And the earth was tossed about with its inhabitants like a ship, so Allah
sent down an angel of extreme magnitude and strength and ordered him to
slip beneath the earth and bear it up on his shoulders. He stretched forth
one of his hands to the east and the other to the west and took hold of
the earth from end to end. However, there was no foothold for him. So
Allah created from an emerald a square rock, in the middle of which were
seven thousand holes. In each hole there was a sea, description of which
is known only to Allah. And He commanded the rock to settle beneath the
angel’s feet. The rock, whoever, had no support. So Allah created a
great bull with forty thousand heads,
eyes, ears, nostrils, mouths, tongues and
legs and commanded it to bear the rock on its back and on its horns. The
name of the bull is Rayyan. As the bull had no place to rest its
feet, Allah created a huge fish, upon which no one may gaze because it is
so enormous and had so many eyes. It is even said that if all the seas
were placed in one of its gills, they would be like a mustard seed in the
desert. Allah commanded this fish to be the foothold for the bull, and
this was done. This fish’s name was Behemouth. Then He made its
resting place the water, beneath which is the air, and beneath the air is
the darkness, which is for all the earths. There, beneath this darkness,
the knowledge of created matters ends.
(Reference: Great Books of the
Islamic World, translated by Wheeler M. Thackston Jr. Distributed by
Kazi Publications, Chicago, IL. 1997, pp.8-10)
43. The birth and the genealogy of Nimrod
A notorious king in ancient times was Nimrod. Second to none of the
powerful kings in history, he was the most obdurate enemy of Allah.
Nimrod’s genealogy stands thus: Ham was one of the sons of Prophet Nuh (pbuh).
Most of his progeny lived in Hindustan (
). Among them was a person named Azzam. Kenaan was one of the sons of
Azzam. Nimrod was the son of this very Kenaan. Other historical records
show that Nimrod was actually Kaykaus. Kaykaus’ father was Kaikobad and
his father was Jamshid.
From his very boyhood, Nimrod was very intrepid and industrious. As a
result of such qualities, very soon, he raised himself from the Prime
Ministership to be the king of
. By dint of his own talent, he gathered enormous wealth and influence. By
casting terror, and through reducing empires such as,
, Turkistan, Hindustan (
) etc. he compelled these nations to pay tribute (tax) to him.
had an enormous life span—one thousand-and seven-hundred years. He ruled
with great might over a vast empire for such a long period of time. Having
authority over such a colossal empire, he became extremely proud, so much
so, do that he declared himself to be the God. He even announced: Inna Rabbakul Aala, which means: ‘I am the God and your
In the royal
there was the conclave of the greatest scholars and erudite people. Once,
while Nimrod was seated with his minions, the principal royal astrologer
greeted him. In baritone voice Nimrod said , “What is the matter, my
astrologer?” Glumly and with lisping voice the astrologer replied,
“The news is not that good, your majesty.” The king (Nimrod) said,
“Tell me the whole matter.” In response, the astrologer said, “For
some time a new star has appeared in the sky. Having observed this
phenomenon and having done the astrological calculations, I conclude that
there will be born in your kingdom, within three days, a child who, in
future, will become your implacable foe, and it would be this child who
would be the cause of your downfall.” Alarmed and frightened by such an
announcement from the court astrologer, Nimrod, with feisty temper roared
to his royal staff, “Immediately, you must take all measures against
this. Henceforth, to the entire kingdom, announce that no husband and wife
could live together for three days, and under no circumstances sexual
intercourse might take between them. Whoever transgresses this order will
face the mandatory death sentence.” To enforce this harsh regulation of
Nimrod, hundreds and thousands of his soldiers took up positions, to
guard, covertly and overtly, every house of his subjects, just that no
couple could have sex. That meant: in every
bedroom of a house, a soldier was posted, vigilant with sword in hand.
The birth of Abraham, the Prophet
None has the ability to foist the grace and the will
of Allah. Allah’s resolve is bound to come to fruition—come whatever
might happen. While Nimrod’s ruthless, strict order was being carried
out meticulously, no couple could engage in sex for three days. But lo,
without any hindrance, what Allah had destined to happen did really come
to realization. Azar, the bodyguard used to guard the sleeping-room of
Nimrod. While Azar spent the night guarding Nimrod, his wife remained
restless for sex, as she spent the night alone. Incidentally, she became
extremely horny for sexual intercourse on the night Nimrod decreed his
ordinance. Guarding alone the sleeping quarter of Nimrod, Azar too desired
to have sex, as the situation was just right for this. Azar’s wife
approached the front porch of the palace and finding the two sentries
engaged in deep slumber entered inside the palace compound unhindered.
She immediately approached her husband. Straight away, Azar took
his wife next to Nimrod’s bedroom and engaged in copulation with her.
Needless to say, by the decree of Allah, and from the back of his father,
Allah’s Prophet Abraham Khalilullah (pbuh) entered in to the womb of his
mother (that is, Azar’s wife). This happened surreptitiously, without
anyone’s awareness. Despite the maximum vigil and alertness of Nimord,
Allah fulfilled His dictum without anyone’s knowledge.
