Joooz Try to Give Islam Bad
By Ali Sina
Naushad Shamimul Haque, in Arab
News wrote:
Extremists Should Not Be
Allowed to Distort the True Image of Islam
They thrive on militancy and violence.
They seek to strike terror and they kill and maim, yet they claim
to serve the cause of Islam. These misguided people are found
everywhere and unfortunately their number continues to swell —
thanks primarily to poverty, injustice and the West’s double
standard. |
Yep! It's all fault of the West’s double standard.
I wonder when George W. Bush will stop funding thousands of madressahs
that teach nothing but hate? Why the Americans continue teaching the
children in
Saudi Arabia
and other Islamic countries to hate the Jews and the Kafirs? When are they
going to let the oppressed people of Palestine to drawn the Zionist
Joooz in the sea? This is very
unIslamic. Muslims never do such things. Also Islam has nothing to do with
the fact that Muslims are poor. It is all fault of the Westerners who read the Quran and
steal all
the science from it and leave nothing for the Muslims.
More youngsters are lured into this dicey
business of terrorism with promises of perks and paradise. Some of
these young people who may have little or no knowledge of religion
or who may never have prayed regularly say they aspire for
“martyrdom” — the most lofty ambition a Muslim can have.
Martyrdom has nothing to do with Islam. These are all
American propaganda. Innocent Muslim kids learn about martyrdom when they
watch American movies. ... Err! Did you say
“martyrdom — the most lofty ambition a Muslim can have"?
So you mean these terrorist suicide bombers are the most fulfilled
Muslims? If so why you criticize them? I thought you said the westerners
are guilty of double standard.
They are brainwashed by people who have
vested interests; they are driven by misguided teachings. |
So which is true? Are they attaining the most lofty ambition a Muslim
can have or are they being brainwashed and misguided? Or maybe the two are the same thing!?
What are those misguided teachings? Is teaching them that martyrdom
is the most lofty ambition a Muslim can have, a good teaching?
and militancy are alien to Islam, the religion of peace, that
teaches its followers tolerance and amity. But extremists, though
few in number, seem to hold sway over the moderate majority. That
is the dangerous phenomenon taking hold these days. |
"A few extremists hold sway over the moderate
majority"!? Doesn't this make the moderate majority extremists too?.
All those misguided teachings come from the American
Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Violence is alien to Islam.
All those ugly violent verses that exist in the Quran
that call the Muslims to kill the disbelievers wherever they find them (2:191),
murder them and treat them harshly (9:123),
slay them (9:5),
fight against them (8:65), strive against them with great endeavor (25:52),
be stern with them because they belong to hell (66:9)
and strike off their heads; then after making a “wide slaughter among
them, carefully tie up the remaining captives” for ransom ;47:4),
are placed into the holy Quran by the Joooz. Islam means peace. All those
terrorists are Joooz. All those who during the time of our holy prophet
looted innocent people, massacred men and raped their women were Joooz.
They wanted to give Islam bad name. Muslims never do such things. Dr.
Mahathir, the moderate president of
said; Joooz "rule the world by proxy" .
They are very dangerous to Islam. They are always at work trying to
give bad name to Islam. They even bomb other Joooz in Israel to give bad
name to Islam. Muslims never do such things.
On April 19, a group of
radicals broke into a news conference held by moderate Muslim
groups in
in connection with the May 5 British polls. Around 20 protesters,
many wearing scarves to hide their faces, ripped a locked door off
its hinges at one of
’s main mosques and burst into the event organized by
’s main Islamic lobby group, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB).
They pushed their way
to the front of the room, stood on chairs and shouted slogans
against the MCB, Jews, Christians, apostates and the entire
British political system.
I tell you! They were Joooz. Muslims don’t do such
The protest laid bare tensions within
Britain’s 1.6 million-strong Muslim community.
You see? They want to drive rift among the Ummah
again. The Joooz invented Shiism, Wahhabism and all sorts of Islamic isms
to make Muslims fight among each other. Joooz killed millions of Shiites
pretending to be Sunnis and then they killed millions of Sunnis pretending
to be Shiites. Even today these Joooz go to the churches and synagogues in
and Iraq, bomb and kill the minorities to give bad name to Islam. Islam teaches
peace. Muslims never do such things.
After about 20 minutes of commotion, the
protesters — young and wearing traditional Muslim dress
including caps and flowing robes — left of their own accord. |
Did you look carefully at their caps? They were
small. This is proof that they were Joooz. Muslims never do such
In leaflets handed to reporters, they
identified themselves as belonging to a group called “The Savior
Sect.” Muslims in Britain have condemned the protest.
You see? "Savior means Messiah". I knew they were
Joooz. Muslims condemned
Fiyaz Mughal, chairman of the opposition
Liberal Democrats’ group for ethnic minorities, said the protest
“in no way represents the history of Islam” and cited Bosnia
and Moorish Spain as examples of “societies where Muslims and
non-Muslims had lived in peace.” |
Yes. That is true. He forgot to mention also Iran,
India or Egypt where first the Joooz massacred millions of people and then
the Muslims graciously offered the survivors protection by charging them
Jizyah and treating them with a little bit of humiliation to comply with
the verse (9:29)
A handful of extremists are trying to
bully moderates. The hard-liners are now taking to new methods to
draw people to their fold — they are now resorting to violence
and intimidation. If we seek to see what extremist groups are
doing elsewhere, Iraq is the first country that comes to mind. |
They have nothing to do with Islam.
The Prophet (pbuh) strongly prohibited Jihad and said
Fighting is NOT prescribed for you,
I will NOT instill terror into the hearts of
the unbelievers: DON’T smite ye above their
necks and DON’T smite all their finger-tips
off them
But when the forbidden months are past, then DON’T
fight and DON’T slay the Pagans wherever ye
find them.
Then Joooz came and changed the Quran and took all
those "nots? and "don't" out to make Islam look bad.
Muslims never do such things.
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