Khamenei waves behind Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's new president.
fundamentalist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has swept to power in
, defeating his supposed “moderate” opponent
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani in the second round of
's presidential election on Friday.
Iranian regime admitted that 7 million less voters
turned up to vote in the second round. This is no surprise, since the ruling
Mullahs have absolutely no support from the Iranian population. The regime stays
afloat by its barbaric means, of course, and it continues to concoct numbers to
feed the public. And while Iranians have been wise to this fact from the very
beginning, the Western media continues to accept the lies spun by the Mullahs in
details of the second round of “elections” are a depressing picture of where
the ruling despots in
now stand
with their own people. Photos taken
by Iranians across Iran and posted on various Iranian websites and blogs, show
that polling stations were mostly empty and that 30% of the people who showed up
to vote due to having been blackmailed by the regime's forces deposited blank
ballots into the boxes in protest. The intimidation was widespread:
Gestapo threatened civil servants’ jobs, old people's pensions and students’
grades and future university enrolment. The poor and rural people were
intimidated by gun-toting guards who rounded them up to the polling stations.
Even dead people’s I.D. cards got stamped so they could vote.
reporters were not permitted to openly take photographs of polling stations as
big as Hosseiniyeh Ershaad (uptown
where no
one turned up), while members of the international press, who are always happy
to twist the truth in favor of the regime, were mostly hustled off to polling
stations where intimidated voters were forced to stand.
is certain is that at least 90% of the urban population of the country (which in
fact constitutes almost 43 million of the 72 million population of
) stayed
home and did not even step foot into the streets, let alone go to
vote. The bulk of the votes, therefore, comes from rural areas where Ahmadinejad
in fact done a little stomping, re-promising innocent people all of Khomeini's
empty promises from the early days of the revolution.
terrorist group Ansar al-Hezbollah, which is a wholehearted supporter of
Ahmadinejad, claimed this as a victory for the Basiji “sensibility.”
Basijis are devoted cadets of the
revolutionary guards who act as street vigilantes, trolling for people to "discipline"
for any violations from the imposed Islamic laws (which includes dress codes).
In fact, Ahmadinejad in his capacity
as a member of the Revolutionary Guard is a known assassin of many Iranian
dissidents who lived in
and has an
open criminal file in
for having
personally killed the leader of the Kurdish opposition, Dr. Ghassemlou in
, in 1989.
He has also headed up the squad that is directly responsible for the fatwa
to assassinate Salman Rushdie. And last but certainly not least, as one of the
hostage-takers of the
he was known to have vehemently pushed for the invasion of the Soviet embassy in
as well.
Iranians who have become world famous for their SMS'ing -- which prompted the
regime to ban SMS messages during the election week -- have begun calling
Ahmadinejad "The Supreme Leader's personal Chimp."
is clear from this election is the extreme crisis that exists within the
regime itself. The scorned Rafsanjani, who emerges from this event as the big
loser of the political scene, conceded his defeat to Ahmadinejad with great
bitterness and promised “divine vengeance” against the election violators.
The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamnei is now completely in
charge, governing the country from a position of absolute strength. He decided
that he could no longer tolerate any form of compromise with the more moderate
and pragmatic sectors of the regime that still support the so-called reformists.
is now
heading on a collision course with the West. Both Khamenei and his mouthpiece,
Ahmadinejad, have recently reiterated that they will resume uranium enrichment,
no matter what the European Union says.
Iranian election sent two strong messages to the world. The first message is
from the people of
, whose
blatant low turnout to the electoral ballots underlined the profound animosity
they hold toward the regime.
second message is by the Supreme Leader Khamnei, who is clearly calling for a
fateful showdown with the West, a challenge for a showdown at the "OK
Corral" that may occur even in the next few months.
and most importantly, the outcome of the election in
a miserable defeat for Europeans and their abysmal attempts at what they like to
call diplomacy. The Euro 3 (
, France,
) hoped to
find a pragmatic interlocutor with whom to continue negotiations. To this aim
they asked Dr. Rice to postpone a strong stance against the Mullahs until after
the elections. Their margins for diplomatic maneuvering have now entirely
disappeared with the “victory” of Ahmadinejad.
have now been checkmated by the Mullahs as Ahmadinejad so impishly pronounced on
Saturday. The people of
now just
might have the opportunity to finally deal with the Mullahs and “their
Chimps” in a manner that befits the Saddams and the Milosevics of the world.