A Response to a Backstabbing Commie
Attacking Oriana Fallaci
The Communists claim to be working for peace and fighting against Islamic
terrorism. This is however nothing but rhetoric. In reality they are
fighting against the West and the Western interests and will not hesitate
to backstab the champions of freedom fighters. The following is a rebuttal
of a communist’s attack on Oriana Fallaci.
By Ali Sina
Azar Majedi is a Marxist.
For all intents and purposes Marxism is a dead ideology. Iranian Marxists
are a tiny fringe group with no popular support and most Iranians view
them as traitors for their continued anti patriotic stance. Since their
appearance in the political arena of Iran (1920) these communists have
strove hard to make Iran part of the Soviet Union . Today they are behind
all separatist movements in Iran and loath everything that is Iranian
including the sun and the lion the emblem on its flag that dates back to
at least 2500 years. The reason the communists are so anti patriotic is
the same reason that Muslims are anti patriotic. They believe in a world
dictatorship ruled by one single party, an equivalent of Islamic
Caliphate. Therefore they see patriotism and nationalism as obstacles in
their quest and do everything possible to undermine them.
Today the Iranian Marxists are divided in many factions. Ms. Majedi is a
leader of the WPI, Worker-Communist Party of Iran (as if there is a
Capitalist-Communist Party too). This group is a splinter of the Communist
Party of Iran formed by Mansoor Hekmat in 1991. Upon Hekmat’s death in
2002 even this splinter was split in two antagonistic factions, each group
claiming to be more “Hekmatist” than the other.
Hekmat, the ideologue and the icon of WPI was a Maoist who held that
ruthless mass murderer as his hero. He founded the Union of Communist
Fighters in 1978, and supported the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Soon after
the Revolution succeeded Khomeini started eliminating those who had helped
him to come to power and Hekmat escaped to Kurdistan (1981) where he
helped the creation of the Communist Party of Iraq.
After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, the bankruptcy of the Marxist
ideology became apparent worldwide, but Hekmat was a dogmatic ideologue.
He was unable to accept the fact that Communism is a failed paradigm.
Instead he claimed that neither the Soviet Union nor the People’s
Republic of China were true socialist countries and advocated “return to
Marx”. It is not difficult to see the similarity of this mindset and
that of Muslim fundamentalists who think the cause of the backwardness of
Muslims is because Islam has been weakened and see the answer to problems
affecting the Muslim world in “return to pure Islam”. An ideologue
cannot accept the fact that he has been duped.
In psychology this is called cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is
the discomfort felt when facing a discrepancy between what one already
knows or believes to be true and new information or interpretation that
contradicts that belief. It occurs when one has to accommodate new ideas.
The bigger is our commitment to a certain idea, the stronger will be our
resistance to accepting ideas that contradict our previously known and
accepted belief. The Psychologist Carl Rogers recognized that
“accommodation is more difficult than Assimilation. And
—counter-intuitively, perhaps—if learning something has been
difficult, uncomfortable, or even humiliating enough, people are less
likely to concede that the content of what has been learned is useless,
pointless or valueless. To do so would be to admit that one has been
‘had’, or ‘conned’”.[1]
Cognitive dissonance was first investigated by Leon Festinger [2] and
associates, arising out of a participant observation study of a cult which
believed that the earth was going to be destroyed on a certain day and
what happened to its members — particularly the really committed ones
who had given up their homes and jobs to work for the cult — when the
“Dooms Day” did not happen. While fringe members were more inclined to
recognize that they had made fools of themselves and to "put it down
to experience", committed members were more likely to re-interpret
the evidence to show that they were right all along (the earth was spared
because of the faithfulness of the cult members).[3]
I give this introduction so you can know where Azar Majedi comes from. Ms.
Majedi is a dogmatic ideologue who is unable to accept the truth that
Marxism is a hoax and it is finished. Fidel Castro, Kim Jong-Il, Azar
Majedi, Maryam Namazi (Majedi’s comrade who is also active in the
Internet) and their ilk are the last to wake up to this truth. In fact
they may never do. Only those who were victims of ideologies can
understand the grip that an ideology has on one’s mind. However since
what Majedi says is the representation of a certain mindset that still
lingers among the die hard Marxists in all Islamic countries and even in
the West, I think it is worth discussing it and revealing its fallacy.
As a freethinker I consider it my duty to denounce communism in all its
shapes and forms and make it clear that communism is an atheistic
dogma/religion which has nothing to do with freethinking and democracy.
Despite their claim of being “progressive” communists are regressive,
close-minded, reactionary and very dogmatic. Let us also not be fooled by
their “anti Islamic” rhetoric. Communists are the natural allies of
Islamic terrorists and will stand together whenever their anti Western and
anti democratic interests coincide.
In a 1953 interview Bertrand Russell said: “Communism does not oppose
religion. It merely opposes the Christian religion, just as Mohammedanism
does. Communism, at least in the form advocated by the Soviet Government
and the Communist Party, is a new system of dogma of a peculiarly virulent
and persecuting sort. Every genuine Agnostic must therefore be opposed to
A few days ago, in her Open
Letter to Oriana Fallaci, Azar Majedi virulently attacked Ms. Fallaci
accusing her of racism particularly for what she said in her interview
with Margaret Talbot published in New Yorker.
