




 Leaving Islam



 Edip Yuksel vs. Ali Sina

Round X - page 39

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8. Ali Sina is a modern crusader, masquerading as a humanist.

Ali has double standard. While he exaggerates and generalizes the atrocities committed by Hislamic fanatic terrorists, he bypasses the bigger atrocities committed by Evilgelical Christians and Zionist Jews (I exclude some of the early Zionists) and their proxy forces.

I wish Ali Sina could be brave enough to stand against the terror, destruction and massacres inflicted by Evilgelical crusaders and their Zionist allies as he stands against the terror, destruction and massacres inflicted by Taliban and Hislamic mullahs.

In his late
st answer, he briefly stated that he was against all violence and terrorism; but that was it. So far, he has never condemned a single concrete example of violence, torture, terror, occupations, unjustified wars, and atrocities conducted by Evangelical-Zionist alliance or their proxies.  

Modern crusaders, allied with big corporations are orchestrating a deceptive propaganda and misinformation campaign to promote their bloody cause to colonize new lands and convert more people.


These are ludicrous charges. There is no such thing as evangelical (or as you put it “evilgelical”) crusaders today. Some Christians are fanatics but even the most fanatical Christian is not killing innocent people indiscriminately as Muslims do. As we see, no response to the charges I made against the Quran, but more straw man argument.  

I find your accusations against Jews and Christians fallacious and nothing but typical Islamic hate mongering. Furthermore they have nothing to do with this debate which is about the Quran and Islam. You are using tu quoque and red herring Logical fallacies.



Modern Crusaders distort verses of the Quran, exaggerate the deeds of terrorists and even attribute some events motivated by nationalism or other motives to islam. Their propaganda machine never referred to the Serbs as Christian Rapists and Christian Terrorists. Their propaganda machine never referred to the torturer and murderer Zionist occupying forces as Jewish Terrorists, or Jewish Murderers. Their propaganda machine never acknowledges the Christian church and zeal behind Nazi crimes. However, they frequently associate any act of terrorism to Islam and Muslims. Furthermore, they cleverly managed to depict the freedom-seeking victims of brutal occupying forces as aggressors in conflicts such as Chechnya , or Palestine .



Just to show how your Islamic mind is biased and unable to see the facts, the Serbs were punished by a coalition of other Christian countries who came to help the Muslims. Such thing for Muslims is inconceivable. Can one even imagine that a few Muslim countries join force to fight another Muslim country that is oppressing a non-Muslim population? This is unthinkable. The entire Muslim world is united against Israel for no other reason than to support their Muslim brothers. They don’t give a damn who is right and who is not. As long as one side is Muslim they are with that side.  

As for your diatribe on the Jews, this is typical Islamic hate. Jews are not murderers. They have occupied their own ancestral land after they were systematically persecuted and expelled from Islamic, communist and Nazi countries. If the Palestinians had stopped their relentless terror on the Jewish civilians, they would have had their country and land long time ago. Israel did not start the war. The Arabs invaded Israel and they lost. Weren’t you talking about


They try to depict islam as a violent religion, thereby seeking to justify their own terror, massacres, pre-emptive wars, which are cunningly promoted in a euphemistic language through their propaganda machines. They don't kill and terrorize civilians; they just produce collateral damage and they just perform colorful shows of "shock and awe." They do not torture prisoners; they either interrogate them or turn them to anecdotals. They do not destroy cities; they do surgical and smart operations. They do not occupy others' lands; they liberate them. They do not take revenge; they take justice to their enemies. Thus, media is cleverly used to hypnotize masses and get their support for neo-colonialism. The ruling class in democracies use media to "manifacture concent." In order to plunder the resources of other countries, greedy corporations and their unholy allies replace one dictator after another, create wars and conflicts, undertake covert operations, and if they are bored, they play liberation games for fun and profit, big profit. 

Crusaders have directly participated or supported many atrocities and wars in the last millennium; they have killed many more innocent people than their counterpart Sunni or Shiite warmongers. Inquisition, crusades, witch-hunt, World War I and II, holocaust, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Phillipines, Korea, Vietnam, Nikaragua, Arjantine, Iraq are just few words in the long list of wars and massacres that are committed or supported by those who call themselves Christians. Nazis used the traditional Christian hatred of Jews as fuel and a twisted Cross (swastika) as the symbol for their racist ambitions. The list of British and American wars, occupations, massacres, slavery, covert operations that were conducted with the approval and support of the Christian church or masses is too long and too gruesome. You can still find many Christians justifying the biggest terrorist attack in the history, the destruction of two big cities with their hundreds of thousands civil population, as a retaliation to the Japanese attack to an American military base. American government has not apologized humanity for this horrific and cowardly act of terror.

