Islam: Politics in religious garb.
By Ali Sina
The Council on
American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, asked the Guilford County Republican
Party to remove a link to a Web site that it says misrepresents the
Islamic faith. GCRP complied and it even issued an apology. But is really
that link misrepresenting Islam and did GCRP, a political party,
transgress its boundaries by dabbling in to murky religious waters?
The site in question is called This site was actually
created by copying our site, the and the author refused to
remove our material even after repeated requests. It took him 3 days to
copy what it took me 3 years to write and compile. Having this not so
pleasant brush with the author of Islamexposed, I cannot vouch for the
sincerity of his motives. He is an atheist/Jew and as it is clear from his
tone in dealing with the Muslims he is not very friendly towards them.
However, despite his personal biases and his attitude, his site is not misrepresenting
Islam and ruefully, what it says about this so-called religion, is true.
The author writes that he set up the site "with one objective in
mind — to expose one of the greatest evils on our planet — Islam. We
have the evidence and materials to prove that this false religion is
nothing more than a barbaric occult invented by savages for savages."
As the result of the complaint, the Guilford County Republican Party
jettisoned the link to Islamexposed that according to CAIR misrepresented
the Muslim world.
County party Chairman Marcus Kindley also sent an apology to CAIR
saying "We apologize for the link to this Web site and have
instituted safeguards against links to such sites in the future...There is no room for hate in our society."
In a disclaimer Kindley said the link to Islamexpsoed was
"something that slipped through the cracks." and he assured
"What we're trying to do
is to educate people on the radical side of (Islam) and not to condemn the
entire religion".
Nevertheless, that was not enough for CAIR. The Council wants the
county's Republican Party to apologize to Muslims in North Carolina and a
spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper, said he did not "sense a great deal of
But really, is radical Islam different from Islam? Where can we find the real, the "unradical", the
uncontaminated, the pure, the peaceful Islam? Isn’t the real Islam the
one taught in the Quran? Yet, a summarily look at this book reveals that
Quran is filled with hateful verses towards the unbelievers, the pagans,
the Jews and the Christians. This book, not only exhorts Muslims not to
take the non-Muslims as friends nor accept them as rulers; it also
instructs them to fight the non-believers and murder them. Quran is
explicit in saying that pagans must be killed, their wives can be raped,
their properties looted and their families sold as slaves. It says that
the people of the book (the Jews and the Christians) must be subdued and
humiliated and must pay protection fee or die. Isn’t this a message of
hate? Who is going to apologize to the world for what is in the Quran?
Quran says that the Jews are descendents of the pigs, lizards and monkeys.
Isn't this an insult? Shouldn't someone apologize for it? What would
Muslims do if someone writes Muslims are the descendants of these animals?
Wouldn't they cause riots in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nigeria and
Sudan burning churches and murdering hundreds of innocent people, kill the writer and bomb the publishing house?
Why Muslims do not apologize for what is in the Quran?
Omar Ahmad, the chairman of the council, said, "It is
unconscionable that a political party claiming to represent all Americans
would associate itself with a site that expresses open hatred for the
faith of millions of fellow citizens." But isn't it unconscionable
that this religion call of the death of people who choose not to believe in
it? Isn't it unconscionable that this religion instill the hatred of
disbelievers in its followers?
Yes I agree that a political party should not be involved in promoting
or opposing any religion. The separation of politics from religion means
that religionists should not force their religious views on politics and the
politicians should stay away from religions in their political affairs. It is not up to the
politicians to get involved in prescribing the right religion or
disproving the wrong one. Politicians should not meddle into religions.
A Muslim
demonstration in London |
However, Islam is not just a religion. Islam is a political movement,
set to conquer the world and establish the Caliphate. This intent is clear
from the Quran and from the instructions of Muhammad given during his life and at his deathbed
recorded in the hadiths. It is enough to go to a
Mosque and listen to what the preachers are saying to realize that Islam's goal
is domination of the world. If Islamic domination is the view of the
fundamentalists, it is because this is a fundament of Islam.
By becoming a political movement and engaging in
terrorism and subversive activities to topple the governments and
impose Sharia (Islamic rule), Islam is inviting the political groups to
oppose it. There is nothing wrong for political parties to get into the
act, defend themselves, their constituents and their country from Islam. Islam is not a religion in the strict meaning of the word dealing
with afterlife, spirituality and morality, but rather a
political movement using the religious façade to dominate the world. As
long as Islam is a political tool, it is incumbent upon all the political
parities to criticize it and oppose it.
There was no need for Guilford County Republican Party to remove the
link to an anti Islam site. There was no need for the County party
Chairman Marcus Kindley to apologize for the link. As long as Islam is a
political movement, it is the duty of every party to criticize it, oppose
it and expose it. The policies of appeasement must end now. If we accede
now to Muslim's whining, when they are just about 2% of the population, we
will be FORCED to retreat when their number grow to 10%. What will we do
when, like in Kashmir and in many other Islamic countries,
they throw acid at our women and shoot them to make them wear hijab?
By playing the policies of appeasement with Muslims, America is plying
with fire. Since Islam is a political movement, it is the RESPONSIBILITY of all
political parties to fight it and oppose it. Since Islam aims to topple
the governments of the world, Muslims should be regarded as fifth column in any country where they reside even if they belong there
generations. No Muslim should be entrusted with sensitive governmental
jobs, like working in FBI, CIA, NASA, Military or the State Department.
Muslims' allegiance is to Islam and Islamic Imperialism, not to
the country where they are born, raised or reside.
It is time that the world wake up and see Islam for what it is
– a political movement in religious guise, set to conquer the world by
hooks and crooks.