the Persian
Salman, the Persian was originally
a devout Zoroastrian from
. Then he converted to Christianity. Later, he was sold as a slave to a B.
Qurayza Jew of
. When Muhammad arrived at Medina Salman met him there. Some 3 years
later, with the help of Muslims, he purchased his freedom from his master
and converted himself to Islam--becoming an ardent companion of Muhammad.
During the battle of Ahzab (the battle of the ditch) the trench digging
was his idea. He was well acquainted with the books of the Persians (i.e.,
Zoroastrianism), the Greeks and the Jews. Ali said about him (Reliance
of the Traveller, p.1093), “He was a man of us and for us, the line
of prophetic house, and in relation to you as the sage Luqman, having
learned the first knowledge and the last, read the first scripture and the
last: an exhaustive sea.”
Undoubtedly, Muhammad had cleverly
utilised Salman’s extraordinary talent to compose many verses of the
Qur’an that deal with historical tales of the ancient
, the Greek, the Romans and the Persians. As Salman was formerly a
Zoroastrian Muhammad learned, in detail many of their beliefs and
practices and incorporated them in his Qur’an. Muhammad’s description
and hell are stunningly similar to that of the Zoroastrians.
So those verses dealing with the punishment in Hell and the prize
were surely contributed by Salman, the Persian. It is interesting to note
that Salman became a close member of Muhammad’s family. Aisha reports
that Muhammad used to spend countless hours with him-- discussing various
religious issues, so much so, that Aisha thought that Salman would spend
the night with Muhammad.
Those who have read the Qur’an,
up close—many times, will be profoundly surprised with Muhammad’s
absolute pre-occupation with the description of
and hell. There are many verses in the Qura’an which, time after time,
deal with this particular topic—that is, the purely sensual rewards of
for the believers and the sadistic, odious punishment for the unbelievers.
Most of these verses, no doubt, were inspired by Salman, the Persian and
later, written down by Muhammad’s scribes at his dictate—passing them
up as Allah’s revelations. Here I am citing just a few of such verses.
To save space I have cited only the main message in the verse. For details
please refer to the verse number quoted.
The Qur’anic
If the
believers do not commit the most heinous (major sin) of the forbidden
(idolatry) then God will forgive other sins and admit them in paradise...
believers will have easy life and will dwell in paradise forever…
paradise there will be no jealousy, all will glorify God for guiding
paradise dwellers will enquire about the appalling condition of the hell
promises paradise (beautiful mansions in the gardens of
) to the believing men and women…9:72
(many gardens in paradise?) of eternity (
), beneath river flowing, adorned with bracelets of gold, green garments,
fine silk; comfortable furnishing...
promises paradise (beautiful mansions in the gardens of
) to the believing men and women…9:72
paradise there are two gardens of grape fruit surrounded by date palms and
a corn field in between them...
paradise there is no nonsense; only salutation of peace, sustenance in the
morning and in the evening...19:62-63
will be admitted to the gardens (many gardens in paradise?) beneath which
river flows; they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls and
their garments will be of silk...2.23
have no idea of how much joy and happiness God has reserved in paradise
for the believers…32:17
believers will be in gardens of eternity (many gardens in paradise?); they
will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls and their garments will
be of silk…35:33
For the
sincere and devoted servants of God there will be sustenance (in
paradise), fruits, honor, dignity, garden of felicity, they will face each
other on thrones, pass around a cup from a clear flowing fountain, crystal
white delicious drink, no headache, no intoxication, chaste
paradise there will be every kind of fruit and there will be peace and
will be no taste of death in paradise for the believers except their first
Jihadists will be in paradise…47:6
God will
readily offer paradise to the believers…50:31
Near the
boundary of Lote tree is the paradise…53:15
Those nearest to God in the garden of bliss (upper paradise)...56:11-12
The width
of a garden in paradise is the width of heaven and earth...57:21
If you
repent then God will remove ills and send you to paradise under which
rivers flow; the believers’ light will radiate in front of them and on
to their right side...66:8
God will
reward the righteous with a garden (paradise) and garments of silk will be
theirs for their patience...76:12
believers will recline in garden (paradise) on raised thrones, no
excessive heat of the sun; no excessive cold of the moon...76:13
residents of paradise will enjoy wine mixed with Zaanzabil
fountain in paradise is called Salsabil...76:18
around will be vessels of silver and goblets of crystal; they will be
served by youths (boys) of perpetual freshness like pearls...76:19
will be peace and tranquillity everywhere in paradise…76:20
garments of fine silk and heavy brocade, adorned with bracelets of silver;
God will give everyone to drink a pure holy wine...76:21
And the Qur’anic Hell
preachers of idolatry will be cut off from their followers and will be
sent to hell...2:166
God casts
terror in the hearts of unbelievers; they will reside in hell...3:151
Hell is a
woeful refuge...3:162
dwellers of hell will be covered with shame; there are no helpers for
Hell is a
burning fire; so is envy...