Fallaci, the most celebrated and respected Italian Journalist and perhaps
one of top journalists of the world, sees the threat that Islam poses on
the Western world. She has written three fiery books “The Rage and the
Pride”, “The Force of Reason,” and “The Apocalypse,” where she
argues that Muslim immigrants are turning Europe into “a colony of
Islam,” converting Europe into “Eurabia,” where soon “minarets
will take the place of the bell-towers, with the burka in place of the
Fallaci argues that the Muslim immigration is another form of Islamic
invasion, only this time the attack is made with “children and boats”
instead of “troops and cannons.” Muslims are not going to integrate in
the countries to which they immigrate. Their only objective is to conquer,
subdue and dominate their hosts. “Because our cultural identity has been
well defined for thousands of years” says Ms. Fallaci, “we cannot bear
a migratory wave of people who have nothing to do with us . . . who, on
the contrary, aim to absorb us.” She flays European leaders, for their
muddleheaded multiculturalism who in their quest to placate Muslims for
vote make absurd concessions such as allowing Muslim women to be
photographed for identity documents with their heads covered and looking
the other way when Muslim men violate the law by practicing polygamy.
Majedi calls this racism. She says Fallaci’s opposition to Islamic
immigration betrays her fight against Nazi-Fascism. “It seems to me that
the hate against Islam has pushed you towards Christianity” says Majedi
to Fallaci and berates her for visiting Pope “asking him to take a
stronger stance against Islamism”. Majedi finds this “puzzling” and
wonders “how does an atheist in hate of one religion take refuge in
Here is where Majedi reveals her dogmatic mindset. Who said an atheist
must hate all religions or any religion for that matter? I do not believe
in the existence of any deity that intervenes in the human affairs and is
endowed with human attributes as most religions portray him, and yet I am
reluctant to call myself an atheist because I do not want to be put in the
same category of dogmatic materialists like Ms. Majedi. As a freethinker I
am fighting against this very mentality that says I have found the truth
and now I hate all other ideologies that do not agree with my truth. Who
said as freethinkers or even as atheists we must hate all religions?
Democracy and freedom of thought are the foundations of freethinking. A
freethinker is not against people’s beliefs no matter how different
those beliefs are from his. He is against intolerance. I do not have to
believe in Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism or any other
religion. As long as these religions are tolerant of people with views
contrary to theirs I consider their followers my allies. The reason I am
fighting against Islam is not because it is false but because it is
intolerant. Truth is often in the eye of the beholder. If we had to oppose
anyone who disagreed with our understanding of the truth, every human
being must be at war with everyone else. We are not here to impose our
version of the truth on others but to create a society in which people
with all sorts of beliefs and convictions can live together in peace.
Islam is incapable of coexisting in harmony with opposing views. That is
why it must be singled out and defeated, not because it is false. Another
ideology that is intolerant of opposing views is Communism. Communism is
just as intolerant and fascistic as Islam. Dictatorship is dictatorship,
whether it is the dictatorship of a religious group or the dictatorship of
a social class. To justify their dictatorship communists, fascists and
Islamists reinterpret the history, twist the facts and invent a warped
philosophy that has nothing to do with reality. They wear blinders and
choose to see only what validates their distorted claim and overlook all
other facts. They are often against dialogue and when they come to power,
they gag any criticism and contrary views.
Ms. Fallaci in her interview with Talbot particularly berated the leftists
who according to her, subject people who criticize Muslim customs to a
double standard. “If you speak your mind on the Vatican , on the
Catholic Church, on the Pope, on the Virgin Mary or Jesus or the saints,
nobody touches your ‘right of thought and expression.’” she said.
“But if you do the same with Islam, the Koran, the Prophet Muhammad,
some son of Allah, you are called a xenophobic blasphemer who has
committed an act of racial discrimination. If you kick the ass of a
Chinese or an Eskimo or a Norwegian who has hissed at you an obscenity,
nothing happens. On the contrary, you get a ‘Well done, good for you.’
But if under the same circumstances you kick the ass of an Algerian or a
Moroccan or a Nigerian or a Sudanese, you get lynched”. Azar Majedi just
proved Fallaci right.
Please do not pretend to be anti Islamist Ms. Majedi. You and your ilk
will side with Islam and take its terrorists as your allies in your fight
against democracy anytime because you know that capitalism is democracy in
economical terms. In order to impose your nefarious and bankrupt ideology
of communism you must destroy capitalism. But that is not possible unless
you destroy democracy, freedom of expression and freedom of faith.
When was the last time you condemned Islamic terrorism perpetrated against
America and the Western counties? When was the last time you condemned
Hamas for its continuous terrorist attacks on Israel ? Never! As far as
you are concerned the terrorists in Iraq who kill innocent people and
oppose the establishment of democracy in that country are “freedom
fighters”. As long as they fight America and prolong the war, you will
never condemn them even if they massacre thousands of non-combatants and
You tell Ms. Fallaci: “Your defence of a superior culture goes as far as
expressing more concern about the beheading of Buddha's statue than
murdered, maimed women and men in Afghanistan whose rights are violated
daily, who are victims of political Islam and American militarism.”
Are Americans in Afghanistan to kill innocent men, women and children?
Your dogmatism has blinded you. You have been reduced into an intellectual
midget. This is the kind of stupid talk that we constantly hear from
brainwashed Muslims. It is clear that it makes no difference whether you
are a brainwashed Muslim or a brainwashed communist. Brainwashing is
brainwashing. Ideologues can’t think straight. How can any rational
person compare America to the Taliban and accuse them of murdering and
maiming women and men in Afghanistan ? On what facts have you based this
outrageous accusation? Isn’t it true that when American soldiers abuse
their powers and commit crime against people they are court marshaled and
severely punished? Continuing with your charade you wrote: “I found it
offensive that a human being who enjoys a freedom fighter stature in the
eyes of many, cares more about the cultural and physical ambiance of her
native country than all those men, women and children who are killed,
maimed and violated daily in Iraq .”
It is clear that you are a clueless person. Who kills these men, women and
children? Aren’t they killed by the very insurgents whom you hail for
prolonging the war and for doing everything possible to make democracy
fail in Iraq ?
