




 Leaving Islam




 When Shaddad built his Paradise he also lined up many trees of gold and silver among the many palaces that he built. The braches of those trees were made from ruby and their leaves were made from Jammarud stones. The twigs and branches of those trees were bedecked with hanging fruits made of precious stones, diamonds and pearls. Legend has it that at least a forty thousand donkey-load of gold and silver were exhausted daily to build this Paradise . It took a continuous work of three hundred years to complete this Paradise .  

Finally, when the work was finished the workers told Shaddad, “Your majesty, the construction of Paradise is complete.” Greatly pleased with the good news, Shaddad commanded all the handsome boys and girls of his kingdom to be assembled inside the newly created Paradise . He further issued orders that these young girls and boys be dressed in excellent apparels; then, to serve the inhabitants of the Paradise the girls are to be appointed as Hurs (virgin maids) and the boys be appointed as Gelman (male servants for homosexual denizens of paradise). Shaddad’s orders were duly carried out. Accompanied with his retinue of royal patronage, his royal employees, his footmen and his slaves Shaddad set out towards his new Paradise . When he approached the entry door of his Paradise he chanced to meet a stranger sitting there. Shaddad said, “Who are you?” The stranger replied, “I am Malakul Maut, the harbinger of death. I am here to bring death to you.” Shaddad replied, “Please allow me a little time. I just want to have a glimpse of this dearest palace of mine.” Azrail retorted, “Allah has not commanded me to allow you any time.” Shaddad then alighted from his horse and set foot on the door-sill of his Paradise . At that very instant Azrail ended Shaddad’s life on the spot. This ruined for ever, the desire of Shaddad to see his Paradise . At the same time, with the command from Allah, the archangel descended there and made such a thunderous shout that all soldiers and footmen of Shaddad were utterly destroyed. After this, by Allah’s command angels came down and buried Shaddad’s Paradise under ground. (I am quite certain the readers will agree that to fabricate this incredible cock-and-bull story Allah and Muhammad must have taken a super overdose of marijuana (ganja)).

40. Who was Zulkernain?

Hajrat Shah Zulkernain was born at Iskanderia or Alexandria . He was a good ruler, a wise judge and a righteous person. When Rasul-e-Karim declared himself to be the apostle of Allah, the Meccans decided to humiliate him by asking him questions about this Zulkernain. Rasul-e-Karim, having learnt the story of Zulkernain, via Gabriel, narrated verbatim this history (as written in the Qur’an) thus: “The almighty, the all merciful Allah made Zulkernain the ruler of a vast kingdom encompassing enormous oriental and occidental land. Zulkernain was very familiar with all the roads and highways of his kingdom. Since Allah conferred on Zulkernain such a huge duty, it was not enough for him to be responsible for peace and religion of his land only. Allah made Zulkeranin responsible for the land beyond his kingdom as well. As a result of this ordinance Zulkernain had to travel far and wide.

So, at an appropriate time, and as per the instruction of Allah, Zulkernain set out with his army and weapons to an expedition covering the eastern and the western nations. At first, he travelled towards the western end of the earth. All the countries he came across on this journey surrendered to him. He preached the religion of Allah to the inhabitants of these lands. In this way he succeeded in raising the flag of Allah among the infidels. A few mighty rulers confronted him in fierce battles. But at the end they all had to surrender to Zulkernain. Having travelled far and wide, Zulakernain, finally arrived at Bait al-Muqaddis ( Jerusalem ). The fulfilment of his life came after he performed his pilgrimage there. After spending a few days there he set out for the eastern frontier of the earth. (There are many similar cock-and-bull stories which I shall omit here. Instead, I shall tell you a few grand fairy-tales below.)

41. How Zulkernain closed the walls of Yajuj-Majuj?

Readers should note that this story of Yajuj and Majuj has been described in the holy Qur’an. The Mullahs of Bangladesh and other Muslim nations have a field-day describing this tale in many religious assemblies. This works very well to brain-wash the simple minded village folks of Bangladesh and gullible Muslims of entire Muslim world. Here is the full description of such ‘cock-and-bull story’:

Having made a detour on his journey, Zulkernain arrived at the rising place of the sun. On this, Allah has said:

 They ask thee concerning Zul-qarnain. Say, "I will rehearse to you something of his story."  Verily We established his power on earth, and We gave him the ways and the means to all ends.

 One (such) way he followed

Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: "O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness."

He said: "Whoever doth wrong, him shall we punish; then shall he be sent back to his Lord; and He will punish him with a punishment unheard-of (before).

 "But whoever believes, and works righteousness,- he shall have a goodly reward, and easy will be his task as We order it by our Command."

 Then followed he (another) way,

Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no covering protection against the sun. (He left them) as they were: We completely understood what was before him. Then followed he (another) way, until when he reached (a tract) between two mountains, he found, beneath them, a people who scarcely understood a word.