will be cast in fire, their skins roasted often, skin changed often for
more roasting...
unbelievers will drink boiling water in hell...6:70
Each new
entrant of hell will blame his ancestors for leading him to hell; the
penalty of hell fire is doubled for those who mislead others...
Allah has
made many men and Jinns for hell; they are worse than cattle...7:179
unbelievers will burn in hell...
There are
seven gates in hell each of special class...
Hell is a
prison (dungeon) for the unbelievers...17:8
someone wants material things, God will bestow this first; then He will
gather them in Gehenna (hell) to be burnt forever)...
will be lying face down, will be dumb and deaf on the judgment day; God
will increase the fierceness of hell fire...17:97
Hell is
an entertainment for the unbelievers...18:102
Those who
are gathered in hell will lay face down...25:34
the bitter tree in hell is for the unbelievers…37:62
springs out of bottom of hell fire…37:64
unbelievers will be led to hell in crowds; gates will be opened, the
keepers will ask questions regarding the messengers sent…39:71
people of Pharaoh will be brought in front of hellfire in the morning and
in the evening...40:46
Those in
hellfire will beg the keepers of hell to lighten the penalty at least for
a day...40:49
keepers of hell will admonish the inmates of hell for disobeying the
messengers sent to them while they were in earth…40:50
God will
taunt the Christians in hell saying: Where are all my partners that you
used to believe in?...40:73
unbelievers will ask Malek, the keeper of hell to kill them with God’s
permission; but Malek will promise them to keep them in hell
One day
God will ask hell if it is full or not; the hell will ask more inmates in
will be entertainment with boiling water and they will be burned in
The only
food in hell will be bitter ones; filth and pus…69:35-37
To escape
hell fire, the sinners will offer to sacrifice their children, wives,
brothers.....everything on earth; but these will not be acceptable to God,
and the fire will be plucking out right to the skull...70:11-16
Jinns and the idolaters will be the fuels of hell fire...72:15
changes skin colour...74:27-29
For the
disbelievers, God has prepared shackles, chains and a blazing
coolness and drink in hell (gehenna)...78:24
For brevity’s sake I did not
include the historical references in the Qur’an that were undoubtedly
told to Muhammad by Salman. Please spend some time searching the Qur’an
and you will surely discover that they were purely man-made stories—not
the stories told by Allah.
Bahira was a Nestorian Christian
monk who lived in Sham (
). His Christian name was Sergius or Georgius. It is believed that he was
expelled from the Syrian monastery for certain offences. To expiate it he
set out on a mission to
. In
he met Muhammad, became intimate with him and stayed with him. He had
confidential conversation with Muhammad in which he surely told Muhammad
about many facets of Christianity. The verses in the Qur’an dealing with
Christianity must have emanated from Bahira, the monk. Muhammad simply
re-wrote them with the help of his Qur’an collectors or scribes.
It is believed that the Qur’anic
verses on the Psalms of David were actually the contribution of Bahira.