Three days passed, the court astrologer went to the
palace and said to the king (Nimrod), “Your majesty, regardless of your
utmost caution and watchfulness, your implacable enemy—the prophesized
child has been conceived in his mother’s womb.” Fearful of this
ominous event, Nimrod decreed that all children born in his king within a
year must be killed. To enforce the king’s verdict, the royal staff went
roaming the kingdom and killing any baby born. This resulted in the
slaughter of hundreds of thousands of infants. But by the infinite glory
of Allah, none learned about the pregnancy of Azar’s wife—she bore no
sign of conception at all.
In due time, under utter secrecy, Azar’s wife went
inside a mountain cave and delivered the child. She left the newly-born
child in the very cave where it was born. However, everyday, she would
return to the cave to look after the new-born. By the infinite mercy of
Allah, from one of the fingers of the baby, milk flowed, and out came
honey from another finger. Sustained by the ingestion of these food for
seven years the child started to grow up, hidden from the sight of public.
Thus, when Abraham was fully grown, he destroyed Nimrod.
(Imagine, how,
with such incredible cock-and-bull thoughts of the Islamic Mullahs, milk
and honey could ooze out from fingers! Many such absurd stories about
Prophet Abraham are transmitted in Kassa-suul-Ambia.
Lest the readers lose patience, I refrain from narrating further, such
silly tales.)
45. Description of the holy
appearance and the exquisite beauty of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
At birth, Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) physical body
was free of any blemish and ungodliness. He was born circumcised and began
conversation with Rabbul al-Amin (Allah) instantly after his birth.
In hadis it is said that his hallowed body was medium-built. This
means that he was neither too tall nor too short. His skin complexion was
bright-creamy, tinged with red. He had a wide forehead, thin eyebrows,
which were very close, if not joined together. In the centre of the
eyebrows was the raised temple which shored up whenever he became annoyed.
His blessed nose was long, raised and radiant. His consecrated visage was
truly very pleasant and elegantly handsome. Only twenty strains of hair of
his sacred beard were white. His blessed hair was curly and parted in the
middle. This made him look exceedingly handsome indeed. Prophet
Muhammad’s (pbuh) hallowed countenance was as bright and beautiful as
the full moon. Shaped like a pigeon egg, there was a mole in the middle of
his two shoulders. There were many pictures inscribed in this mole. This
mole is known as Mohr-e-Nabiyat. In it was written ‘Muhammad
Rasul Allah’. After Muhammad died Allah erased this inscription of Mohr-e-Nabiyat.
His holy chest was wide, and there was a thin cluster of hair from his
chest to his navel. He had smooth hair on his sacred arms, shoulders and
torso. Coupled with extended wrists, he had long bones on his shoulders,
knees and ankles. His sanctified body was rotund, radiant, balanced and
middle-sized. When water mixed with his saliva it tasted sweet. Even in
the darkness of night he could see like day time. Any infant that licked
his saliva need not be milk-fed anymore. His shadow did not touch the
ground. His voice was louder than any other person, so much so, that
people afar could hear him. His sense of hearing was as sharp during his
sleep as it was in wakefulness. When he sat alone, he exuded solemnity and
the gravity of his personality. From a distance he appeared animated and
from afar he looked handsome, graceful and elegant. He never suffered from
thirst. He could see on his back as well as he could see in his front.
Flies and mosquitoes could never menace him. From his physique emanated
the fragrance of musk, and from this people could recognize his presence
whenever he ventured in a market or at any public gathering. There would
be no trace of his excrement or urine after he had answered the call of
nature. This was because the soil immediately consumed of what he would
discharge and there would radiate from the soil fragrance of exquisite
perfume and benzoin. A cloud would always provide shade whenever Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) walked along a street. As
he walked, trees along the two sides of the road would bend down to salute
him. When he walked his gait was as if he was descending from
an upper part. None ever was as handsome and elegant as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
was, and no doubt, in future, none will ever be like him. Ameen.
(Numerous daft
and superstitious myths originate from illogical belief and blind
reverence. The prolonged perpetuation of such myths results in the
creation of irrational, silly and absurd tales. The blind devotion,
praise, adulation and worship of such diehard luminaries could easily
transform a simple, ordinary person, even a criminal, into an angel (farishta)
or even raise him to the rank of God. This is exactly what happened to
Muhammad (pbuh), the Prophet of Islam, to the extent that even his
excrement had become a source of fine fragrance, his saliva (smelly)
transformed into sweet honey or his ability to see even in darkness!
This same
irrationality could be extended to many saints and friars, generally of
the Indo-Pak sub-continent, and especially to the Bangladeshi varieties of
them. Having separated them from ordinary folks, many of them have been
elevated to an extremely high position by ascribing to them tales of
supernatural feats. All this is done just for the purpose of corrupting
the brain of general public and to rob them of their money.)
The Holy Qur’an; translated in Bengali by Maulana
Muhiuddin Khan and published from
Saudi Arabia
Beheshti Zewar
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