The Interview That Never Happened
By Ali Sina
This interview never happened, but I
wished that it had. So I interviewed myself.
Is it poverty that is fueling Islamic
Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with poverty. The Muslim terrorists
are all educated and come from middle class families. Osama Bin Laden’s
inheritance was a quarter of a billion dollars. His lieutenants are
doctors and engineers. This claim that Muslims become terrorists because
of poverty is a myth propagated by the leftists who see the solution to
every problem in social engineering – take the money from the rich and
make everyone equally poor. This is their panacea.
Muslim terrorists are motivated by their religious belief. One of the
terrorists of London bombing (Mohammad Sidique Khan) left a tape in which
he said:
I and thousands like me are forsaking everything for what we believe.
Our drive and motivation doesn't come from tangible commodities that this
world has to offer. Our religion is Islam, obedience to the one true God
and following the footsteps of the final prophet.
This is the truth coming from the mouth of the horse. Every other reason
Muslims or their leftist lackeys give you is an excuse. The terrorists are
not angry for what we do but for who we are.
Why the Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany? Had they done anything to
arouse this much hatred? Could they have done something to appease the
Nazis and stop the holocaust? Of course not! The Nazis wanted the Jews
dead, not for what they had done but for who they were.
What the Hindus in Bali did to Muslims to deserve bombing? What was the
crime of the children in Beslan? Muslims will give you all sorts of
excuses. They will tell you that it is because of Afghanistan, Iraq,
Kashmir, Chechnya, Lebanon, Palestine, etc. None of that is true. Muslims
constantly are massacring each other, by thousand and millions and for
centuries and no one gives a hoot. No one has done to Muslims as much harm
as they have done to each other.
Muslim terrorists are following the footsteps of their prophet. They are
waging Jihad against all non-Muslims. The intent is to take over the world
and make Islam dominant. Don’t you read the placards they carry during
their angry demonstrations and riots? “Islam will dominate the world”.
That is their slogan.
Islam expanded with warfare. Muhammad boasted: “I have been made
victorious with terror”. (Bukhari 4.52.220.) He raided villages and took
the civilians by surprise, killed unarmed men and took their wives and
children as war booty.
Playing victim is part of their game. Muslims victimize others and then
turn around and blame their victims.
Muhammad, like Hitler, Stalin and all other megalomaniac insane dictators,
was a narcissist. By emulating a narcissist Muslims have entered into his
bubble universe, act like him and think like him. As the result they have
acquired his disorder. It is the habit of the narcissist to blame his
victims. It is always the fault of the victim. “You made me do it”, is
the narcissist’s excuse.
Muhammad raided the tribes of Arabia claiming that Angle Gabriel had
informed him that they were plotting to attack so he had to attack them
preemptively or giving other silly excuses like this. In this way he
justified his dastardly forays and terrorist onslaughts on unarmed people.
This is exactly what his followers do today. To them, all these terrorist
acts are for defending Islam. They claim that Islam is under attack and
Muslims are persecuted to justify their crimes.
The truth is that Muslims have unleashed the Jihad. They will continue
killing us until we submit to them and surrender. What they want is the
establishment of Khilafat worldwide.
Don’t you think what the Muslims countries need most is democracy?
Yes of course! What they need most is democracy. But democracy is a mighty
edifice; you need a good foundation for it. Such a foundation in Islamic
courtiers does not exist. The foundation of democracy is freedom of
speech, freedom of faith and equality of rights of all citizens
irrespective of their gender and belief. In Islam men and women are not
equal. Believers and non-believers are not equal. Islam still believes in
slavery. If Muslims become powerful in the world, slavery will be back.
The Quran says the non-believers should be taken as slaves and the Quran
is considered to be eternal guidance.
Guess who would be their slaves? You, your wife and your children! Listen
to the slogans that they chant during their demonstrations. I have this on
record in my site. A Muslim in Britain is shouting, “We will kill you
and take your wives as war booty.” Don’t fool yourself. They mean it.