The mentality of these Crusaders is no different from those of al-Qaida militants who justified the destruction of the World Trade Center as retaliation to the American support for the Israeli's racist policy of occupation, massacres and terror in Palestine . If Ali Sina lived in Afghanistan , with is hatemongering and pro-genocide mentality, he would be a Taliban or Al-Qaida leader.

Islam is a violent religion. No one needs to "depict" it as such. To see this truth all one has to do is to watch the Muslims and read the Quran.  

You are now talking nonsense. The preemptive war is needed. We can’t live with those who think of nothing but to kill us. This is a war that you people started and we must fight it or we would be killed. We did not start the 9/11 you did. Now don’t start with this nonsense “reformed Muslims, terrorist Muslim”. In the course of this debate it has become obvious that as long as you believe and follow those barbaric verses of the Quran you are Muslim and terrorist. Islamic terrorism is redundancy.  

These are mindless ravings of a hatemongering Muslim whose brain is on Islam, whose reasoning is marred by his hate and is unable of rational thought. Tell me why the Americans should keep enemies like you in their country. Your rabid squall at the country that has given you asylum is typical Islamic betrayal and ungratefulness. It is a disgrace that Islam rubs the humanity of its victims and an educated person such as you lets his passion take a better hold of his rationality.  

Yes the Westerners and especially the Europeans are guilty of supporting the dictators and stealing from the poor countries. There is a nice poem in Farsi. I don't know who is the poet.  I will try to translate it as faithfully as I can because it  beautifully describes the deplorable condition of the Muslims.  

Spoke on the way to his master, a donkey:  
You are mean, cruel and a callous hunky

For how long will you keep me oppressed?
Till when, won't you let me have some rest?.

I pray God that you die and leave me in peace
For your ordeal has brought me to my knees

His master told him: Oh you miserable beast  
Why in my death you haste and make a feast?

Find a way so you won’t be a donkey anymore 
And won’t have to be loaded and used for such a chore

For as long as a beast of burden you remain 
If not me, one else will charge you in this vein.

Lesser than donkey are the lethargic and ignorant masses  
Who are always under someone’s load like asses.

Until you don't wake up from your ignorant slumber 
Your back won't rest from the burden and the cumber 

خری با صاحب خؤد گفت در راه
كه ای بی رحم بی انصاف بد خؤاه

مرا تا چند با جان كار داري
مرا تا كی بزير بار داري

خدا مرگت دهد آسؤده گردم
كه بار مهنتت فرسؤده كردم 

بدو گفت صاحبش كه ای حيوان بد بخت
چرا در مرگ من نو ميكنی رخت

علاجی كن كه ديگر خر نباشي
كشيدن بار را درخؤر نباشي

و الا تا تو خر باشی به ناچار
چه من چه ديگرانت ميكنند بار

كم از خر ملت خواب و خمؤدند
كه دائم زير مهميزرنؤدند 

نگردی تا ز خواب جهل بيدار
نبينی پشت خؤد را خالی از بار

The problem of Muslims is because they are ignorant. This ignorance is Islam-induced. Islam does not allow people to think independently, be critical and question theories and authorities. Islam does not encourage dissention but enforces compliance. When there is no dialogue, and all contrary thoughts are censored, people remain ignorant and when they are ignorant anyone can take advantage of them. 

Yes the Europeans are shameless opportunists. But if you leave your door open you can’t blame the thief. The solution to the problem of Muslims is not to plead the Europeans to be good and honest. This won’t happen because it is the nature of man to be dishonest. The French, the British, the Germans are not bad people, but when you show them money they will forget everything and will sleep even with devil. They are not prostitutes; they just do it for money.  

The problem rather should be solved at home. Why these European countries can take advantage of Islamic nations? It is because these Islamic nations are run by dictators. You can’t pillage democracies. In democracies the governments have to respond to people. So if you want to buy or sell anything you have to compete and this competition ensures that people get the best deal. In dictatorships, you can bribe the ruler and sell something twice or three times its value and no one would ever know or can protest.    

So as you see the problem is in dictatorship and the solution is democracy. But Islam is against democracy and in favor of dictatorship. This is why Islamic countries will remain dictatorial and poor. The Europeans won’t change. They are the children of colonialists. Stealing is in their blood. This is the basis of their civilization. Muslims did the same thing when they could. It is the Islamic counties who have to wake up, liberate themselves from the shackle of Islam, build democracies and stop being taken advantage of.  Once we get rid of Islam, we will get rid of dictators and their European accomplices.     

Anyway, this entire charade about “Evilgelical” Christians, the crusaders and the Jews has nothing to do with our discussion of the Quran. This debate is about the Quran. You have talked about everything else but the subject that we were supposed to talk about.  


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