Edip Yuksel vs. Ali Sina
Round VI -17
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In the forum of this site, one of the Submitters, follower of the same doctrine
advocated by our friend Edip Yuksel, posted the information that I provided
when I purchased the domain of this site for everyone to see. [1]
[2] [3]
Of course I had the presence of
mind not to make public my real address and telephone number when I
registered the domain. The
information is not correct or I would have not seen this day.
The person that posted that information, thought that the
information is correct and since he himself did not have the means to deal
with me according to the Islamic principles, he hoped one of his Jihadi brothers would
see that and would take care of me. Who else could possibly be interested
to learn about my whereabouts?
Ironically this individual claims that as a Submitter his version of Islam is the reformed one and
that the followers of this sect are humanized, that unlike their Sunni and Shiite
coreligionists they do not
kill the apostates and reject all the
barbarities of Islam denouncing them as the products of the hadith and
that as the “Quran-only” Muslims, they are different.
To a person who does not knows Islam and is not aware that the
brutality of this religion stems from the Quran itself, this group seems to
present a shimmer of hope. These Muslims, familiar with the Western
mindset, know exactly what their audience wants to hear and they tune their
instruments accordingly.
However, although dissimulation is an Islamic art, not all of them are
good at it. Often they do and say things that reveal their true nature.
For example this Submitter with the illusion of endangering my life
thought that by revealing that fake information about me to the public
he is going to give a hand to his terrorist brothers to assassinate me.
When asked to explain his motives he wrote:
Apostasy is not
what gets one killed. It's a combination of being controversial and
having a high profile.
if what you presented was not couched in so much hatred - and what
you have written above is evidence of your single minded hatred of
all Islam - because you make it patently clear regarding your
disrespect for the common holy text of all Muslims - then you might
be able to do what you do and not be so controversial.
However your post above is enough to
convince me that you are absolute in your hatred and that your posts
about love and mending are hollow.
Most people give you the benefit of the
doubt and wish you guidance but I have an altogether different
prayer in relation to you Ali -
O Lord, you have given Ali Sina and his
followers freedom of speech and action in this world. O Lord, they
only use them to repulse others from Your path. O Lord, wipe out
their actions, and harden their hearts to prevent them from
believing, until they see the painful retribution.” |
So it is clear that Submitters, just like all other Muslims think it is
perfectly justifiable to kill someone if he is “controversial” i.e.
speaks against Islam and has high profile.
This reckless behavior brought the condemnation
of the FFI members.
Of course that information was phony, but he did not know. When he posted
that information, he did it with the intention to put my life in danger.
When our dear Edip Yuksel, the grand Imam of
the “reformed” and
“humanized” Submitters learned about the incident, at first he thought
the information was leaked by a Sunni member of the forum and he strongly condemned
it. He wrote:
or more accurately unveiling the identity or whereabouts of a person
who is out there not to create a personal cult, but to debate
important theological issues with great political and social
ramification is irrelevant.
But, it is more than irrelevant, it is irresponsi
I condemn the acts of those who want to indulge in detective or
police work, rather than intellectual debate.
If I want freedom and security for myself, I
have to want the same thing for others, including my enemies who are
not in act and mindset of physical hostility. To do the opposite is
I believe that Ali Sina's voice, regardless
of its truth-value, is precious and should be protected. We cannot
find truth without people like Ali Sina.
Personally, I do not care a bit, whether
Evilgelical organizations, Zionist organizations, CIA, or any other
power pays or uses Ali Sina. To me, it is not relevant and
important, since Ali Sina is raising important issues, and voicing
important problems with a religion that is followed by more than a
billion people.
We are all brothers and sisters from Adam
and Eve. We cannot be muslims (submitters to God alone, and men of
peace) if we do not act like humans. To be a human, and care about
the life of every single human being is a prerequisite of being a
muslim. I have no connection with those who ignore and violate this
sacred bond among human beings, a bond that was established by our
Lord and Creator in the moment and fabric of our creation.
I want people read
my position, which I argue with passion that it is also the position
of the Quran, regarding the freedom of faith, opinion, philosophy,
etc, and their expression.
Well how can you argue with that? Here our Edip
Yuksel, the grand theologian and arguably the ultimate authority of the
Sect of Submitters, the group that thinks only they are the true Muslims
and other Muslims are misguided and heretics to the extent that they
disparagingly call them "Hislamists", (probably, hadithi
Islamists) is reassuring us that he is on the
side of the freedom of speech and condemns the “irresponsible and even
evil” act of whoever revealed that information. I was so moved
with this gesture that I was about to write something praising him for his
humanistic stance. But as I checked again I was surprised to find that he had
retracted already and in fact he even issued an apology to the culprit once he
learned that the person who had tried to get me killed was no one but one
of his own sect members.
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