In Saudi Arabia there is this concept of blood money. If a person is
killed or brought to death by another, the latter must pay blood money or
compensation as follow.
100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man
50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman
50,000 riyals if a Christian man
25,000 riyals if a Christian woman
6,666 riyals if a Hindu man
3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman.
According to this hierarchy, a Muslim man's life is worth thirty times
that of a Hindu woman. This hierarchy is based on the Islamic definition
of human rights and is rooted in the Quran and Sharia. How can one talk of
democracy when the concept of equality in Islam is inexistent?
Democracy means the rule of people. This is a concept contrary to Islam.
Islam believes in the rule of Allah. Saudi Arabia does not even have a
constitution. The Quran is their constitution.
There have been attempts to establish democracy in several Islamic
countries. The fight for democracy in Iran dates back to more than 100
years. But because Islam is incompatible with democracy, democracies in
Islamic countries are short-lived.
So you don’t think democracy in
Iraq will ever take root?
I don’t think democracy, in the true meaning of the word, in any Islamic
country will ever take root. As long as people remain Muslims, and to the
degree that they believe in this big lie, they will resist democracy. Do
you think there is democracy in Turkey? Ask the Kurds! Do you think there
is democracy in Malaysia? Ask the Malaysians who want to leave Islam!
You can’t impose democracy from above on those who don’t want it.
Democracy must be born from the grassroots.
Instead of imposing democracy from above, we should lay the foundation for
democracy first.
What is the foundation of democracy?
Freedom of press, freedom of faith, freedom of expression, freedom of
woman! These are the foundations of democracy. Without them you can’t
have democracy.
What is preventing Islamic countries from having these freedoms? …Islam!
You want to have democracy? You must get rid of Islam first.
Certainly not all Muslims are terrorist. A great number of Muslims are
moderate. Where do they stand on this war?
What does moderate Muslim mean? Islam is a cult of death. It is
intolerant, violent and fanatical. Muhammad was a terrorist. How can one
be moderate and follow a terrorist?
“Moderate Muslim”, is oxymoron. Moderate Muslim is one who does not
follow his religion properly. He is a wishy-washy Muslim. To make Muslims
moderate you have to ask them not to follow their religions fully. But
this is not realistic. Can we tell a person that your religion is good but
please don’t practice it? If Islam is good why should people not
practice it? And if it is bad why should we not denounce it?
Jesus said truth will set you free. What is hurting us are lies. We do not
approve what Islam teaches. We don’t like its violence, its intolerance
and terror and at the same time we give lip service to it and give it the
status of a word religion. We respect its terrorist pedophile founder and
his book of terror. We are living a lie. This is hypocrisy.
Islam is what Osama Bin Laden and other terrorists practice. The
terrorists are following the footsteps of Muhammad. They are not doing
anything that Muhammad did not do. If we accept Islam, we must also accept
terrorism. Jihad is a duty of every Muslim. It is inseparable from Islam.
You are bundling all Muslims in the same category, overlooking the fact
that there are different readings/interpretations of Islam and Muslims are
not all alike.
Muslims have different interpretations of Islam and they fight and kill
each other over who is right. This has been going on since the death of
Muhammad. But Islam is what the Quran teaches and this book is a manual of
terror. There is no peaceful version of Islam because it would go against
the Quran. There is no such thing as moderate Islam. Every true Muslim,
must become a terrorist, kill the non-Muslims and strive to make Islam
dominant. If he is not a terrorist he is not a good Muslim.
There are many Muslims living in the
West. Many of them have integrated in the society and are westernized.
Where their allegiance lies?
It depends how deep is their faith. If a Muslim truly believes in his
religion his allegiance must be to Islam. Since Islam’s goal is to
dominate the world, this Muslim will do everything he can to destroy the
country in which he lives and pave the road for the Islamic takeover. This
has nothing to do with his ethnicity. An American descendent of early
pioneers will plot the death of fellow Americans, once he converts to
Islam. A British convert strives to kill his fellow countrymen. And a Jew
convert to Islam cheers every time there is a suicide bombing in Israel.
