Terrorism is more dangerous than the Communism of the last Century
Kamran Mirza
22, 2005
friend of mine
has forwarded an article from
Washington post written by
Mr. Zbigniew Brzezinski the renown American foreign policy expert,
and the theme of his article was: Is the Communism and Islamic terrorism
has anything in common? More precisely, he has stated in his article
with firm voice that the ‘Islamic terrorists are much weaker than
communism’ hence the west should not take Islamic terrorists so seriously!
frankly, I do not agree with Mr. Brzezinski’s opinion on several important
points of his article which has delved the most important political issues
of this 21st
century. Mr.
Brzezinski is a famous
foreign policy expert and was the security advisor to the American President
Jimmy Carter. He was perhaps one of the key persons responsible for creating
Osama Bin Laden (the Frankenstein of American foreign politics) in the
80’s by his relentless campaign and ardently teaching of Islamic jihad. By
the help of Saudi Islamic crooks he recruited thousands of young Arab
jihadis, gave them jihadi training, weapons, money and other logistic
supports to fight the Communism (USSR). And now he thinks Islamic terrorism
is not as dangerous as Communism of the past. It is only out of ignorance of
Islamic zealotry that Mr. Brzezinski’s is making such absurd comments.
However, with due respect to Mr. Brezezinski below are my comments against
his opinions.
my view, if Communism was a thousand pounds Gorilla; then the Islamic
terrorism is a ten thousand pounds Gorilla. Communism might have had
Nukes to destroy the entire planet; but the communists did not dare to even
touch one single hair of
(anywhere in the whole world) during 50 years of cold war because it feared
retaliation. On the other hand, these devilish ideologically brainwashed
Islamic terrorists have already destroyed over a dozen of American
Embassies/installations overseas, have killed many hundreds of American
abroad, have destroyed the American warships and the American Army
installations in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; (By the way all these happened
during the reign of two Democratic Presidents: Carter and Clinton) and
finally have destroyed the pride of America WTC, and the Pentagon right here
in the soil of America—killing over three thousand innocent Americans.
the above terrorisms happened before the
war. For fifty years Communism made thousands of Nukes but did not have a
single suicide bomber. The Islamic terrorism counts with thousands of
suicide bombers which are more practical and more efficient than Nukes.
deadly human bombs are indiscriminately blasting and killing innocent
civilians throughout the world. Can
Mr. Brzezinski still claim that Communism was stronger than Islamic
terrorism? Mr. Brezezinski must be kidding! [Was the mighty communism at all capable of giving such apocalyptic
scenery (above) of the destruction of American property right in the heart
? ]
to refute Mr. Brzezinski’s inaccurate comparison of communism with Islamic
terrorism, let me cite a few unparallel examples: To quell the monster of
Islamic terrorism , America has already fought and still is fighting two
major wars (Afghanistan and Iraq) spending tens of thousands of human lives
and hundreds of billions of dollars as well; overhauled many US
administrative strategies; created a brand new Homeland Security
Department, many other security arrangements worldwide, federal Air
marshal etc. spending hundreds of billions of dollars. To handle the
communist threat
did not have to do a fraction of that. Yet the control of Islamic
terrorism is not in the sight at all.
many other (Democrats and leftists) naive Americans, Mr. Brzezinski does not
know Islam not the zealotry of its followers. He thing just because the
Islamic terrorists do not have a strong organization as the communists did,
they are weak, vulnerable and are not a great threat! Fact is, these Islamic
terrorists actually do not have any home or country or any geographical
boundary. They are everywhere all over the world including
, and they are like shadow which can not be seen before they blast their
deadly bombs. Islamic terrorists have one common home which is the
religion of Islam and they get their instructions from the Quran. They
are brainwashed and solidly bonded by this deadly ideology. Islamic
terrorists are more dangerous and more powerful because of their fanatical
faith and because they have no home and can’t be targeted, than the
communist that had an identifiable home and organization having only a
loosely bonded political theme. Had the Islamic terrorists got any
particular home or geographical identity, then it would have been very easy
for a super power like
to destroy it completely. Unfortunately, that is not the case with Islamic
Mr. Brzezinski, President George Bush and British PM Tony Blair also thought
initially that Islam/religion was not the factor, or those terrorists are
not bonded with the Islamic ideology. They both initially said “Islam is
peace”. But now with time they both have been educated well about this
menacing threat. Now they are uttering the correct adjectives about these
Islamic terrorists. The “murderous ideology of the Islamic radicals”,
“Islamic radicalism,” “militant jihadism”, “Islamofascism”, or
are the
right words for President Bush and PM Blair to use for describing Islamic
terrorists. Before, they both used to tell all wrong things about the
Islamic terrorists. Because, it has been proven time and again by actions
and figures that Islamic terrorism is indeed connected and greatly
emboldened by the murderous
ideology of Islam.
