the message is: If the situation is dire you may lie to achieve the goal. What that goal is I will leave up to you to ponder upon. As a “former” Muslim you should be fully aware of the basic principle in Islam, which is “Necessity relaxes prohibition”. Thus the flesh of swine is permissible if the situation is life-threatening. Lies are also permissible if the situation is life-threatening. No doubt you will twist this to make the reader believe “Islam says its ok to tell porkies!” It really bothers me when you say “I was a Muslim”. Whilst I’m not denying apostates from all religions exist, you most certainly are a dubious example!

Well, that is an interesting explanation. But just like other explanations of the apologists of Islam that meaning is not clear from the text itself. 

As for your doubt about my Islamic background, you may as well consider me a "paid agent of the ZIC “Zionist International Conspiracy” (Oh you haven’t heard of them yet? It is because it is a secret organization) and assume that my real name is Ishaq Yahoodi. Does that really change anything? Does that make my claims against Muhammad and Islam any less relevant? 


When I say Muslims lie I support my claim providing valid documentation. But you keep calling me a liar and you have created a site to expose my lies. Why don’t you expose one of my lies? I repeat again if you show that what I say about Muhammad is lie I will remove my site. Is that fair?
Here are few of my claims.

Muhammad was an assassin killing his opponents al Mafioso just like any other gangster godfather. He assassinated people whose crime was to write a poetry ridiculing him.

Muhammad was a mass murderer like Hitler. He invaded the Jewish populations of Arabia who called that land home for 2000 years and massacred them, looted their properties and enslaved their women and children. He virtually ethnically cleansed Hijaz from Jews and Christians.

Muhammad was a pedophile: Any man who can lust after a 6 or 9-year-old child is a pedophile. If this was culture of the Arabs of 7th century Muhammad should have not followed it. He claimed to be a messenger of God. He should have known better. You say Arabs used to bury their newborn daughters and Muhammad prohibited that. (I doubt that this was a common practice or there would not have been so many women for each Arab to marry few of them.) Why Muhammad did not prohibit the shameful culture of marriage to minors but rather sanctioned it by practicing it himself?

Muhammad was a narcissist and a schizophrenic. He used to see jins, speak with them and spend a night in their town. Why should we believe that such man was not hallucinating when he claimed to see Gabriel?

Muhammad was a lustful man who after the death of his beloved wife Khadijah used women as sex objects and at that old age married, and had sex without marriage with a score of women. He even banned a great custom like adoption to satisfy his sexual appetite with his own daughter in law Zeinab.

Okay that is enough for now. Please disprove one of these accusations that I make against Muhammad and if you succeed my site will be a history. This is a promise.


You have been writing articles on the Internet for several years now, we for about a week! Little by little we hope to answer your every claim. We have had a tremendous response from others who are willing to contribute. It’s neither clever nor funny of you to intimidate us in such a fashion, when you know full well how much work we have to do in such a short space of time.

I agree. You are new and you need time. I look forward to your refutations and I am sure many are looking forward to it too. I will try to promote this page so everyone can see how you defeat me. This I don' t say out of sarcasm. But honestly should you prove me wrong I would remove my site. This is a promise. Now may I ask you to promise NOT to remove your site should I win the arguments? I say this because prior to you there was a site called "ali_sina_exposed" hosted by a free server that had even a picture of my childhood (It was taken when I used to look like a monkey lol). I loved that site and made a link to it asking everyone to visit it. But to my dismay the Webmaster deleted it. I just want you to promise me that this won't happen to your site.      

We not only have to clarify your version of the Quran and Hadith, but have the mammoth task of educating you about Islam's history, societies, cultures and traditions of past, together with a reminder of the physical make up of human beings 1400 years ago. It may come across as surprising but we are working individuals who struggle to devote time to your absurd writings. We already know not much by way of explanation can be done to convince you, since you are quite evidently in a league of your own. You even accuse worldly renown historians and theologians of being politically correct at the expense of your perceived truth.

I don't know how many people are in your "team" but I am just one person and have to work long hours to make ends meet. (Unfortunately these Jews never acknowledged my service to their cause and they never sent me a dime, not even a thank you. Oh well Jews are known for that lol)  

Whilst we are what you would term “orthodox Muslims”. We look upon Hadith a lot more critically than you. We are not oblivious to the manner in which they were collected and the time after the Prophets death they were collected. You are fully aware Hadith are not taken as 100% fact by all Muslims in the world. Many claim you use unauthentic, unverified Hadith to back up your claims, this is a matter we are yet to be sure of. We will first of all concentrate on answering your claims regarding the Quran and its teachings. Later on throughout our, I’m sure, glorious careers we will concentrate on relating to you the events behind certain Hadith which you claim show Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) to be a criminal. Just remember to every story there are two sides and a million interpretations, you most certainly are a deviation from the norm.

Believe me, coming from the Shiite background I never gave any importance to Hadith especially Bukhari and Muslim. As a matter of fact I read these books only after I discovered the fallacy of Islam. But despite the lies and exaggerations in these collections I think they are important because they are the only historic source about Muhammad. I do not think Hadith should be taken as source of guidance (I don't think this even of Quran) But as a researcher I find hadith an invaluable source of information about Muhammad and his character. Hadith is the biography of Muhammad.   

How far we have come from the original topic in question! But I was expecting that.


Kindest of regards,

Faithfreedom.com Team  

I truly thank you for this debate. I am extremely busy and was getting annoyed of the emails I receive daily from Muslims telling me exactly the same things without even bothering to read a few articles to know at least who I am and what I say. I was really looking to a meaningful debate. But as I said I have very few hours during the night. Now is 3:20 am and by the time I post this message in my site it will be close to 4 am. And I have to get up at 7 and go to work. So please forgive me if there is going to be some delay in responding to you. But if I may suggest, let us keep our emails short with each email containing one or just a few topics so we write with more details and our readers don't find our discussion tedious.

With my best regards

Ali Sina  






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