I received an email, from a distraught American mother whose son converted
to Islam and one day he told her that if Islam takes over America, he
would not hesitate to kill her, should the order come to slay the
The allegiance of Muslims is to Islam. The brainwashing is complete.
Muslims who truly believe in Islam will stab you in the back even if you
are their best friend. They are the enemy within. They are the
fifth-column among us. An American Muslim soldier sees America as his
enemy and will shoot first his fellow soldiers.
It is not politically correct to say it, but do not trust your best Muslim
friend if he loves Islam. You do that at your own peril.
What do you think of racial profiling?
I agree with racial profiling even though this affects me personally.
However, racial profiling is not enough. There are American and European
converts to Islam who would happily become suicide bombers. One of the 23
suspects recently captured in England plotting to blow up ten aircrafts,
was a mother who was planning to take her infant to her suicide mission.
Brainwashed people are zombies.
Racial profiling will reduce the cost of the security and the hassle for
many passengers but it is not going to make us safe. We must search for
the real solution.
What is the solution in your opinion?
The solution is to identify the real enemy and combat it. The real enemy
is Islam. This war must be fought on ideological ground. This is the only
way to win it. Imagine trying to win the World War II and at the same time
hailing Hitler, calling him a holy man and a great leader and revere his
Mein Kamph. What would have been our chances of wining that war? Imagine
trying to fight the Cold War, while saving communism from criticism. This
is what we are doing with Islamic terrorism. We are not going to win this
war unless we target Islam and discredit it.
But you are comparing apples to oranges. Nazism and Communism are
political ideologies; Islam is a religion. We can’t treat a religion the
way we treat a political ideology.
Here is where you are mistaken. Islam is a political ideology disguised as
religion. What is the goal of Islam? The goal of Islam is to take over the
world, topple the democracies and establish the Khilafat. This is a
political goal. This is the same goal of Nazism and communism. Islam is
political. We do not have another form of Islam. The difference between
Islam and these two other totalitarian ideologies is that Islam is
disguised as a religion and this makes it more insidious.
As long as we do not unmask Islam and do not treat it the way it should be
treated, as a political ideology bent to overthrow our system and destroy
our democracy, we are at a disadvantage. Islam is an impostor. To overcome
it we must unmask it. We must know our enemy. If we don’t know our enemy
we will not be able to win this war.
The religious aspect of Islam is only a camouflage. It has been a very
seductive and effective cover. Camouflaging his true intentions of
domination, Muhammad gave his foolhardy followers the promise of the
afterlife orgies with a bevy of celestial perpetually virgin whores and
with that he made them wage wars, sacrifice, kill and happily give up
their lives so he could rule. What can be better than that? You give me
everything including your life in this world and I give you a vacuous
promise of abundant food and unlimited sex in the afterlife. This is the
best bargain I can think of. All I have to do is to say a big lie and fool
There are many Muslims who are good
citizens. The ones who cause problem are relatively a minority. Are you
suggesting we wage a global war against all Muslims even though many of
them are as angry with the terrorists as we are? Should we punish the good
Muslims for the crimes of a few?
No! I am not suggesting we punish anyone. I suggest we unmask Islam and
fight it on the ideological ground. We must expose Islam for what it is.
We must read the Quran, the hadith and the biography of Muhammad and ask
The Quran says:
Slay the unbelievers wherever you catch them. (2:191)
Fight them, until there is no more dissent and religion is that of Allah (2:193)
The vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve. (8:55)
Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers (3:28)
I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above
their necks and smite all their fingertips off them (8:12)
Verily, the unbelievers are najis [unclean]. (9:28)
Ten things are essentially najis in
Isalm: 1. Urine 2. Feces 3. Semen 4. Dead body 5. Blood 6. Dog 7. Pig 8.