Also your use of the term “political Islam” is misleading and
deceptive. It implies that there is also a non-political Islam. This is
false. Islam is Islam and it is political by its very nature. This is like
saying we are against poisonous cyanide. Do we have non-poisonous cyanide
too? The objective of Islam is to conquer the world and establish the rule
of Allah on Earth through his representative. Muslims never make
distinction between political Islam and non-political Islam. There is no
such thing as non-political Islam unless one throws out the Quran and
rewrites a different book as the Ahmadyyah sect has done.
You continued: “As a staunch campaigner against terrorism, I feel
indignant when I see our "Western" anti Islamist can only voice
condemnation of terrorism taken place in the West. All terrorist acts
which take place daily in countries under Islam are mentioned at best only
in passing. Are people who have by draw of a lottery been born under the
rule of Islam not worthy of your attention, passion and rage?”
Don’t make us laugh Ms. Majedi. You are a communist and we all know that
communism advocates terrorism as the means to come to power. The very name
“Union of Communist Fighters” that Mansoor Hekmat founded clearly
shows that terrorism is part of your ideology. Aren’t you a Hekmatist
too Ms. Majedi?
The entire 20th century was bloodied by Marxist terrorists. You can’t be
a communist and a “staunch campaigner against terrorism”. Terrorism,
which you prefer to call “armed struggle”, is part of your ideological
makeup, just as Jihad is part of a Muslim’s faith. Did you express your
concern when the Chinese authorities crushed the student demonstrations in
1989 killing countless innocent boys and girls who were fed up of
communism and wanted freedom? Have you ever condemned Fidel Castro for
keeping millions of Cubans in a virtual prison and in perpetual poverty?
If you are so much concerned about the rights of the people in third would
countries why we never read a word from you condemning Kim Jong-Il’s
brutal regime? North Koreans are not good enough for you? Hypocrisy is
written all over you. You are not against terrorism or you would have
supported America ’s fight to bring democracy in Afghanistan and in Iraq
. You are simply against America and will do anything including going to
bed with Muslim terrorists to oppose America and sabotage its efforts to
bring democracy in these beleaguered countries.
As for your question whether people born in Islamic countries are worthy
or not that depends very much on their conduct and character. Ms. Fallaci
explained clearly why she opposes Muslim immigrants. It is because they do
not integrate but rather try to vandalize and destroy the countries to
which they immigrate. In “The Rage and the Pride” Ms. Fallaci
complains about Somali Muslims leaving “yellow streaks of urine that
profaned the millenary marbles of the Baptistery” in Florence . “Good
Heavens!” she writes. “They really take long shots, these sons of
Allah! How could they succeed in hitting so well that target protected by
a balcony and more than two yards distant from their urinary apparatus?”
Six pages later, she describes urine streaks in the Piazza San Marco, in
Venice , and wonders if Muslim men will one day “shit in the Sistine
Chapel.” This is a fact. Muslims deface the character of the Western
cities and reduce them into casabas. Muslims have zero respect for the
sacred places of other faiths when they themselves demand others to pay
utmost respect to their terrorist schools they call mosque. Ms. Fallaci is
not denouncing Muslims for who they are but for what they do.
You wrote: “Your hate against Islamism and political Islam finds
expression in Euro centrism. Your disapproval for multiculturalism and
cultural relativism has led you to defend "western culture",
instead of universal rights and secular, humanitarian and libertarian
Multiculturalism is a failed paradigm and cultural relativism, the
offspring of moral relativism is hypocrisy. Who said all cultures are
equal? How can a “culture” that condones wife beating, honor killing,
stoning, child rape, eye gauging, hand chopping, polygamy and other
barbarities be equal to a culture that supports equality, freedom of
expression and democracy? How can a society that is based on tolerance
coexist with one that is founded on intolerance? Multiculturalism has been
a gross mistake and must be repealed if the Westerners care about
preserving their culture. Multiculturalism with Islam means we would allow
Muslims to promote their faith and ban the criticism of Islam so that they
become strong and take away all our freedoms. This is insanity.
reader of FFI wrote he took a cab from airport to his home and on the
way he asked the driver to stop at a liquor store. The cabby refused on
the ground that he was a Muslim. Understandably this person became livid
that a Muslim immigrant had the audacity to impose his religion on him in
America . When shouted at, the Muslim complied. But once Muslims become a
force to recon with, you can no longer shout at them. They will then do as
they please and if you complain you will be beaten to death. They would
force all women into veil and beat those who don’t. As a woman who has
supported the Islamic Revolution in Iran , you should know that. If you
were in Iran you must have been forced to cover your head with scarf. I
know you did it because I do not see the mark of acid burn on your face. A
9 years old child was foolish enough to resist wearing chador and her head
was smashed with the butt of the gun. This will happen here in the West if
we do not stop Islam now.
It is not that I am against multiculturalism. But when we talk about
multiculturalism, we talk about a multitude of CULTURES. Islam is not a
culture but a cult. It is barbarity. Also multiculturalism is okay in some
places such as in America where most people are immigrants but it’s not
okay in Europe where there are ancient indigenous cultures in place
already. These cultures must be respected and preserved and not diluted
with other cultures. Multiculturalism in Europe means the death of the
Western culture. We don’t want to see that happen just as we don’t
want to see the death of Indian culture, Chinese culture or Japanese
culture. Those who immigrate to Europe must adapt to the European culture,
assimilate it and not try to change it.
You cooperated with Muslims to bring the Revolution in Iran. They used you
and then disposed of you like a used toilet paper. You have not learned
your lesson. You still defend Muslims. Why? It’s because you are an
ideologue. According to your holy book your enemy is democracy, capitalism
and Judeo-Christianity and not Islam. You are blinded to see the danger
that Islam and Multiculturalism pose on the West. Western world is in
danger of becoming extinct. Of course you don’t give a damn because you
have your communist utopia that you want to impose once all cultures are
annihilated and anarchy prevails. Multiculturalism is part of the bigger
plan of the political left to destroy the Judeo-Christian foundation of
the West.