These verses are:
We have sent thee inspiration, as We sent
it to Noah and the Messengers after him: we sent inspiration to Abraham,
Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and
Solomon, and to David We gave the Psalms.
And it is your Lord that knoweth best all
beings that are in the heavens and on earth: We did bestow on some
prophets more (and other) gifts than on others: and We gave to David (the
gift of) the Psalms.
021.105 Before
this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): My
servants the righteous, shall inherit the earth."
In fact, the Dictionary Islam (p.698) writes that the last quoted verse
(21.105) is a direct quote from Psalm xxxvii.29
Here are some sample verses which
most likely were contributed by Bahira:
Even when
Muhammad confirms the previous scriptures, the Jews and the Christians
reject him…2:101
The Jews
and the Christians quarrel with each other even though they study the same
book; God will judge between them...2:113
Islamic, the Jewish and the Christian God is the same God, do not argue on
this; God will reward each group according to their deeds…2:139
The Jews
and the Christians are invited to believe in the Book of God to settle
their disputes...
Some Jews
and Christians twisted their scriptures and passed them as God’s
Some Jews
and Christians believe in baseless powers of mysteries and the powers of
forgot a good part of the message; so, God condemned them to animosity and
hatred among themselves...
Christians follow Gospel correctly but most of them do not. If they
followed the Gospel correctly they would have enjoyed happiness from every
believers (Christians) were Muslims and their religion was Islam
was to learn from the Jews and the Christians; the Qur’an contains the
messages of these books...10:94-95
Some Jews
and Christians are actually Muslims; they believed in the Qur’an…28:53
with the people of the Book only in a nice manner; Muslims are to believe
in the Qur’an as well as in other books sent down by God; Muslim's God
and Jews and Christian's God is the same…29:46
bestowed Gospel to Jesus and ordained compassion and mercy to his
followers; God did not prescribe monasticism to the Christians...57:27
It is not clear why Bahira was
expelled from the Syrian church. Could it be that he held views on
Christianity that was blasphemous to the Nestorian church? Or could it be
that he did some criminal act? No one knows. Any way, Muhammad had a
wealth of information on Christianity (apocryphal or main-stream) from
this monk and thus created an eclectic Qur’an..
It is interesting to note that
Qur’an mentions itself that Muhammad was, in fact, taught by a foreigner
but Allah tried to deny the truth by implying that the language of
Muhammad and the language of the foreigner was different! This obviously,
is completely untrue, as we note that Muhammad, during his trip to Sham (
) had met Bahira, and had no difficulty in communicating with him. Here is
the verse that says that Muhammad was taught by a foreigner:
We know indeed that they say, "It is a
man that teaches him." The tongue of him they wickedly point to is
notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear.
Dictionary of Islam (Hughes Dictionary of
Islam, p.223) writes that Jabr was one of the Ahlu-l-Kitab and was
well-read in the Taurat and Injil, and Muhammad used to hear him read
these books as he passed by his house. Muhammad must have learned from
Jabr many of those Suras dealing with the traditions of the Christians and
the Jews. Most likely, the verses on David and Solomon were composed by
Jabr. Some of these verses are (only the main messages are shown here; for
details read the entire verse):
David slew Goliath...2:251
Psalms was given to David...4:163
God is discriminatory; he prefers
some prophets to others; he gave Psalms to David…
God witnessed the judgment of
David and Solomon…21:78
God gave Solomon the correct
understanding; He made the mountains and the birds to serve David…21:79
God taught David the skill of
war-shield making…21:80
Before the Qur’an, God sent
messages in the Psalms of David...21:105
God gave knowledge to David and
Solomon's father was David.
