Free Muslims Against Terrorism, Or More Deception?
Ali Sina
Mr. Kamal Nawash who calls himself the �president of Free
Muslims Against Terrorism, with 15 chapters across America� is planning to meet
the Congressman Tom Tancredo this Wednesday.
In a communiqu� Mr. Nawash expressed his �understanding
of the frustration of the Congressman� when the latter said;
should threaten to bomb the Islamic Holy Sites in
Mecca as a deterrent, should the Islamic terrorists detonate
nuclear bombs in a western city. He plans to tell the Congressman
Tancredo who expressed the sentiment of
millions of Americans who on daily bases watch in horror as dozens of innocent
people are murdered in the name of Islam, that �many Muslims share his
frustration about the senseless killing of innocent people in the name of our
beloved religion.�
I wish I could believe Mr. Nawash but unfortunately I
don�t. Muslims in general do not have much sympathy for the victims of Islamic
terrorism. Those who have sympathies are merely nominal Muslims and have no
understanding of Islam and its agenda and they are not many. Many
Muslim feel the murder of innocent people is perfectly justifiable. The hatred
of non-believers and the instruction to kill them is expressed unequivocally in
the Quran in hundreds of verses. True Muslims, those who read the Quran and are
familiar with the sayings of Muhammad, cannot condemn terrorism because terrorism
is Holy Jihad and Jihad is a pillar of Islam.
It is thanks to terrorism that this "beloved religion" of Mr. Nawash
expanded from the very start.
Mr. Nawash has more supporters and well-wishers among
non-Muslims who are desperate to hear a voice of moderation coming from Islam
than among Muslims themselves. Muslims do not give much importance to people like
Mr. Nawash. He speaks with no authority from the scriptures. His mouth filling 15
�chapters� of his organization across America
are mere 15 individuals who also share his views and nothing more.
On May 14, Mr. Nawash organized a rally in downtown
Washington, D.C.
to denounce terrorism. According to his own statement �many of the leading
Arab American organizations including the Arab American Anti-Discrimination
Committee did not endorse the event.� In fact few attended the rally and
most of them were the speakers. By
all intent and purposes that rally was a fiasco.
Why Muslims do not support him? It is because Jihad cannot
be separated from Islam. Muslims know that. Mr. Nawash also knows that. By
denouncing terrorism Mr.
Nawash is not making Muslims more peaceful. To do that one has to
denounce the Quran and Mr. Nawash is not willing to do that. In fact he still
calls Islam his �beloved� religion and in his website he has stated: �The
Free Muslims Coalition does not seek to change the tenets of the religion.
However, the Coalition believes that the Koran only provides general principals
of governance which leaves the faithful with substantial flexibility to
modernize popular Muslim practices and beliefs.�
This statement is false and misleading. The Quran says
unbelievers are filthy; Allah dislikes them, they will be fuels of hell and it
orders Muslims to slay them. There is no equivocation in that and no amount of
reinterpretation can change the obvious message of hate of that book.
So why is Mr. Nawash speaking against terrorism and claming
to be a Muslim at the same time?
There are two possibilities.
Mr. Nawash is trying to pull wool over the eyes of the Westerners,
by telling them what THEY want to hear and by giving them more false hopes that
Islam has a peaceful side as well. In this way he will buy more time for Islam
to wreak havoc.
Mr. Nawash, taking advantage of the gullibility of the Westerners
and their lack of understanding of Islam has found a way to promote himself and
this is nothing but a personal ego trip.
In fact Mr. Nawash, although dismissed and ignored by
Muslims has managed to gain notability in high circles in America. He has been interviewed by Bill O'Reilly
of Fox News and represented the
before the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
in the session on combating intolerance against Muslims.
His audience is not the Muslims who ignore him but the non-Muslims.
Islamic terrorism cannot be defeated by sugarcoating the
violent teachings of the Quran. In fact that is precisely what we must not do.
We have to tell the truth and expose the Quran, not dissimulate the truth and
play more the game of taqiyyah. Islam cannot be reformed just as Nazism cannot
be reformed. The only way to combat terrorism is to denounce the Quran that
teaches violence, hate and terrorism. The efforts of people like Mr. Nawash, if
not motivated by self promotion, are misguided at best. They will only delay the fight
against terrorism and its nefarious ideology. Mr. Nawash�s anti-terrorist
rhetoric has no effect on Muslims. Muslims have only one source for their
guidance and that is the Quran. They have no need for likes of Mr. Nawash or
anyone else to redefine for them Islam. Their Holy Book is clear and loud. It
demands the slaying of non believers and no one can change that.
Mr. Nawash states: �The Free Muslims recognize that the
Muslim leadership in America
and abroad has failed in challenging and discrediting the ideology that leads
to extremism and terrorism but we are now trying to reverse our past mistakes by
aggressively challenging the terrorists and their evil ideology.�
Here Mr.
Nawash condemns the �evil ideology� of the terrorists. I wonder what ideology
could that be? The terrorists have only one ideology and that is Islam. It is
Islam that leads to extremism and terrorism. Are the terrorists practicing a
non-Islamic ideology that we are not aware of? And yet
he calls that ideology of hate his �beloved� religion. Are we supposed to believe that Mr.
Nawash is totally ignorant of the violent teachings of the Quran or is he
playing the Islamic game of deception to buy more time for this evil ideology?
Today like always, nothing but truth can help us. Only truth can combat
terrorism. Only truth can save mankind from its doom. Mr. Nawash equates
terrorism to cancer. He has made the right analogy. To prescribe the right medicine, the physician must have
the right prognosis. He must know the truth. Likewise to cure the cancer of
terrorism we must know the truth too and know what causes it. If Mr. Nawash truly cares
about peace and is genuinely against terrorism, he must stop calling Islam his
�beloved religion� and must combat this evil ideology. The war against
Islamic terrorism cannot be
won with more deceptions and more lies. We must destroy the evil ideology that feeds
and inspires Islamic terrorism. Only truth can set us free.