Oriana Fallaci is the Joan of Arc of the West. She is the modern day
Cassandra. The Westerners would ignore her warnings at their own peril.
Yet the leftists berate this heroine woman at every turn. Riding high on
their moral horse they accuse this indefatigable champion of freedom of
intolerance. The left leaning La Repubblica denounced Fallaci of cultural
chauvinism and wrote: “We are a pluralistic society because we permit
mosques to be built in our own home, and we cannot give this up just
because in Kabul they put evangelical Christians in jail. If we did, we
would become Taliban ourselves.”
But we must not tolerate intolerance. Look at what happened in Lebanon.
Prior to 1975 the Christians were the majority and they were
constitutionally guaranteed the control of the government. But Muslims
kept breeding like rabbit, as they do in the West until the population
balance was shifted in their favor. As their numbers grew, Muslims became
militant and defied the government. The government was unable to contain
the militants because Muslim soldiers defected the army and joined the
militants. Then they began the indiscriminate killing of non-combatant
Christians. Cars and buses were stopped in the middle of the roads at
gunpoint, the passengers were ordered to show their identity and if they
were Christians, they were shot dead on the spot. They showed no mercy on
anyone. Women and children were butchered with no compunction. The
Christians fought back but they were no match for Muslim brutality. They
fought the Muslim combatants but could not bring themselves to kill
innocent people for just being Muslims. Muslim fighters had no such
scruples. At the end the Muslims won the war and the Christians had to
seek refuge elsewhere or became second class citizens in their own
What happened in Lebanon will happen in every country of Europe . Those
who don’t learn the lessons of history will be forced to relive it.
Those who advocate multiculturalism play with fire. They are fools who do
not understand Islam and the nature of the threat that it poses on their
world. Read the history and learn how Islamic countries became Islamic.
Every country that became Islamic has a history similar to that of Lebanon
Muslims, to the extent that they follow Islam, are bereft of human
conscience. We are not willing to butcher innocent people just because
they are Muslims but Muslims would happily kill our children and innocent
non-combatants with no qualm. Shouldn’t we learn something from Beslan?
Muslims will bomb and even nuke our cities targeting average people. Can
we do the same to them? No, we can’t. This is their strategic advantage
over us. During the time of Muhammad Muslims won, not because they were
militarily stronger, but because they were meaner; because they did not
play by the rules; because they used the element of surprise and fought
dirty; because they used deception as a strategy. These are the very
things that make us vulnerable and make them strong.
In my previous short article, The
status of non-Muslims in Islam, I said we have three choices in front
of us.
a) Rapidly spread the truth about Islam and wean Muslims from this cult.
b) Prepare ourselves to become second class citizens in our own countries,
or be slain by the Muslim sword.
c) Smash Muslims so brutally that they can never raise their heads and
dream of conquering the world and reducing us into second class citizens
or dealing with us with sword.
I added that choice ‘a’ is the preferred choice of Faith Freedom
International. We are succeeding but not fast enough. If we fail, I said,
since most people find alternative ‘c’ abhorrent, alternative ‘b’
is the option of default. Someone responded: “I cannot believe that
option ‘b’ would ever be considered by anyone. If option ‘a’
doesn't work, then option ‘c’ is the only possible default.” I
regret to say that this is wishful thinking. This person does not know the
history of Islam. Since day one, Islam has always succeeded because
Muslims were willing to wage their jihads with no conscience while the
non-Muslims were unable to do the same. Our conscience is our deterrent
while Muslims have no such constraints. The utter lack of conscience and
their readiness to commit any heinous crime for the advancement of their
cause, gives these “sons of Allah”, as Ms. Fallaci calls them, an edge
and a tremendous power that will make them win over their most formidable
Consider the scenario that a tiny group of Muslim jihadis start killing
innocent people in various terrorist acts such as poisoning the water and
food supply, releasing deadly bacteria, randon killing, etc., while you
certainly can’t retaliate against the “innocent” Muslims who have
not been directly involved in those killings. This is certainly a
difficult situation on its own. Now add to this the fact that among the
Westerners, there are a great number of useful idiots who take the side of
the Muslims and defend them as Ms. Majedi and other brain-dead leftists
do. This puts us in a very vulnerable situation. Not only we have an enemy
that is killing us, we also have a foolish “friend” that is worse than
the enemy. He opens the gates of our citadels to our enemy and tries to
hold us back from defending ourselves.
In Persian we have a saying: “A wise foe is better than a foolish
friend”. These foolish friends keep telling us that if we fight back we
will be like our enemy, while they go to our enemy and tell them not to
give up. They organize “peace rallies" to fool our children but
keep telling the enemy that they are freedom fighters. The truth is that
if we do not fight back we will be dead. That is why we have two enemies.
One is Islam and Islamic terrorism and the other is the political left and
the politically correct fools. With these fools among us, we are very weak
and vulnerable. And yes the possibility of losing this war is very real.
The leftists are not with us. They are against us. The fact that they are
among us and even sometimes act as our government makes them more
insidious. They are traitors not friends.
Oriana Fallaci offers a forth alternative. She suggests we should stop the
flow of Muslim immigrants into the West and send the ones that are here
and do not want to integrate back to where they came from. This is far
more humane way to handle the situation than letting options ‘b’ or
‘c’ happen. Sending back the Muslims to their countries of origin is
not unfair. In Islamic countries you will not become a citizen for being
born there. If you are an Italian born in Iran, you will remain a
foreigner always even if your parents were Italians born in Iran . You can
only become a national if your father is an indigenous Iranian. In fact if
your father is Iranian you cannot lose your Iranian citizenship even if
you were born outside Iran . This is true in all Islamic countries. So,
sending those Muslims who do not want to integrate and still want to cling
to their ideology of hate back to their countries of origin is something
that they understand perfectly. Muslims want Sharia. How about giving it
to them? Maybe this will sober them. How about treating them the way they
treat the non-Muslims in their countries? What Falalci is proposing is far
more realistic than what we hope to achieve in FFI. Education works and it
is the best way because once Muslims are weaned from Islam they are cured
and they can be as good citizens as anyone else. But education is slow and
time is running out.
