If you believe in God, is He One or two or three or many in your
view? If He is One, what are his Attributes? If Love is one of
them, would He show us the Way? If He is God would he have a son
(from amongst His creations) or would he restrict succour only to
a chosen few or a chosen race? If He does show us the Way, what
could be better than an unadulterated (last) Book of Revelation
and a Last Messenger? If he were to give us all the answers, where
is the strife? where is the striving? If he didn't give us you,
how would we know how lucky we are to be believers? |
If God exists, s/he must be the god of
love and reason.
Whether there is one God or many it is irrelevant. What is important are
its attributes. A true God can’t be
vengeful. A true father would not torture sadistically his children for
disobeying him. Even if punishment were necessary, it should be
proportionate to the offense and should never exceed it. How can a real
God torture people so savagely, for eternity, for using their brain and not agreeing with the
stupid things that someone
claiming to be his prophet say?
How could he send someone without any credential and demand people
to believe or burn them for eternity? Is this god you are talking about
a psychopath?
In Islam we have a deity that demands people to
believe in him. Yet he fails to provide a single proof that shows he is
the real God. On the contrary, his messenger behaves like a marauding
gangster. He assassinates his opponents, including women for criticizing him. He raids civilians with no warning and
cowardly massacres unarmed people or beheads them when they surrender with
no fight. He captures women and children as slaves and sells them. He
rapes young women captured in his raids the very day he kills their loved ones.
He gives absolutely no logical arguments to convince his critics that what
he says is true but he uses threats and violence to force his religion
down the throat of the people. How can this man be a messenger of God? How
can the god that this man promotes be the real God?
We see Jesus, nailed to his cross, breathing his last
breaths and calling upon his God begging forgiveness for his executioners.
If I want to believe in a god, that is the kind of god I want to believe.
If I decide to follow a man; that is the kind of man I want to follow. Muhammad, far from it, invites his opponents to a mutual cursing
tournament to determine who is telling the truth. (Q.3.61)
In one occasion, he cursed his enemies for a
full month. Bukhari
4,52,69 Of course his god was helpless doing any harm to those whom
he cursed so he had to take care of them like any criminal would do - with
violence. The funny part of this story is that he “revealed” a verse
that was not from Allah but a message from the Muslims who were killed.
That verse said, “Inform our people that we have met our Lord. He is pleased with
us and He has made us pleased". Later he realized he had goofed and
as the hadith says “There was reveled about those who were killed at
a Quranic Verse we used to recite, but it was cancelled later on.”
This should answer those who say "the
Qur'an has
never changed." This is one of the admitted changes. The other
one are the famous Satanic Verses which were also omitted. At least these two
were recognized by Muhammad and are reported in the hadith, but there are
many more.
So, as you see, the point is not whether God exists or
not. The point is that Allah is not God and if he exists he must be Satan.
There is no love in the message of the Qur'an. It is all about violence,
threats and terror.
You said God must love mankind and that is why he
wants to guide them. Show me that love in the Qur'an! Qur'an is a textbook of hate and a manual of terror.
again, if Allah wants to guide mankind out of love, why he punishes
those who do not want to be guided? It just makes no sense. It is like I give you a gift out of love but if you reject it I become so offended
that I kill you and chop your body in pieces. What Allah does to people is
even worse. There is a limit to how much we humans can torture each other.
At the end there is death and relief from torture. But according to
Muhammad there is no end to how much Allah would torture people. He keeps
renewing the skin just to burn them again. Can possibly the maker of this
universe be so sadistic? Allah is not God. Allah is the alter
ego of Muhammad, his sockpuppet. When Muhammad talks about this vengeful sadistic Allah,
he is unveiling the dark recesses of his own soul. God would not do that
sort of things to people, otherwise he would not be worthy of worship. It is better that we all burn in
hell than submit to such diabolical deity and feed his ego.