The sweat of an animal who eats najis things 9. Alcoholic beverages 10.
Kafir (i.e you and I).
These are all hate speeches. We must ask Muslims for accountability. Where
do they stand? Do they really believe in these hateful teachings? Do they
think we, the unbelievers, are as filthy as urine and feces? Do they think
we are worse than the vilest animals because we do not believe in their
cult? Do they agree with the Quran that says we should be slain? Do they
want to instill terror in our hearts, smite our necks and chop our
fingertips? Muslims must be asked these questions and we must decide
whether we can live with people who hate us so much or not. If they think
we are as unclean as urine and feces why they come here. Let them go back
to their “pure lands”.
Many Muslims do not believe in these things.
In that case they have to choose. If they do not believe in these things,
then why they call themselves Muslims? If they do not agree with the
terrorists, why do they subscribe to their ideology?
Muslims want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to come to the
west, benefit from our democracy, take advantage of the opportunities that
we offer them, live the American dream and at the same time continue
believing in a cult that clearly has no place in the modern world and is
evil to the core. They want to have it both ways. It is up to us to say no
you can’t have it both ways. You can’t come to our country to take
advantage of all the blessings that we provide for you and at the same
time hate us, despise us, equate us to feces, urine, dogs and pigs, call
us the vilest animal and use our democracy to destroy it. If you come
here, leave Islam back home.
A Muslim can’t have his allegiance to Islam and to America at the same
time. It is either one or the other. They must choose and we must make
them choose. It they can’t we must show them the door. We can’t fool
ourselves anymore. We can’t harbor our own enemies among us.
Why is it so important for you that moderate
Muslims leave Islam? If they do not hurt anyone and do not believe in all
the violent teachings of the Quran, why not let them be?
It is because the real Muslims, the terrorists, get their strength
from their number. They are harboring the thought of conquering the world.
They are counting the number of Muslims and see it is on the rise. This
encourages them and adds to their frenzy.
Muslims hate each other. The Sunnis do not consider the Shiites Muslim and
vice versa. Muslims think every other Muslim who does not belong to his
sect is Kafir and should be slain, but when it comes to counting Muslims
they count each and every one of them, even those whom they reject as
Muslim and kill. Their number gives them strength. If masses of so
called moderate Muslims start leaving Islam, the terrorists will be
completely disheartened and the Islamic terrorism will end. That is why it
is so important that good people leave Islam. By calling themselves
Muslims they are accomplices of the terrorists.
Are you suggesting we should establish religious apartheid and
discriminate against a certain people based on their religious beliefs?
I am not suggesting we establish religious apartheid. I am suggesting that
we acknowledge that Islam promotes religious apartheid and fight it.
Islam does not tolerate other faiths and beliefs. According to Islam
people of other faiths must be put to death or if they are “people of
the book” they must be subdued, humiliated and become second-class
citizens and pay protection fee so their lives be spared. Is such a
doctrine acceptable to us? Is it compatible with our ethos? Should we
remain tongue tied and let is spread in our countries? If not then it has
no place in our civilized world.
In many democratic countries Nazism is banned. The nature of Nazism is
such that it should not be tolerated. Freedom of
faith does not mean freedom to promote hate. Islam is far more
dangerous than Nazism. In all democratic countries, beliefs are free but
preaching hate is not. It is not your constitutional rights to say people
who do not belong to your cult are worse than animals and that they are
filthy like urine and excrement. The Quran calls the Jews monkeys and
rats. This is hate speech. Will you allow one to come to your country and
say Blacks or HIspanics are monkeys? Of course you won't. So why this
double standard when it comes to Islam? The Quran says that the
non-Muslims must be killed, that they are despised, that God hates them,
and that they are fuel for hell. Do we give legitimacy to any other
ideology that preaches this much hate? Does the president of US invite the
members of Ku Klux Klan in the White House to celebrate their festivity?