Fallaci told Talbot “I am known for a life spent in the struggle for
freedom, and freedom includes the freedom of religion. But the struggle
for freedom does not include the submission to a religion which, like the
Muslim religion, wants to annihilate other religions. Which wants to
impose its ‘Mein Kampf,’ its Koran, on the whole planet. Which has
done so for one thousand and four hundred years. That is, since its birth.
Which, unlike any other religion, slaughters and decapitates or enslaves
all those who live differently.”
Then Ms. Majedi exposes the hypocrisy of her doctrinal mindset and says:
“All these become so ironic when one looks deeply into the root of
political Islam. When one remembers how the Western governments unleashed
this monster on the people of the region, how they created the Mojahedin
in Afghanistan in the cold war era, and then helped the Taliban, how in
the fear of a leftist revolution in Iran dumped Khomeini on us and helped
bring about an Islamic state, when one remembers these recent historical
facts, one cannot help but discern a profound sense of hypocrisy and
double standard.”
This is a communist lie. Khomeini was not dumped on us by any Western
government. He was dumped on us by the Islamists and the communists. This
very woman who is now accusing the West of dumping Khomeini on us marched
in the streets shouting anti American slogans and hailed Khomeini. Her
hero, Mansoosr Hekmat, backed the Islamic Revolution. Of course BBC had a
great role in this. It incited people and volunteered to be the mouthpiece
of the Islamists the way Al Jazeerah is the mouthpiece of Al Qaida today.
But BBC is under the control of the leftists. It was the political Left
and the communism International that went to bed with the Islamists to
bring Khomeini to power. It is hypocritical to blame the West for your own
blunders. But it is fair to say that the leftists of the West played a key
role in inciting the foolhardy Iranians, just as they were instrumental
for giving Saddam hope that he will be protected, just as they are
fomenting terrorism today by giving moral support to the terrorists in
Iraq and in Palestine .
The success of the Islamists in Iran inspired other Islamists to pick the
fight in the name of Islam and we ended where we have ended today. The
leftist useful idiots have never accepted their responsibility and now
they blame others for their own blooper.
America did not create the Mujahedin in Afghanistan. It supplied them with
weapons to fight back the Soviets who had occupied that country. What else
they could do? Let the Soviets continue devouring one country after
another? What other option America had? Enter in war with the Soviets
directly? Under the circumstances, helping the Mujahedin to fight the
Soviets was the only option. There is no doubt that the defeat of the
Soviets in Afghanistan demoralized the Russians and contributed to the
fall of that evil empire. However, Regan also made big mistakes.
When Gorbachev asked him to help establish a government in Afghanistan ,
Reagan snubbed and said the Afghanis know how to run their own affairs.
Gorbachev needed a face saving plan to withdraw which incidentally was
also the best for everyone. He was surprised when Regan rejected his
request. Well, now we all pay the consequence of this man’s obstinacy.
But the truth is that Regan had no understanding of Islam and frankly few
have and still most politicians don’t. Even the present president of
America is in grave error when it comes to Islam. That is why I have
written the book ‘Understanding Islam and the Muslim Mind’. As long as
our politicians don’t know Muslims and what they are capable of, we are
all in great peril.
But isn’t it hypocritical of you to blame America for backing the
Mujahedin in Afghanistan, which by the way, not all of them the Taliban,
when you and your communist comrades also helped Khomeini to come to
power? Regan in Afghanistan had no choice. He had to fight the Soviets and
helping the Mujahedins, which included also the Northern Alliance who
remained loyal to America, was his only straw. But the communists in Iran
were not under any pressure to help the Islamists. In fact they could have
backed Shapour Bakhtiar who had spent all his life fighting the Shah and
his despotism. They didn’t because they wanted revolution.
It’s funny how the communists and the Islamists resemble each other!
They lie without scruples, twist the facts and even contradict their own
words. A good example of that is the following. Ms. Majedi writes:
“Sadly the saga of helping political Islam and Islamic terrorism by the
Western governments is an ongoing effort. Just look at Iraq! The US and
Britain, by invading Iraq , helped Islamists grow monstrously therein.”
Here this communist is contradicting herself in one single breath. Are the
US and Britain helping the Islamists in Iraq or fighting them? Is she
really this much confused or does she think her readers are drunk? Is
fighting Islamic terrorism in Iraq helping the terrorists? Should America
pull out and leave the terrorists free to do as they please? And this
woman calls herself an intellectual. Where is the intelligence?
Who is supporting the insurgency in Iraq? Aren’t the communists and the
leftists who have rallied behind the terrorists? This is the acme of
hypocrisy. The communists are in cahoots with Hamas and with the Iraqi
insurgents, encouraging them to continue the fight and at the same time
blame the West. These leftists are the ones who have kept the flames of
war burning while shamelessly they organize “peace rallies” and
portray themselves as promoters of peace. Far from it! What they want is
surrender of the West. When Muslims and communists talk about peace what
they actually mean is that you stop fighting back our aggression. Leave
our hands free so we can destroy you. If they really meant peace, they
should be pleased that the tyrants such as Saddam and Mullah Omar are
removed from power and people now have the chance to elect their own
governments freely.