I am a human being. I love humanity and I want to do
my part to make life better from my kind. So I started this site and try
to guide people to what I believe to be the right path. I do it out of
love. Some people like what I write and some don’t. I do not hate those
who do not like what I say. I am not offended by rejection and certainly I
do not go after them trying to get my revenge. But what if I did? What if I
became furious if people rejected me and I went after
them and punished them? Won’t you say I am insane? Suppose I am the
dictator and above the law and no one can question my authority. What
would you think of me if I went after those who reject my guidance, put
them in jail, tortured them and kill them? Even if my teachings were the
best, do
you think I still deserve respect if I can’t tolerate people disagreeing
with me?
This is exactly what Muhammad did. What he said was absurd. If Allah exists and he
really loves people, he would not torture people. You don’t have to be
Einstein to see that. If God really loves people and wants to guide them,
he won’t put them in hellfire for rejecting him. Only a psychopath
narcissist would do such thing. God can’t be a psychopath. Muhammad
described HIMSELF not god. he was a psychopath.
In one hadith we read Muhammad saying: "I was
about to order for collecting fire-wood (fuel) and then order Someone to
pronounce the Adhan for the prayer and then order someone to lead the
prayer then I would go from behind and burn the houses of men who did
not present themselves for the (compulsory congregational) prayer."
1, 11, 617
This is psychopathic. This man could not tolerate
Dr. Sam Vaknin is a psychologist specializing in
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) He writes:
narcissist perceives every disagreement - let alone criticism - as
nothing short of a THREAT. He reacts defensively. He becomes indignant,
aggressive and cold." [source]
Muhammad invented his god in accordance to his own psychopathic
personality disorder. And now all his ummah are showing
the same psychopathic trait.
Dr. Sam Vaknin writes:
is contagious. The narcissism creates a "bubble universe",
similar to a cult. In this bubble, special rules apply.
These rules do not always correspond to outer reality.
Using complex defense mechanisms, such as projective identification, the
narcissist forces his victims - spouse, mate, friend, colleague - to
"play a role" assigned to him by "God" - the
The narcissist rewards compliance with his script and punishes any
deviation from it with severe abuse.
In other words, the narcissist CONDITIONS people around him, using
intimidation, positive and negative reinforcements and feedback, ambient
abuse ("gaslighting"), covert, or controlling abuse, and overt,
classical abuse.
Thus conditioned, the narcissist's victims gradually come to assimilate
the narcissist's way of thinking (follies a-deux) and his modus operandi -
his methods.
You can abandon the narcissist - but the narcissist never abandons you.
He is there, deep inside your traumatic memories, lurking, waiting to act
out. You have been modified, very much like an alien snatching [source]
Muslims have been infected by Muhammad's narcissistic
personality disorder. They too behave just like him. They demand obedience and
compliance, they are offended if their invitation is rejected. They, not
only wish you burn in hell for not agreeing with them, they actually terror
you because you said no to them. The narcissistic personality disorder of
Muhammad is now reflected in all the Muslims. They can’t get rid of it,
because as Dr. Vaknin says, narcissism is contagious.
A loving God would explain things clearly so people
can understand. He would send someone who would set an example of love and
forgiveness. The God of Muhammad does not explain anything. Yet he demands submission and blind faith
and threatens those who disagree with hellfire.
Allah is so helpless to deal with his enemies that he
can’t harm them himself, so he relies on his brainwashed zombies to go
after his opponents and assassinate them. I have been exposing your Allah
for six years and trashing him all over the Internet. Why he can’t do
anything to me? Why is he so helpless to harm me? Why he relies on his
brain damaged followers to find me and to kill me?
Isn't this enough proof that Allah's power is only in deception? He
fools you to kill for him because he is unable to do anything. If you stop
believing in him he becomes completely helpless. Why? ...It's
because he does not exist. He was an invention of Muhammad and was used by
him as a tool of manipulation and domination.
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