Therefore, it
is naive to believe that it is all the fault of the West and that the onus
should be placed upon Western governments, and that they should change
their attitudes and appease those Muslims who feel victimized, that in so
doing these Muslims will have a change of heart and their hatred will give
way to mutual understanding and amity and good will.
As further evidence, Islamic terrorists do not just include
Middle-Eastern men coming from countries exploited by Western imperialism.
There likewise can be found among these terrorist ranks Americans,
Australians and European nationals, even those born to non-Muslim parents
and raised as Christians, who would if they could, as has been
demonstrated, not hesitate to blow up their own people for the sake of
their faith in Muhammad and his Allah. Again, the root of this problem is
not political or economical. It is religious. Therefore the solution to
this problem cannot be found on political or economical grounds, but only
upon religious grounds.
poverty and dictatorships are the two big problems affecting Islamic
countries. However, despite their existence and the many problems they
bring, together they represent not the cause of the terrible plight of
most Islamic people, but the symptom.
The cause of the problem is Islam, specifically its ideology of
hate, which leaves these countries poor, and provides the breeding ground
for dictatorial governments and growing lists of terrorists. Islam is a
religion of unproductively and is incompatible with democracy. Islamic
countries gravitate to poverty and dictatorship like an object entering
the events horizon of a black hole. Once a country becomes Islamic, there
is no escape from the cycle of poverty and dictatorship. And terrorism is
just the fruit of such society.
The Bad Guys:
Well, every
horror story has a villain. Who is the villain in this horrible tale?
Muslims certainly are not the villains. They are the victims, not of the
West, but of their own archaic beliefs and violent mindset. They are
victims of Islam. There is no escape for them. They are incapable to get
themselves rid of it on their own. They are drowned in it. They are
cocooned in lies. In their world criticism is taboo. Those who dare to
criticize pay with their lives. Muslims are trapped. Their world is a
skewed world, but since they have no other parameters to compare, that
skewed world has become their only reality.
The mind of a
Muslim is shackled with fears of an unforgiving deity that would torture
him in the most horrendous ways if he dares to doubt. “But as for
those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling
fluid will be poured down on their heads, whereby that which is in their
bellies, and their skins too, will be melted; and for them are hooked rods
of iron. Whenever, in their anguish, they would go forth from thence they
are driven back therein and (it is said unto them): Taste the doom of
burning." 22:19-22
This is an
awful scene, engraved in the mind of a Muslim since early childhood, a
tormenting nightmare from which he is unable to escape for the rest of his
life. Even the very educated and otherwise rational Muslims are trapped in
this fearsome prison, breaking away from which on their own, although not
impossible, is mightily arduous and highly improbable.
The word
“Hell” recurs 209 times in the Quran, making it the most repeated word
followed by 163 references to the “Day” of Judgment. No other word
comes close to the frequency of these two words. Islam dominates the mind
and the hearts of the Muslims with awe-inspiring fear. “Fear the Fire, which is repaired for those who reject Faith” 3:131,
“Their wish will be to get out of the Fire, but never will they get
out therefrom: their penalty will be one that endures” 5:37,
“Those who reject Faith,- neither their possessions nor their
(numerous) progeny will avail them aught against Allah: They are
themselves but fuel for the Fire. 3:10.
So who are
the bad guys? The bad guys are the Western appeasers and those who would
use politically correctness as a substitute for dealing with reality. The
bad guys are those so-called Western “scholars” who lie, who twist the
facts, who deceive the public. Those who write the revisionist history of
Islam are the villains of this story. Those who say Islam is compatible
with democracy, those who say Islam is hijacked by a small group of
extremist fanatics, those who claim that Islam is a religion of peace and
those who say Islam grew through preaching, are the real bad guys. There
are a few Western scientists who wrote books claiming that Quran predicts
modern science. This claim is a mockery of science and human intelligence.
The Quran is a book replete with scientific heresies, historic blunders,
mathematical mistakes, logical absurdities, grammatical errors and ethical
fallacies. To claim that the Quran contains scientific evidence is an
insult to human intelligence. There are also doctors and university
professors who have said Islam is a peaceful religion, claiming that the
brutal wars waged by Muhammad, his successors and the rest of the Muslims
were fought only in self-defense, that Muhammad was a democrat and that he
raised the status of women. All these claims are false and can be easily
debunked when one reads the Quran, the Hadith and the original history of
early Islam. What these people write are not facts. They are lies,
concocted to deceive the public.