Why the communists are not happy with this outcome? It is because they
know that with democracy economy will also improve and people would no
longer be interested in revolutions. This means the death warrant for
communism. That is why they have panicked. They will do anything to
destroy the fledgling democracies in these countries. That is why they did
not support Dr. Bakhtiyar, Shah’s arch-opponent and ironically his last
prime minister. It’s because Bakhtiyar promised democracy and this was
not what the communists had in mind. The more unrest they can create the
higher will be their chances to garner popular support and hopefully one
day to materialize their wet dream and establish Communism International.
Majedi continues: “The Western academia and journalists invented and
nurtured the concept of cultural relativism, so that on its basis they
could justify compulsory veiling, stoning, maiming and torturing of the
people under the rule of Islam. That gave justification for turning one's
head while one's government made deals with those Islamic states. This
concept was invented so under the guise of "respect for other
cultures" the brutal crimes and violation of human rights will be
brushed aside "respectfully". We have witnessed how European
courts have resorted to cultural relativism in defending deportation of
immigrants fleeing the rule of Islam. They have gone as far as stating
that the prison conditions in those countries are suitable for those
Hmm…! Didn’t she berate Ms. Fallaci earlier saying “Your disapproval
for multiculturalism and cultural relativism has led you to defend
'western culture', instead of universal rights and secular, humanitarian
and libertarian values”? She seems to be saying something totally
different now. Now she is against cultural relativism. I don’t know why
my head started itching suddenly. What is exactly her position? Is she
against or in favor of cultural relativism?
Who is responsible for cultural relativism? Cultural relativism is the
child of political correctness and that is an invention of the political
left. It is the political left that has given birth to this monstrosity.
Fallaci is brave enough to call a spade a spade. She is denouncing
cultural relativism. And what Majedi does? Does she thank her? Is she
grateful to Fallaci for her bravery and wisdom? No! She attacks her. She
calls her racist. Does she even understand how absurd is her stance? Is
she flip-flopping or she does not know the meaning of cultural relativism?
Ms. Majedi has written an open letter denouncing Oriana Fallaci for
opposing cultural relativism and now she says cultural relativism is bad.
If this is not confusing what is? If you’re against cultural relativism
why you criticize Fallaci? Fallaci says Islam is barbarism and Muslims do
not belong here because they are not willing to melt. If you truly believe
that cultural relativism is an evil thing why you attack her? This woman
is absolutely incoherent. All she wants to do is attack a true freedom
fighter and does not even know how to do it.
Majedi writes: “I must state that these arrogant, hypocritical and
racist attitudes and policies are an important tool to foster political
Islam. If one does not distinguish between the Islamic movement, a
reactionary and brutal political movement, and ordinary Moslems who are
the first hand victims of this, if one does not distinguish between the
oppressor and the oppressed, one becomes an accessory to Islamic
The only arrogant hypocrite I can see here is you and your comrades Ms.
Majedi. Islam is an ideology. An ideology, no matter how evil it may be,
cannot harm anyone if it is not believed and practiced. Islam is dangerous
because Muslims believe in it and practice it. The Aztecs also had a
dangerous belief that demanded human sacrifice. But their belief poses no
danger to anyone because no one is practicing it anymore. Yes Muslims are
the primary victims of Islam but it’s they who endanger the world. If a
group of people become infected by SARS or bird flue, they are victims.The
culprit is the virus. There is no dispute about that. But they can pass
their deadly disease to other. That is why they must be quarantined. We at
FFI want to help Muslims recover. This is our primary goal. Ms. Fallaci
does not see Muslims flocking to our doors seeking the cure to their
sickness. She does not have much hope that the cure would actually work or
come soon enough. So as a pragmatic and rational person she is suggesting
that Muslims should be quarantined. She is a wise woman. This isolation is
going to help Muslims recover faster. Is it an infringement of their human
rights? Yes, but under the circumstances this is the best option. A person
who carries a contagious deadly disease has no right to mingle with
others. This would be criminal. The alternative is to let Muslims become
more numerous and then we would run out of options. Then we must decide
whether let them exterminate us or fight back and kill them before they
kill us. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of remedy. As I
explained above, the likelihood of we killing the Muslims is slim. This
will leave only one outcome and that is surrender to Islam or death. They
will kill so many of us until we capitulate and you lady will have nowhere
to escape this time. This time you, or your daughter, will be forced into
chador for good, because thanks to your ill advice, the West has also been
destroyed. This last bastion of freedom will be conquered and freedom will
be strangled. Where will you flee to this time?
Majedi continues: “We must try and understand the root causes of Islamic
recruitment among the so-called Moslem communities in the West. The
dominant racism in state policies and attitude and systematic
marginalization of these communities plus the aggression and militarism of
the Western governments led by the US against the people in the Middle
East, namely, Palestine and Iraq, have directed the youth in these
communities to despair and frustration. The revolt of the
"suburb" in France is a vivid and sad example of such policies.
By rejecting these communities as part of "us" we leave them at
the mercy of the "leaders of the community", who foster
traditionalism, Islamism, sexism, and glorification of the "home
land". These are poisonous brain washings. And I must say that your
stance is aiding this process.”
That is wrong. The root cause of Islamic terrorism is not poverty and
marginalization; it is Islam. It is the Quran damn it. It’s this bloody
book of terror that incites Muslims to this much savagery. One Christian
Journalist in Nigeria said that if Muhammad was alive he would want to
marry one of the contestants participating in the beauty pageant in that
country. Muslims rioted, burned churches and houses and killed more than
two hundred innocent Christians. Was this the result of poverty and
marginalization of Muslims?
In Sudan the ruling Muslims have launched a war of genocide on the
non-Muslim minority of that country since that country’s independence in
1956. The first attack of the Muslims on the non-Muslim population
happened in 1955 and ended in 972. Again in 1983 the president declared
Sharia law in the South where the majority of the population is
non-Muslim. Another civil war and genocide of innocent non-Muslims ensued
that lasted till 2005. The abuse of the non-Muslim minority continues.