It is time that we come to our senses and recognize that Islam is evil to
its core, that it has no place in our society and demand Muslims to choose
between democracy and their cult of hate.
It’s time to tell the truth. It’s time to call the spade a spade. The
problem will not go away if we bury our heads in the sand. The house is on
fire. It’s time to wake up and do something about it.
Islam is not a religion. It is a dangerous cult that must be eradicated or
we will have to prepare ourselves for the Armageddon.
This sounds quite scary. What do you suggest we should do? Do you have
a practical solution?
When you are facing a problem of this magnitude, do not expect to have an
easy solution. We are used to quick fixes and band-aid solutions. But I am
afraid there are no shortcuts and quick fixes to solve this problem.
We have three choices in front of us.
Spread the truth. Fight Islam ideologically. Defeat it rationally.
And wean Muslims from this cult and bring them back to the fold of
Do nothing and let Islam take over the Europe. This will happen
before the end of this century. It could happen by 2050 or 2060. Muslims
are procreating at an alarming rate in Europe and once they become a force
to reckon with they will overthrow the European democracies and reduce
everyone into dhimmitude. They will not hesitate to slaughter their hosts
or force them to convert at gunpoint. They will of course destroy all the
art and culture, which they consider to be un-Islamic. Enjoy Michelangelo
and Mozart because your children won't be able to. Then it would be our
Wage a war against Muslims, throw them out of our countries,
possibly nuke their countries if they become a threat, and reduce them to
abject poverty. Muslims will not wage Jihad as long as they are poor and
These are the only alternatives. Which
one do you prefer? The alternatives (b) and (c) are not very pleasing.
Subduing Muslims or being subdued by them are not ideal scenarios. That is
why I think we should work on alternative (a). This is the only rational
and humane alternative. We must destroy Islam and wean the Muslims from
this web of lies. This is the cheapest, the fastest and the most effective
way to wage this war and win it. The beauty of it is that both sides will
be the winners. It’s a win/win war and our enemy will become our friend
and ally.
You can’t expect Muslims to be reasonable. They are brainwashed. They
have no better rational capacity than the followers of Warren Jeffs.
Muslims have cultic mentality. It is unreasonable to expect them to be
rational because they can't. When it comes to their faith they have no
rational faculty. For them the reasonable thing is to follow their
religion, wage Jihad against us and reclaim the Earth for Allah. As long
as they believe in Islam, they will have only one thought and that is to
take over the world at the cost of their own martyrdom. Their brain is
dead. They are zombies. Islam has paralyzed their thinking. The real enemy
is Islam. Muslims are victims. They must be rescued. This is the only
correct alternative.
If we do not confront Islam soon, we will have to prepare ourselves to
wage a global war against Muslims, kill them by millions and get killed by
them. This is a war that can be avoided. Kill Islam before Islam kill
For more than two hundred years Christianity has been under attack,
criticized and vilified and yet it is going strong. What makes you think
Islam can be defeated with criticism?
There is no comparison between Islam and Christianity or any other
religion for that matter. Christianity is essentially a good religion.
Christ taught: “Let the one who has not sinned throw the first stone”,
“forgive the sins of others so yours can be forgiven”, “love thy
neighbor”, “You have been told not to sin, I tell you not to think of
sin for you would be committing sin in your mind”. These are beautiful
teachings. They are eternal truths. All religions have beautiful teachings
that inspire the heart and make believers steadfast. Jesus led a saintly
life. He was not a mass murderer, a pedophile, an assassin, a lecher, a
looter and a terrorist. Muhammad was all the above. He was a fiend. There
is nothing good in his teachings. The Quran is evil, violent and hateful.
Muslims do not believe in Islam because they find anything good in it but
because Muhammad instilled in them the fear of hell. Islam is a fear-based
cult. Fear is the child of ignorance. Once the truth is told, Islam will
crumble like a house of cards. Only truth will set us free. We must tell
the truth about Islam to get rid of it and its terrorism.