Fighting Back PCism
By Ali
Natasha, sent me an
email and among other things she asked:
should someone like me do with the information on Islam you
provide? The message of your site is that there are no
gradations in Islam and accepting Islam in your midst is
diminishing yourself to dimmitude I have Muslim friends and
colleagues. We don't talk about religion or politics much. If
something happens like recently with Theo van Gogh or some
attack they will say they oppose these kinds of things but then
you would say that they are lying and they know they are lying. So
what then? Do you propose I break off my association with them
unless they get rid of their religion? |
the solution to this problem is not that simple. You are absolutely right,
your friends, like most of the Muslims want to live a normal life and do
not care very much about religion. But the problem is that they belong to
a very dangerous cult. The fact that they are good people does not
diminish the fact that Islam is very evil. They can’t wash their hands
and pretend since they are not doing the killings they are not to be
blamed. If you want to stop Islamic extremism you have to stop Islam. The
terrorists have an unlimited supply of new recruits. They come from normal
average Muslims much like your friends.
Once they make that step and become terrorists, the lines of
communication are cut off. They become killing machines. At that moment
the only way to deal with them is to kill them or they will kill you.
However, there is no a clear line dividing the terrorists and your
good friends. They are all Muslims to varying degrees. Some practice it
and some do it less. But they all believe in the same religion and at
anytime any Muslim may decide to become a practitioner.
only time we can reach them is before they make that transition and that
is where your friends are. We have to make extremism less appealing to the
Muslim youth. The only way to do that is to make Islam look unattractive.
You can’t fight Islamic Terrorism without fighting Islam. The Islamic
Terrorists are not motivated by an extraneous philosophy. They are
motivated by the pure Islam. As long as people believe in Islam there is
always a chance for them to become terrorists. All they have to do is to
read the Quran and they will be ready to kill.
the westerners convert to Islam, this confirms Muslims in their faith and
they turn to terrorism. The reverse is also true. If a great number
of Muslims leave Islam, it will make the Muslim youth doubt Islam and the
terrorists can find fewer fools to recruit. Islam is sustained only with
hypes and terrorism by intense hate. A hate that is capable of driving a
young man to commit suicide for the most absurd causes.
have to realize that there is no solution to this wave of terror. The only
solution is to attack Islam itself and force the Muslims to leave it in
huge numbers. Muslims must be told that Islam is not what they think and
that the true Islam is that of the terrorists.
it is very important to lead a huge mass of Muslims out of Islam. However,
we have a big obstacle in front of us. This big obstacle is political
correctness or PCism and good people like you who do not want to hurt the
feelings of the Muslims. They protect the Muslims and defend their rights
to believe in this cult of terror and shield them from any criticism. What
these people do not understand is that even though the average Muslims are
innocent, they are part of a machinery of terror called Islam. It makes no
difference if they scream, “This is not the real Islam” and “My
Islam is peaceful”. They can’t redefine Islam. The definition of
Islam is made in the Quran and it’s very clear and that is how the
terrorists understand it.
Muslims do not know the real Islam, they should be told. But then they
must make their minds whether they want to remain Muslims and support that
cult of terror or leave it and join the fold of humanity.
teaches religious apartheid and promotes violence against non-Muslims! So,
what does precisely a "peaceful Muslim" mean? Does it mean a non
believing believer`? A peaceful Muslim makes as much sense as a round
square. It is an oxymoron.
Millions of Muslims start leaving Islam; the entire Muslim world will be
shaken and a much overdue soul searching among the Muslims will begin.
Once this discussion begins, it will end in the fall of Islam and the
extremists will lose their legitimacy, because Islam loses its legitimacy.
can’t fight terrorism and endorse its ideology at the same time. This is
cognitive dissonance and that is why we are not making any headway in our
war against terrorism.
the Nazis started persecuting and killing the Jews the majority of the
Germans had nothing to do with it. But they said noting and they let the
holocaust happen. They were either afraid to speak out or they were
ignorant of what was going on. The murderers were only a small minority.
But that small minority had the backing of an entire nation. So although
the Germans were good people, they were guilty of complacency.
Ideally, they should have revolted and denounced Nazism. But
because they did not, sixty million people perished.
at that time, most Europeans used to think like you. They thought not all
Germans are bad and they did not want to be too harsh on them. They
thought by appeasing the Germans they will soften their hearts and win
their friendship. This misguided policy of appeasement, emboldened the
Nazis and then the war became inevitable.
me make this very clear. Islamic terrorism will not go away unless and
until Islam is undermined and a big number of Muslims start leaving it.
This won’t happen unless Muslims are pressed to make a choice.
addict will not quit his addiction unless he is faced with some urgency.
He must be told to quit or else. If everyone around him is protective of
his right to continue with his addiction and the dangers of his vice are
not discussed lest this may offend him, he will never know that what he is
doing is wrong and he will not quit.
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