According to some reports, up to 450,000 people, mostly non-Muslims have
been killed. Was this the result of poverty and marginalization of
In Pakistan more than 4000 people have been killed in Shia-Sunni violence
since 1980s. Is this the result of poverty and marginalization of Muslims?
In India Muslims enjoy all rights and in fact they have more privileges
than the Hindus. Nonetheless, since 1996 there has been over 10,500
militancy related incidents perpetrated by Muslim terrorists, including
646 grenade attacks, 920 bomb explosions, 618 incidents of arson, 123
rocket attacks and 2,868 incidents of random firing. During this period,
more than 3,000 civilians were killed. 200 of them were kiled when seven
bombs were exploded in a train a couple of days ago. Is this the result of
poverty and marginalization of Muslims?
What about the riots over a bunch of cartoons? Had that anything to do
with poverty and marginalization of Muslims? Did Osma Bin Laden become a
terrorist out of poverty? Are any of his lieutenants coming from poor
families? Have any of the terrorists, so far captured or killed during
suicide bombings been poor?
Why talk nonsense Ms. Majedi? Your brain is fossilized by your Marxist
indoctrination. You interpret everything in terms of capital/labor
struggle. This is dogmatism and brainwashing. You are not in intellectual.
You are an ideologue. For you, the solution to all human problems is to
rob the rich and give it to the poor. You can’t see anything beyond
I am sorry, but you are mistaken. The problem of Islam is much bigger than
that. Economy has nothing to do with it. Khomeini knew Islam better than
you. He said “People did not make revolution for economy. They made
revolution for Islam. Economy is for donkey”.
Your problem lady is that you fail to listen. All you have to do is listen
to Muslims. They will tell you why they are doing this. They are doing
this to conquer the world for Allah not for economy. Listen to people when
they talk. Listen to the sermons delivered in the mosques. There is no
mention of economy. It's all about Allah hating the kafirs. Read a few
books other than those written by fellow Marxists. Haply truth may dawn on
you and you may understand a thing or two.
The truth is that when Muslims are poor and weak they never do Jihad. They
have instruction to postpone this religious obligation until they become
strong and capable to wage a winning Jihad. The reason Jihad had started
again after centuries of armistice is because Muslims have seen the color
of money. Thanks to oil and thanks to the money that they make as
immigrants in the West, they now feel strong enough to wage a winning
Jihad. Terrorism offers them an edge. With this tool a few of them can
hide in the darkness of anonymity and cowardly inflict heavy casualties on
a great number of people. With little money they can destroy the economy
of big countries.
This is why Islamic terrorism has made a comeback. If Muslims were kept in
abject poverty to the extent that all they could think of was, where to
get their next meal, they would not have had the energy to think about
Jihad. I have explained this point in another
article. Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with poverty and
marginalization of Muslims. On the contrary with more wealth in the hands
of Muslims we will see more terrorism. Reduce them into poverty again and
they will turn ass lickers and friendly again. This is how the mind of the
bully works.
The revolt of the suburbs in France had nothing to do with poverty just as
the revolts over cartoons had nothing to do with poverty. It was a show of
force. Muslims were merely flexing their muscles and testing the waters,
planning their next attack. These are maneuvers to take control of Europe
. The solution was not to throw more money at them. The solution was to
round them up and deport them en mass. You can’t placate bullies by
appeasement. Now Europe must prepare herself for the final showdown.
Europe will burn, as Fallaci has predicted. It will burn because of
foolishness of its inept politicians who instead of becoming tougher with
their enemies, try to win them through appeasement. The problem is that
when you appease the bully you feed his aggression and make him stronger.
It is not the West that has rejected Muslims as part of “us”. I have
never felt this “us” vs. “them” mentality in the West. This is an
Islamic mentality. It is Muslims who do not want to integrate. It is they
who are unwilling to give up their doctrine of hate and division. Why the
Chinese, the Hindus the Filipinos and others do not feel marginalized in
the West? Why the Jews, the Zoroastrians, the Christians and the Baha’is
in Iran and in all Muslim countries are marginalized? All one has to do is
read the Quran and one can see how non-Muslims are berated, vilified and
dehumanized. They are called najis (filthy), monkeys, pigs, gone astray,
fuel for Fire and Muslims are asked not to take them as friends and not to
obey their rule. “Kafir” vs. “Muslim” is an Islamic concept. You
have a much distorted understanding of reality. You are a very confused
Who said Muslims glorify their homelands? At least in this you can take
solace that Muslims are as traitors to their homelands as you communists
are. Muslims, like you, have no sense of patriotism. Just like you who
believe in a world dictatorship of proletariats - one party rule under the
iron fist of one ruler - Muslims also believe in a world dictatorship of
Islam - one ummah under the divine mandate of one khalifah.
As a world federalist I strongly believe in patriotism. The pillars of a
world federal government are strong and independent nations. That is why I
am a patriot and I encourage everyone to love his country and server her.
Patriotism is our protection against world dictatorship, be it in the form
of Islamism or communism. I love mankind and I hope to see it united, but
in democracy and freedom, not in a dictatorship as Hitler, Muhammad and
Marx intended. I will fight until my last breath against all attempts that
are designed to take away the freedom of individual in favor of
collectivism and the independence of national sovereignty in favor of a
Ms. Majedi writes: “I find it so hard to understand that in despising
the oppressor and oppressing ideology you come to despise the victims just
as much. No sympathy, no compassion for the victims. No rage and passion
provoked for these people who live under these inhumane and brutal
Charity starts at home. Ms. Fallaci is an Italian and her responsibility
is to her country first and to Europe next. Unlike you, she is a patriot.