They said: "O Zul-qarnain! the Gog and Magog (People) do great mischief on earth: shall we then render thee tribute in order that thou mightiest erect a barrier between us and them?

He said: "(The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute): Help me therefore with strength (and labour): I will erect a strong barrier between you and them:

 "Bring me blocks of iron." At length, when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain-sides, He said, "Blow (with your bellows)". Then, when he had made it (red) as fire, he said: "Bring me which I may pour over it, molten lead."  Thus were they made powerless to scale it or to dig through it.  He said: "This is a mercy from my Lord: But when the promise of my Lord comes to pass, He will make it into dust; and the promise of my Lord is true."

(Note Sura Kahf (18), verses 83-98, translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali)

In this way, the gang of Yajuj and Majuj were, for ever, remained concealed behind the wall. The result was that the inhabitants on the other side of the wall were free from the tyranny of Yajuj and Majuj and lived in eternal peace. Muhammad, the ultimate Prophet said, “It has been revealed to me that this piece of wall remain in tact till the day of resurrection. And Yajuj and Majuj will never be able enter the other side of the wall.”

Unfortunately, the band of Yajuj and Majuj spared no pain to cross the wall. Every morning they licked the wall from dawn to dusk till the thickness of the wall was reduced to thin paper. Then they said, “The dusk has now settled, let us come back tomorrow and begin the licking so that by next day the wall will disappear and we will come out of the wall.” Now, behold the glory of Allah! When they returned next morning they were utterly surprised to find the wall restored to its original size. It is learnt from divine source that this wall will remain like this till the last day. On the resurrection day, Yajuj and Majuj, in the name of Allah, will suddenly commence licking the wall again. This will make the wall to vanish. As soon as this happens, the gang of Yajuj and Majuj will spread like locusts and devour all the water, plants and trees and everything that remain standing on earth.

(I shall write, for the benefit of the readers that Zulkernain, the hero of this cock-and-bull story was none other than Alexander, the great. Born in Greece ( Macedonia ), he was a pagan and in no way we can consider him to be a Muslim. Commenting on this Maulana Yususf Ali, the eminent translator of the Holy Qur’an writes that this Zulkernain was actually “Alexander, the great.” Imagine now, how the Prophet, the Mullahs and the Muslims have twisted the history. I shall request the readers to consult Yusuf Ali’s comments on Sura Kahf, especially verses 18:83-98. You will surely conclude that the implausible story of Zulkernain is nothing but the perverted history. Reference: Yusuf Ali, Translation and Commentary of the Holy Qur’an, pp 760-765)  

42. How did Allah create the earth?  

Readers, please read now the mystery of the creation of this earth, as narrated, a-la Islamic Scientific laws, by none other than the companions of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Culling from different Islamic Books we could find that there were three explanations of the creation of this earth. These exegeses are illustrated as follows:


            [a] As per the famous Islamic tomes, we learn that, according to Abdullah b. Masud and other companions of our Prophet, “It is definitely Allah who had created this Universe and whatever is between the earth and the sky. In the beginning, Allah’s throne was above the water; He had not created anything yet. Then from the water He made vapour. This vapour then floated above the water, and having risen far above, it hovered over water as the roof. Allah named this ‘Heaven’ or ‘Sky’ and made the seven-heavens from it. Then Allah rendered the water dry and on Sunday and Monday formed from it the firm, one solid earth and the seven other earths along with it. Having accomplished this, Allah placed the seven earths upon the back of a gigantic whale fish. This whale is described in the Qur’an as Nun. This fish is resting above the water, the water, in turn, is resting atop a giant stone; the rock is resting on the back of a huge angel (farishta), the angel is standing above a massive rock. This rock is placed on air. As a consequence of the huge burden of earth on the whale fish, it sways and causes earthquake. So Allah established firmly lofty mountains on the surface of the earth, lest it not be shaken by the earthquakes. (What an authentic scientific explanation of earthquake by Islamic Quran?)  

            [b] When Allah wished to create the dry land, he commanded the wind to churn up the waters. When they had become turbulent and foamy, waves swelled and gave off vapour. Then Allah commanded the foam to solidify, and it became dry. In two days he created the dry land on the face of the waters, as he has said: Say (O Muhammad, unto the idolaters): Disbelieve ye verily in Him Who created the earth in two Days, and ascribe ye unto Him rivals? He (and none else) is the Lord of the Worlds. (41:9 PICKTHAL). Then He commanded these waves to be still, and they formed the mountains, which He used as pegs to hold down the earth, as he has said:: And We have placed in the earth firm hills lest it quake with them, and We have placed therein ravines as roads that haply they may find their way. ( 21:31 PICKTHAL). Were it not for the mountains, the earth would not have been stable enough for its inhabitants.  

(Reference: The History of Al-Tabari: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood, translated by Franz Rosenthal, State University of New York Press (SUNY), Albany, 1989, vol i, pp.218-220)


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