Later Hugh wrote:
I thought I publish our exchanges since obviously
there is a huge amount of misunderstandings that needs to be clarified. If
people like Hugh and Robert who, as they say, are familiar with my site
are so much confused about my goals and what the real message of FFI is,
then there is certainly something seriously wrong in the way I have
expressed myself. I have already clarified the role of Islam in making
Muslims terrorists. I am not sure whether Hugh saw it. I don’t think
there is need for further explanation as the point is clearly made. I am
now going to clarify the question of eradication. We are talking about the eradication of a belief
system. There is nothing wrong in the word eradication. We use this word
for things such as eradication of poverty, eradication of illiteracy,
eradication of violence, eradication of discrimination, or wars, etc.
Islam represents all these things and needs to be eradicated. Although we can say eradication of communism” or
“eradication of Nazism”, I never heard eradication being used for
people such as eradicating communists or Nazis. It is always used for
undesirable things such as cancer, crime, prostitution, etc. You can’t
even use it for good things. For example you can’t say eradication of
health, eradication of wealth, eradication of happiness. Have you ever
heard these expressions? I don’t think I have. I suppose we are confusing the word eradication with
extermination which is entirely a different diction. Here are some synonyms of eradication: abolishment, abrogation,
annulment, cancellation, destruction, dissolution, elimination, end,
ending, extirpation, invalidation, negation, nullification, obliteration,
overthrow, overturning, quashing, repeal, repudiation, rescinding,
rescindment, rescission, revocation, subversion, suppression, termination,
voiding, withdrawal Compare them to the synonyms of extermination: blitz, blood, blood bath,
bloodshed, butchering, butchery, crime, croaking, gore, havoc,
hecatomb, holocaust, homicide, internecion, killing, liquidation,
manslaughter, mass murder, murder, offing, rapine, shambles, slaughter,
slaying, warfare, wasting See the difference? The word eradication is the most appropriate word to
use when dealing with a social ill especially a belief system and Islam is
a social ill and a belief system. Note that we are not calling for the
“eradication of Muslims”. Apart from being an error in syntax, this is
not our call. Muslims are people and Islam is an ideology. We are talking
about the eradication of an ideology not the extermination of a people. Americans speak English and the word eradication should not present any problem for them. If people who are less fluent in English have difficulty in interpreting this word, now, they too know the meaning of this word.