She loves her country and cares to preserve its culture and values. Unlike
you, she is not a cultural and moral relativist and does not believe in a
homogenized humanity. Diversity is beautiful and she wants to maintain her
own unique culture and identity. Unlike you she has not lost her
commonsense to an ideology and does not scorn her own culture. It is not
her responsibility to care about the “sons of Allah” who have invaded
her country, pee on her cultural heritage and aim to destroy it.
Helping Muslims is OUR responsibility – yours and mine. I am doing my
part to the extent of my ability. I am opening the eyes of Muslims and
helping them to leave this cult of hate. But what Fallaci says is
absolutely true. Time is running out and Muslims pose a great threat to
the West. Why should she care if they are victims or not? We must help
Muslims get out of Islam and the Westerners must defend their countries
and their culture. If we fail we must have the plan B in place. Fallaci
offers that plan. The Westerners must listen to Fallaci. Not doing so
could mean the death of the Western civilization. This is no hyperbole. I
am also a westerner now and as much as I feel it’s my duty to help the
Muslims recover from the disease of Islam, I am also obliged to save the
West and I fully endorse Oriana Fallaci.
One of Ms. Fallaci’s fans wrote: “If [immigrants] do not share our
ideas, then why do they come to Italy ? Why should we endure arrogance and
interference by those who have no desire to integrate into our system and
who are darkened by anti-Western hatred? We welcome them as guests, but
immediately they act like the owners.” This is plain truth. When I first
came to the West, incidentally it was Italy . I was received with open
arms. I never felt any discrimination or marginalization. An elderly
Italian couple adopted me as their son. They invited me to have lunch with
them every Sunday and anytime I felt lonely they called me to go there and
watch TV with them. They made me feel welcome even though I did not speak
their language. Italians were open and friendly. If they are now
hardening, it is because the Muslims have shown to be unworthy of their
friendship and trust. Why should anyone love his enemy? If these sons of
Allah want to be loved and accepted, shouldn’t they respect the culture
of their hosts first? How can you love someone who comes to your home,
disrespects you, pisses on your furniture and rapes your daughter blaming
her for not covering herself enough?
Majedi writes: “I was enraged by reading your racist comments. I was
indignant by sensing your Euro centrism, by your lack of human compassion
for millions who fled the rule of Islam and took refuge in the West in the
hope of a better life.”
So you were enraged! Well, I will not tell you anything. I will only quote
what Fallaci said to people who are enraged by her. She said: “Now I
open my big mouth. I say, ‘What are you going to do to me? You go fu.ck
yourself—I say what I want.’ ”
Well said dear Oriana. How can anyone not love this woman? I propose we
clone her - Make a few thousands and let them run the world. Now that you
are at it, please make one colone of me too. I want my colone marry one of
hers. That is my kind of woman.
And let me tell you Ms. Majedi this, because you don’t seem to
understand it on your own. Those millions did not flee the rule of Islam.
If they did why in the hell they want to bring Islam to the West? Why they
cling to this damn cult and try to impose it on others? You seem to be a
very confused woman. The entire night I read to you the story of Leili and
Majnoon and now you ask whether Leili was a man or a woman? What is this
nonsense you are talking about? The whole problem is in the fact that
these millions don’t leave Islam. They do not want to integrate. If they
did we wouldn’t have this discussion. Sheesh!
Why is Fallaci against Islam and Muslims? It’s because she sees the
threat of Islamic fundamentalism as a revival of the Fascism that she grew
up fighting. She told Margaret Talbot: “I am convinced that the
situation is politically substantially the same as in 1938, with the pact
in Munich , when England and France did not understand a thing. With the
Muslims, we have done the same thing.” In an email she told Talbot:
“Look at the Muslims: in Europe they go on with their chadors and their
burkas and their djellabahs. They go on with the habits preached by the
Koran, they go on with mistreating their wives and daughters. They refuse
our culture, in short, and try to impose their culture, or so-called
culture, on us. . . . I reject them, and this is not only my duty toward
my culture. Toward my values, my principles, my civilization. It is not
only my duty toward my Christian roots. It is my duty toward freedom and
toward the freedom fighter I am since I was a little girl fighting as a
partisan against Nazi-Fascism. Islamism is the new Nazi-Fascism. With
Nazi-Fascism, no compromise is possible. No hypocritical tolerance. And
those who do not understand this simple reality are feeding the suicide of
the West.”
Brava Oriana! Bravissima! You have the wisdom to distinguish right from
wrong and the courage to say it.
Majedi concluded: “I share your despise and indignation for the Islamic
movement. But I denounce categorically the racism that is openly expressed
by you.”
Frankly my dear! I don’t give a damn to what a commie thinks. You
yourself are part of the problem and an obstacle in the way to democracy
and peace. I see nothing wrong in religions. There is nothing wrong with
Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism. If an ideology is tolerant of other
beliefs, that ideology needs to be respected. Freedom of faith is the
essence of freedom. Islam, Nazism and communism are evil because they are
intolerant. I will not ally with their proponents. I have tried hard to
convince everyone that we must join hands together and stand firm against
Islam. I have done my best to build bridges between all the religions and
ideologies so we see each other as friends and not as enemies. To a great
extent I have succeeded. If you look at the forum of FFI you’ll see
people of all persuasions and beliefs talk together in harmony. We
sometimes tease each other but we know that we are all part of one family,
the family of mankind. But as it has become clear time and again, the
communists have their own agenda. They are not with us. They will not
hesitate to stab us in the back and undermine our efforts. We must make
this distinction and tell apart our friends from our foes. Ms. Majedi’s
desparaging of Oriana Fallaci, that godess of freedom, proves once again
that communists cannot be trusted. They are not fighting on our side. They
lie and deceive like Muslims and they take the side of Muslims anytime it
suites them. Let us watch our backs and know our enemies.
United we stand, divided we fall.