




 Leaving Islam




Siege of Medina , March, A.D. 627. 


By Ali Sina

Huyeiy Ibn Akhtab the chief of the Bani Nadir, whose tribe was banished from their ancestral town and whose properties confiscates, visited the Meccans and other tribes warning them of what is awaiting them. Many of these tribes were already victims of Muhammad’s marauding army and had lost men and property to this new religion. Several clans of Ghatafan, Bani Ashja, Murra, Bani Fezara, Bani Sulaim, Bani Sa’d and Bani Asad came together, each contributing with warring men and they all joined the Quraish who also contributed four thousand soldiers, including three hundred horses, and fifteen hundred riders upon camels, into the field. In total an army of ten thousand men thus came under the general leadership of Abu Sofian. The leadership of the army was alternated among the chiefs of the confederates.

Muhammad was forewarned of this preparation and not knowing what to do, he sought the advice of Salman the Persian, who was familiar with the mode in which camps and cities were defended in other countries. It is interesting to note that Muhammad’s God who would come to his help anytime he needed to breach a social and ethical rule, e.g. to marry a new woman or to sleep with his daughter in law or a slave girl, or would always inform him that his opponents are about to beach their term of the agreement so he should raid them preemptively, was often silent when it came to matters of importance were a knowledge beyond Muhammad’s personal experience was required. Salman was a Christian slave of a Jew. This opportunist man professed his faith in Islam so he could be ransomed by the Muslims.

He suggested entrenching the town, a stratagem hitherto unknown in Arabia . For a considerable distance, the stone houses of Medina were built so compactly together that, they presented a high and nearly unbroken wall, of itself a sufficient protection. These walls were then connected with a deep ditch and a rude earthen dyke. Muhammad himself took part in these works encouraging his men by chanting to them verses that he claimed were revelations and promising them victory.

Provoking the sentiment of victimization is what Islam thrives upon. This attack on the Muslims gave an excellent opportunity for Muhammad to foster this sentiment. He completely neglected that the invaders had gathered to retaliate for all his lootings, assassinations and senseless wars.

Up to this day Muslims feel that it is perfectly justifiable to kill the non-Muslims, through terrorist activities to advance their religion and make Islam dominant but if their victims rise to retaliate they claim to be victimized for their faith.

In six days, the trench was finished, and the three thousand men of Medina , stood behind it. The enemy arrived and formed their several camps in front of the Muslim army with the trench in between them. The Meccans surprised by this new tactic and unable to cross the ditch contented themselves for sometime with a distant discharge of archery.

Huyeiy Ibn Akhtab visited the fortress of the Jews of Bani Quraizah and sought their allegiance. He reminded them of what happened to the other two Jewish tribes and warned them of their own fate if Muhammad is not defeated. The Bani Quraizah at first were reluctant to associate themselves with the Meccans for the fear that should they retreat, Muhammad would crush them mercilessly. But they finally agreed as it was obvious to them that as long as they remain faithful to their Judaic beliefs, they are not going to have peace if the new religion becomes dominant.

So they agreed to assist the Meccan army. According to a tradition Muhammad sent Hudhaifa, to spy the camp of the Meccans and he overheard of the news. Thereupon Muhammad sent Sa’d ibn Muadh and Sa’d ibn Ubada, two chiefs of the Aus and Khazraj, to ascertain the truth of the report. The Bani Quraizah received these men coldly and in a sullen mood. The two messengers reported to Muhammad that the temper of the Jews was even worse than he had feared.  

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