




 Leaving Islam




How to Speak to the Politically Correct Bigots

By Ali Sina 


I've been a fan of your work for a while Mr. Sina.  So tell me how can I put forward the mental will to deal with an extremely politically correct class on Islam?  

This extremely and in fact fanatical political correct class on Islam is our main problem. We must defeat them at any cost. Their stupidity could bring the world to destruction. The best way to handle them is to expose their ignorance right from the start. Show them the facts. Facts are:  

Muhammad had sex with a 9 year old child. Ask them what they think about it. Are they willing to at least condemn his pedophilia? They will bring all lame excuses and  moral relativistic arguments to dodge the question. Ask them if Muhammad claimed to be a prophet of God why he followed the bad examples of the people of his time? Furthermore, is there any evidence that in those days 50 year old men married 6 year old children? This is not even natural. Normal men do not get sexually attracted to children. Only a pedophile can become sexually aroused by a child. One friend wrote: “even in the animal kingdom where animals respond to their animalistic instincts, pre-puberty animals and birds are spared and not desired by the male animals in heat.  I would think that it is a biological reaction that is ingrained in all of us not to lust after or desire or be turned on by any child immaterial of what kind of perverts we may be.” Having sexual feelings for children is unnatural and it is a sickness of mind. It has nothing to do with morality. Any adult who lusts after a child is not normal. Muhammad was sick in the head.  

Tell them about the Bani Quraiza, the Jewish tribe that resided near Medina for 2000 years. Muhammad massacred all their men and enslaved their women and children. To separate boys from men, he inspected their genitals. If they had grown pubic hair he decided they are men and kill them. Ask these politically correct bigots to justify that. Are they willing to condemn at least his genocides? The only guilt of the Bani Quraiza was their unwillingness to accept Muhammad as their prophet. But suppose they were guilty of something terrible. Was every single person of them including the children guilty?  Is having pubic hair evidence of guilt?

Tell them about Asma Bint Marwan, the mother of five small children and Abu Afak, a 120 year old man, who were assassinated in the middle of the night at the order of Muhammad for composing poems that he found insulting. Isn’t this bigot politically correct class willing to condemn even Muhammad’s assassinations?  

They will tell you that there are gory stories in the Bible as well. Tell them the Bible is a book of fables. No one knows which parts of those tales of battles are true and which parts are the boastful bragging of its writers to boost the morale of a defeated people in captivity. But even if these stories were true, would one wrong justify another? 

There are hundreds of stories of assassinations, genocide, torture, raids, rapes, lootings, and all sorts of crimes of Muhammad that are recorded in the authentic Islamic annals. Present those evidences to them in their gory details and demand explanation. Be brave! Don’t let them overpower you with their bigoted condescending look. Political correctness is a cult, and the politically correct people can be just as vicious as any cultist. Stand firm and tell them they are ignorant. Don't let any one bully you. They will back off once they see you know things they don’t. They are the bigots not you. Don’t be afraid to speak out. Tell them that during the 1930s there were idiots who wanted to be nice to the Nazis and were just as politically correct about that ideology of hate as they are about Islam. Ignorance and cowardice go hand in hand. Behind every ignorant bully there is a coward. Expose their ignorance and you’ll see they run for cover like one whose nakedness is exposed. Don’t speak about generalities, hand them one of the episodes of the savagery of Muhammad and demand explanation. Don’t let them tell you “we must respect people beliefs”. Ask them whether they respect the beliefs of the Ku Klux Klan and the skinheads? Who said beliefs have to be respected? This is the most absurd statement that is often pushed by those whose beliefs cannot stand scrutiny. Stunt them with your knowledge of Islam and ask them what they know about Islam. Of course they know nothing! Then tell them shouldn’t they learn something before opening their mouths?  They back off only when they see strength in you, otherwise they take your silence as sign of defeat and start lecturing you the virtues of being idiot and respecting the cults of hate and the beliefs of people who think it is their God given duty to kill you. 

The politically correct people are the “useful idiots”. They must be put to shame for siding with evil and defending terrorism. Islam is terrorism. If they don't know it they better learn it. Ignorance is not an excuse. They know nothing about Islam and speak out of ignorance. Give them the URL of faithfreedom.org. Tell them come and listen to the apostates of Islam. Are we also Islamophobes? Is our aversion to Islam based on ignorance and misconceptions? That charge does not stick to us, does it? I have challenged every Muslim in the world to come and prove us wrong. Where are these soldiers of Allah when it comes to logics? Why these jihadis who are so brave when it comes to blowing up innocent civilians are so chicken when it comes to prove the truth of their creed with logics?  


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