Why do you hate me?
Mr. Sina but I am not
I don’t hate
I don’t want to hurt my friends.
I love my home and
and I pray for world peace.
Why do you hate me? What
did I ever do to you? I never hurt anyone. Why do you want to kill
us? I mean you no harm. Please leave us in peace. I don’t want to
die. I want to live and go to college and be able to live in peace.
Why do you want me and my friends to die?
Ali Sina
Nobody hates you and
nobody wants you to die. You must start reading the Quran and see how much
Muhammad hated others and wanted to kill them. Muslims who follow Muhammad
are killing people every day. Are you not watching the news?
Playing the role of the
victim is part of the Islamic game of deceit and even at this young age,
you play that subconsciously. This is psychopathology. In no place I ever
said kill Muslims. So what is the ground of this desperate plea of
"spare my life please"? This proves my point when I say Muhammad
was a psychopath and his mental sickness is reflected in all his
Why you follow that monster? If you don’t hate anyone and do not want to
kill anyone just leave Islam. You can’t be part of a terrorist
organization and say hey I am a good person. If you are a good person what
are you doing in this terrorist organization? Islam is a terrorist
organization. This is very clear from the Quran. Many of us were Muslims
and we left it when truth became manifest to us. You can too. If you
don’t then you are responsible. Still I am not saying anyone should kill
you. But I am saying people should watch you because you are part of the
same religion that Bin Laden is part of and any day you could become a
terrorist bomber. All it takes is that you get hit by some crisis and seek
your holy book’s solace. Then you’ll see your fake deity is asking you
to kill the non-Muslims and you might do it.
If you are not evil why you follow an evil man?
Muhammad was evil and you follow him. You do whatever
he told you to do because you think by doing that he will send you to
Do you think the terrorists who behead innocent
people and blow them up think they are evil? No, they think they are doing
God’s work. They follow Muhammad and do evil.
You believe in Muhammad too. So how can we trust you?
It is very simple. You are either on the side of
humanity and leave Islam or you are part of that terrorist organization
and must be distrusted. This does not mean as a Muslim you automatically
become a terrorist. It means you are potentially a terrorist.
Let me make an example. Some of the followers of Shoko
Asahara, the Japanese cult leader, went to the subways in
and released a very poisonous gas intending to kill thousands of people.
12 people died and hundred became sick and impaired for the rest of their
lives. Those who perpetrated this heinous crime were not bad people. In
fact they were very good people. One of them was a renowned
doctor. He joined this cult because he believed to cure people,
spirituality is also needed. But this brilliant man foolishly followed a
very evil man. In his trial he cried and said he was duped. He wanted to
help people and ended up killing them. It all happened step by step and he
trusted this cult leader so much that even though he knew killing people
is wrong he convinced himself that Asahara knows best. (Don’t Muslims
say Allah knows best?) He was given life in Jail. His accomplices were so
convinced of what they were doing that they never had any compunction.
They thought in this way they are helping their victims to become free
from the cycle of sin and achieve Nirvana. So as you see, when good people
follow evil doctrines they do evil things without realizing it.
Islam is a very evil doctrine. The terrorists are not
born evil. They become evil once they start following the teachings of
You are a Muslim and this means that at one moment in
your life you may decide to follow what Muhammad said. If you do that you
become very dangerous. So now you are like a time bomb. You are of no
danger to anyone and will hurt no one until you are ignited with faith.
Then you become extremely dangerous. You can’t control it. As long as
you believe in Muhammad, and think this monster was a prophet of God you
are in danger.
We want to help you and remove you from Islam and
save you. We are not your enemies. We are your friends. We have been there
ourselves and know perfectly what you think and how you feel. I have a
cousin who said during the war between
Iraq; he used to lie in empty tombs prying to become martyr. (During the war
hundreds of thousands of Iranian youth were killed. They used to bring
them in huge numbers and bury them in the cemetery every day. So the tombs
were dug beforehand and were made ready for them.) But we can’t help you
if you don’t want to be helped. If you want to stick to your dangerous
cult and act psychotically what else can we do but to watch you? How do we know when you are
going to become a faithful Muslim and a suicide bomber? With this kind of
paranoia and the feeling of victimization you are half way there. All the other
terrorists were just like you. They were good people, good citizens and
had good hearts. But suddenly we heard they blew themselves up killing
innocent people. How do we know you won’t become one of them?
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