




 Leaving Islam




 World’s Greatest Showman

Ali Sina on Zakir Naik: A review of 

The Qur’an and the Bible in the Light of Science  

By Ali Sina 

In 2000, a televised debate between Dr. William Campbell representing Christian view point and Dr. Zakir Naik representing Islamic view point took place.  

Pakistan Daily Times wrote

On December 7, 2005, a TV channel (QTV or Al-Noor) showed a debate between William Campbell and Zakir Naik, which showed the other side of the polemic. In the past it was Zakir Naik trying to prove other religions wrong; this time it was William Campbell rebutting his arguments.

This was fair enough. If you don’t want your religion criticized don’t do it to other religions. When Dr. Campbell criticized Muslims for claiming scientific discovery in the Quran one had to listen.

The TV channel took a fair decision, but when Dr. Campbell began cutting close to where it hurt, the program was suddenly taken off in favor of na’at. If this was done out of fear it was not a good decision and showed Dr Naik in a bad light. (Later news is that Dr Naik won the debate.)

Muslims are convinced that Dr. Naik won that debate. In fact once you watch the video, unless you know the Quran and Islam fairly well, this is the impression that you get. Dr. Naik was so confident and so boisterous throughout the debate that anyone watching would think the same.  

Or did he? I went through this debate and have analyzed the talk of Dr. Naik paragraph by paragraph. In this paper I have shown that Dr. Naik misrepresented every statement he made on the Quran. There is not a single claim that Dr. Naik has made about the Quran being miraculous or scientifically accurate that is true.  

I have entitled this paper, World’s Greatest Showman, because after watching his performance, in my opinion, it describes him best.  Dr. Naik is a magician. Magicians make you believe they cut people in two, make objects disappear and reappear and make rabbits come out of an empty hat. But in reality none of that happens. The ability of the magician is to make you believe in things that do not happen. Dr. Naik uses a different kind of  tools to perform his magic. He uses words.  He can make his audience believe in things that are not true. In this paper, I am going to show his tricks and what he uses as setup to make things look differently. By the time you finish reading this paper, you'll be able to detect them too. But that is not all. Since all the Muslims use the same tricks, although not with the same proficiency of Dr. Naik, you'll be able to detect their tricks too.

A good magician is dexterous and his  moves are swift - so swift that they are hard to detect. However,  if you replay his acts and watch then in slow motion, or even frame by frame, you may be able to catch his tricks. This is what I have done with Dr. Naik's talk.   

This paper will eventually be available for free download and also in a printer friendly format. It may even become available in a book format.  I hope all those who have seen the debate between Dr. Campbell and Dr. Naik and were swayed by Dr. Naik's showmanship read this paper to see how he deceived everyone. Anyone who has seen or heard Dr. Naik owes it to himself to read this paper. He rehashes the same things in all his talks. Here, the tricks of a master magician are exposed. Read it and pass it on. 

There is no doubt that Dr. Naik is great. One must acknowledge the merits of his opponent. His greatness is in his ability to twist the truth. He is dexterous with words and has an excellent memory for remembering the verses of the Quran. If he was a lawyer and I was a criminal, I would want him as my attorney.       

You can watch the debate by clicking on the links at the bottom of this page while following the transcript in the following pages. When it comes to my responses, you can click on pause and read what I have written. 

I say it with all certainty that this paper demarks the end of Dr. Naik's glory and will bring down his empire. Once his fans read this, it would be as if a balloon is punctured. They will see through his veneers of lies and chicanery and his tower of cards will crumble. The proof is overwhelming. Many of them may write to him asking him to respond. Dr. Naik will not because he cannot. Perhaps he would come with silly conditions like he did before, asking for a face to face debate or demanding that I organize a conference attended by 10,000 people, or raise the reward of $50,000 dollars that I am offering to anyone who can prove me wrong to one million dollars. Most likely someone else will respond saying Ali Sina is not important for Dr. Naik to waste his time on. 

These are of course lame excuses. There is nothing one can say in a face to face debate that one cannot say in writing. The problem of a face to face debate is that one can play 'magic' and fool the audience, while this is not possible in a written debate. 

 جَاء الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا

17:81 Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."  

When this verse was first proclaimed (when Muhammad conquered Mecca) it was anachronistic because then it was Falsehood that had taken over the Truth with force, treason and tricks. Finally, thanks to the Internet, this violent force has become helpless and Truth is reemerging. You can say that verse was false when uttered. But ironically, it was prophetic because it is very true today. Today Truth is back with vengeance and Falsehood is bound to perish. 

If you want to contact Dr. Naik, here is his email: [email protected]


Table of Content 

  1. Dr. Campbell's Presentation

  2. Are Miracles Real? 

  3. Einstein's religiosity

  4. The Big Bang in the Quran? 

  5. Does the Quran say Sun and Moon Revolve Around Their Own Axis?

  6. Expanding Universe 

  7. Water Cycle in the Quran

  8. Do Mountains Stabilize the Earth?

  9. Oceanology of the Quran

  10. Embryology of the Quran

  11. Is Islam for All Mankind?

  12. Embryology continuation

  13. Does God Punish People?

  14. Ad Hominem in the Quran

  15. The Quran vs. the Bible

  16. Creation of Universe in the Quran

  17. Length of Days of Creation

  18. Contradictions in the Bible and the Quran

  19. Is Sky a Dome?

  20. What Supports the Earth?

  21. Poisonous Plants

  22. The Test of the Bible

  23. Speaking Tongues

  24. Unscientific Statements in the Bible and the Quran 

  25. Mathematical Errors in the Bible and the Quran

  26. Inconsistency in the Bible and the Quran

  27. Moon Light

  28. Zulqarnain and the Setting place of the Sun

  29. Solomon’s Death

  30. A List of Quranic Errors

  31. Conclusion

  32. Zakir Naik's Terrorist Training Camp 

next  > 


Qura'n & The Bible in the light of science 1of5.rm

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Qura'n & The Bible in the light of science 4of5.rm

Qura'n & The Bible in the light of science 5of5.rm

You can also view these videos here
The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of science - Part I 
(46 Minutes 17 Seconds) - Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. William Campbell - Islaminfo UK 
Dr. Zakir Naik Vs. Dr. William Campbell Recorded at Chicago ICNA Conference 2000
The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of science - Part II 
(55 Minutes 10 Seconds) - Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. William Campbell - Islaminfo UK 
Dr. Zakir Naik Vs. Dr. William Campbell Recorded at Chicago ICNA Conference 2000
The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of science - Part III 
(36 Minutes, 47 Seconds) - Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. William Campbell - Islaminfo UK 
Dr. Zakir Naik Vs. Dr. William Campbell Recorded at Chicago ICNA Conference 2000
The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of science - Part IV 
(58 Minutes) - Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. William Campbell - Islaminfo UK 
Dr. Zakir Naik Vs. Dr. William Campbell Recorded at Chicago ICNA Conference 2000
The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of science - Part V 
(1 Hour 1 Minute) - Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. William Campbell - Islaminfo UK 
Dr. Zakir Naik Vs. Dr. William Campbell Recorded at Chicago ICNA Conference 2000






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