Solomon was the heir of David; Solomon understood the speeches of birds,
beasts and plants…27:16
Solomon had control over Jinns;
the Jinns and birds fought in Solomon’s army…27:17
God put the mountains under the
command of David; taught him how to make weapons from iron…34:10-11
God had put the mountains, birds
for David’s service and endowed him with wisdom and logic…38:18-20
God forgave David's sins...38:25
God made David a ruler on earth
and gave him the authority to issue fair judgment by God’s laws and by
his personal opinions…38:26
Ibn Qumta was a Christian slave
who lived in
. Muhammad learned about the apocryphal gospel of Christianity (such as
The Gospel of Infancy and The Gospel of Barnabas) from him. The entire
Sura on Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ (Sura 19) was probably written
by this Christian slave. Sourcing from Wakidi, Alphonso Mingana, in his
essay, The Transmission of the Koran (Alphonso Mingana, The
Transmission of the Koran, The Origins of The Koran, p.103) writes:
more ancient historian, Wakidi, has the following sentence in which it is
suggested that ‘Abdallah b. Sa’d b. Abi Sarh, and a Christian slave,
ibn Qumta, had something to do with the Koran. And ibn Abi Sarh came back
and said to Quraish: “It was only a Christian slave who was teaching him
(Muhammad); I used to write to him and change whatever I wanted.”’
Please note that Abdallah b.
Sa’d b Abi Sarh was Muhammad’s trusted scribe. When Muhammad migrated
to Medina Abdallah also followed him. Whenever Muhammad went into a trance
he would dictate Abdallah to write down his utterances. When Abdallah
suggested some changes to Muhammad’s lisping, Muhammad readily agreed
with Abdallah. An example is when Muhammad was dictating verse 23:12-14.
Man We did create from a quintessence (of
023.013 Then
We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed;
023.014 Then We made the sperm
into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump;
then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then
we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to
When Abdallah suggested some
modifications to the last verse, Muhammad quickly agreed with Abdallah.
This led Abdallah to suspect Muhammad’s claim of reception of messages
from Allah, apostatised and left
. He then proclaimed that he (Abdallah) too could easily write the
Qur’anic verses by being inspired by Allah.
Muhammad was furious and sought
Allah’s help. Allah promptly sent down verse 6:93 condemning any one who
claims to be inspired by Allah. Here is the verse:
Who can be more wicked than one who
inventeth a lie against Allah, or saith, "I have received
inspiration," when he hath received none, or (again) who saith,
"I can reveal the like of what Allah hath revealed"? If thou
couldst but see how the wicked (do fare) in the flood of confusion at
death! - the angels stretch forth their hands, (saying),"Yield up
your souls: this day shall ye receive your reward,- a penalty of shame,
for that ye used to tell lies against Allah, and scornfully to reject of
His signs!"
When Muhammad occupied
he earmarked 8 [or10 (6 men, 4 women) according to Ibn Sa’d, vol. ii,
p165] people to be killed even if they were found in the precinct of
Ka’ba. Abdallah was one of them.
Even Sahih
Bukhari confirms that a Christian wrote parts of the Qur’an. This
Christian writer of the Qur’an, without doubt, is none other than ibn
Qumta. Here is the Hadis:
A Christian who converted to Islam
wrote Muhammad's revelations; then he reverted back to Christianity and
claimed that Muhammad knew nothing and he wrote the Quran for Muhammad;
when this man died his body was repeatedly thrown out from the
4, Book 56, Number 814:
Narrated Anas:
There was a Christian who
embraced Islam and read Surat-al-Baqara and Al-Imran, and he used to write
(the revelations) for the Prophet. Later on he returned to Christianity
again and he used to say: "Muhammad knows nothing but what I have
written for him." Then Allah caused him to die, and the people buried
him, but in the morning they saw that the earth had thrown his body out.
They said, "This is the act of Muhammad and his companions. They dug
the grave of our companion and took his body out of it because he had run
away from them." They again dug the grave deeply for him, but in the
morning they again saw that the earth had thrown his body out. They said,
"This is an act of Muhammad and his companions. They dug the grave of
our companion and threw his body outside it, for he had run away from
them." They dug the grave for him as deep as they could, but in the
morning they again saw that the earth had thrown his body out. So they
believed that what had befallen him was not done by human beings and had
to leave him thrown (on the ground).
Please note that the text inside parenthesis, (e.g.,
the revelations) is the insertion by the translator.
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