Brzezinski’s another naďve theory is that—it’s the “poverty and
oppression” that is creating suicide bombers, and not Islam. He is
wrong here too. So far Islamists blasted hundreds of suicide bombs. Not a
single case was proven that they did it because of oppressions. I have
followed every news about these suicide bombers, and read several dozens of
articles about those captured would be suicide bombers (around the world)
who were interviewed by various reporters. Almost all of
them vividly and proudly told the reporters that they have done it by
religious motivations/convictions, and wanted to become martyrs. None of
them said that they did it because of any oppression or due to poverty. They
all wanted to enter Islamic lustful heaven by killing innocent human beings.
All those Nineteen 9/11 terrorists who destroyed WTC and Pentagon were from
affluent rich and educated Arab families, and they were all University
graduates. They all left the messages behind that they did it to go to
heaven to enjoy 72 virgin houris. Please mind that poverty also do exist in
, and many other countries of Africa and
. Those poor Hindus, poor Buddhists, or poor Christians, Animists or poor
Pagans do not commit suicide bombings to kill kaffirs. Only Muslims do it.
Therefore, it is Islam (religion) the cause, and not any poverty or
oppressions. Communism could not create a single suicide bomber to kill any
capitalists. But the deadly ideology of Islam can create tens of thousands
of suicide bombers world wide.
consider the case of
today. In
Islamic terrorist are blasting deadly bombs everywhere killing innocent
peoples almost on daily basis. All those involved in these killings are
Islamists (Madrassa students, Madrassa teachers, muftis, maoulanas, Imams,
etc.). The poor Bengalis beggars will never commit suicide to kill people
even if the beggars are starving for several weeks, unless they are
fanatically brainwashed by heavenly bait of Islam. Mind you no human wants
to die even for billion dollars; but he will die for a cause.
absolutely incorrect to claim that major religious figures condemned Islamic
terrorism. Pope may have done it but not grand mufti of
Saudi Arabia
or any other Islamic big mullah. Not even 2% Islamic mullahs of the entire
world did condemn Islamic terrorism. Their condemnation has the deceitful
tactics of fooling the western world. They may condemn terrorism (only
externally), but never condemn jihadist Islamists. Actually they call it
jihad; how they can condemn jihad? Could they go against the Quran?
Virtually all the Muslims from Madrassas, Mosques, Islamic centers
vehemently support Osama bin Laden and his Islamic terrorist’s gang whole
heartedly. Even the so called moderate or ignorant Muslims do support
(clandestinely) Osama’s grand mission of fighting the west.
Brzezinski’s analogy of IRA terrorism with Islamic terrorism is another
sign of naivety and lack of understanding of the real problem of Islamic
terrorism. IRA terrorism in
Northern Ireland
or Basque terrorism in
is purely local in nature and their struggle is not to establish or
safeguard Christianity or any other religion. IRA or Basque people never
blasted their bombs in
, Philipine, Tunesia or in
. Most importantly, IRA and Basque terrorists did not commit suicide
bombings. Islamic terrorists are blasting suicide bombs all over the world.
What kind of analogy is it?
Islamic utopia was started after the rise of Islamic regime in
after the fall of the Shah of Iran. Osama bin Laden saw the victory over
in Afghan war as the victory of Islam over the enemy of Islam—the Russian
infidels. He has definitely considered it as the victory of Islam by the
Allah’s divine inspirational assistance and never considered American
superior weapons/technology any real factor for this victory over Russian
Communists. Apparently this was the pivotal spiritually inspirational
mindset of Osama bin Laden (according to his famous “fatwa of Osama bin
Laden” published after 9/11) which has aroused the divine passions of his
chosen al-Qaeda jihadis with the dream of establishing an Islamic Caliphate
throughout the entire world, as per the dictum of holy Qur’an.
prime and ultimate driving force behind the present Islamic terrorist’s
utopia is Islam and religious zeal, and not the poverty. Unless the west
understands the ultimate cause of this madness, in way it can defeat this
terrorist monster. This is not the time of critiquing or debating why
has gone to
. This is the time to unite and find the way to win this
war—which will leave a strong message to those Islamic jihadis al
Qaeda, which will definitely discourage future recruits of jihadis and will
help evaporate their dream of establishing Islamic Caliphate.
dangerous terrorist ideology must be fought in two fronts: Militarily and
ideologically. West must investigate what lies in Islam/Quran that can
very easily turn a simple human into a deadly bomb. Mr. Brezezinski’s
absurd theory will do no good. Cutting and running from Iraq war leaving the
job unfinished will only give the jubilant inspirations to those jihadis
which will embolden their Islamic zeal even further to recruit more jihadis
to stage more dangerous 9/11 than the one they have already staged in 2001.
the President Bush listens to Mr. Brzezinski’s absurd theme and withdraws
without finishing the job, this shortsightedness of
will leave a dangerous message to those jihadis dreamers. Islamists will
declare that they have defeated
(one super power) in
, and defeated the biggest super power
. And credit
all that to the divine help from Allah.
This will be a devastating defeat for the west and will invite catastrophic
terrorisms and untold devastations in the entire western world including
. There will be no power on earth to stop Islamic/jihadis human bombs which
will be relentlessly blasting bombs everywhere in the west with much Islamic
zeal and a great passion of establishing Islamic caliphate as per Quranic
predications by Allah. This will lead to the third world war which may
destroy our entire civilization.
[email protected]