all the suicide bombings same? Was
war solely responsible for suicide bombings?
By Syed Kamran Mirza
Islamic apologists often argue that suicide bombings for
the cause of freedom fighting committed not only by the Muslims, but by many
other nations (Tamil, Jews, and Japanese Kamakazies) committed suicide bombings
for their own freedom struggle. According to them, Muslims are committing
suicide today for their freedom struggle. Therefore, suicide bombings by Muslim
youths have nothing to do with Islam! Most prudent question can be asked here:
Are all those past suicide bombings same as Islamic suicide bombings today? Are
their pattern same? Let us examine:
Those so called Tamil Tiger, Jews or Japanese Kamakazis may
have used technique of suicide bombings very rarely as their desperate quest
only to free their own motherland and their suicide acts were absolutely limited
to their own land targeting soldiers, leaders and not innocent civilians. Tamil,
Jews, Kamakazies or IRA never blasted bombs in other countries outside their own
boundary; they only primarily did blast bombs within their own border. Rarely,
isolated single bomb in the vicinity of their border, such as Tamil’s killing
Razib Ghandi for his support of Sri Lankan Government. But they never ever came
, Saudi Arabia etc. to blast suicide bombs inside bus, train, metro, ocean
beaches, tourist resorts etc. None of those above did suicide bombings
throughout the whole world globally like those Islamists vigorously doing today.
How many Tamil blasted suicide bomb in Europe or
? Was there any global jihadi
phenomenon of suicide bombings by Tamil Tigers like those Islamists?
Islamists also now telling us that those Muslim youths
blasting their jihadi suicide bombs only to take revenge for
war. As if, before
war Islamic jihadis were very gentle and were sitting idle.
May I ask why those Islamic jihadis were blasting bombs relentlessly at
military camps in
Saudi Arabia
, American Embassies in
and elsewhere, much before
war? Why they killed more than 3000
innocent civilians in WTC? Why they bombed
ship at
? Why they bombed
barrack at
? Was their
war then?
Islamists are blind or brainwashed in their early
childhood, and frequently they have myopic tunnel vision. What mullah taught
them in their early childhood is nothing but bunch of utter lies only to
eulogize Islam and its Prophet Muhammad; just the way a bunch of stooges (Chamchas) can make an evil thief (dacoite) into a very pious pir in
, only to deceive tens of thousands of gullible Muslims.
Those hypocritical mullahs who taught us that Islam is peace and Muhammad
was merciful compassionate human being had no citations to support their any of
the assertions at all. Even now Islamic apologists throughout the whole world
can not bring single Hadith or Quranic verse to support their assertion. Yet
they will try to defend their child hood ego only by the lip service.
Actually, Islamic apologists will never change by any
logic. Islamists frequently bragged about Muslim names. Their so called Muslim
‘Name game’ is utter stupidity and naked hypocrisy. I wish they explain what
they mean by Muslim name after all! Muhammad was pagan, his mother father even
14 generations of Prophet Muhammd were pagans. Their name was created by pagans.
What are the Muslim names? Could any Islamist tell us about Muslim name?
My final questions: Could Islamists tell us how Prophet
Muhammad established his ideology of Islam in the entire Arab peninsula?
Did he fight continuous bloody wars to subjugate other believers in order
to convert them to his own belief? Did
he destroy other believers’ idols, deities, and places of worships? Did he
taunted, criticize other people’s religions?
If your answer is yes—could you still call him a peaceful compassionate
human being? Could you tell us how
and what criteria make Islam a peaceful religion?