the Quran really the way of life?
Every day in
in the Urdu newspapers the Mullahs state that the Quran is a complete code of
life. This claim is not only unfounded but also without investigation.
Occasionally, through emotions the Mullahs tell their audiences about Islam the
things, which in reality do not exist.
A question arises when these Mullahs state that the
Quran is the complete code of life, what do they actually mean?
- Does
the Quran contain the principals of people’s daily life?
- Is
it possible that mankind can live together in peace, harmony and love with
the Quranic principals?
- Can
a man increase his spiritual satisfaction with Quranic teaching?
- Does
the Quran lead to complete guidance to humanity?
- Is
it true that the Quran offers the solutions to the problems of humanity?
Mullahs think that the Quran is final and the
complete code of life from Allah.
Another question arises, if the Quran is the
complete code of life or complete in any sense then why, do Muslims seek help
from the Hadiths? (Traditions)
Hadiths are the words and actions of Mohd (The false
prophet of Islam according to the BIBLE (Matthew CH: 24:24 and also logic) and
Muslims cannot understand the Quran without the Hadiths!
Nobody can rely on hadiths except Muslims. If a
Muslim does not believe in the (Hadiths) tradition of Mohd, he loses half of his
deen, (Religion) Is it not highlighting the failure of the Quran itself?
Some of the Hadiths, are stated below:
(1) Mohd married with Ayesha when She was six year
old and had sexual intercourse with her when she was 9 year old.
(2) Mohd used to make love with all of his 9 wives
in one go. (Al-Bukhari,Vol3,P118)
(3) Mohd possessed sexual strength of 30 men (Al-Bukhari,
Vol1, p181) and many similar Hadiths are in their authentic books.
It is sickening to read the Hadiths. Imam Bukhari
has provided more sexual details of Mohd in his AL-Bukhari Sharef, than Pindet
KOKA RAM in his NOVEL KOKSHASTER. Muslims say that all Al-Bukhari Sharef hadiths
are authentic.
Muslims also believe that all the
Hadiths are revelations from Allah, (Whhi Khiffee) (Hidden Revelation) (Ref,
Mullana Maudoody in his Quranic commentary (Tefheem-ul-Quran Vol5, p194) Mohd
had expressed them in his own words.
As a famous Christian scholar once stated about the
Quran, In the communities of the world the Muslims are people that have tried
hard to understand their holy book, but as much they have tried, the less they
have understood, Non-Muslims have tried less but they understand better,
In the Last fourteen centuries, Muslim scholars did
not leave any particular formula behind, so they understood the Quran, they
still behave like a child at his first day at school.
Another question arises: If mohd
received revelations without words from Allah, then how he was able to
understand them?
Muslim scholars give a totally different picture of
Islam by trying hard to hide those hadiths and verses of the Quran that promote
hate and terrorism, and if anyone makes inquiry about those hadiths these
scholars try to make them look controversial to keep the illiterate and
highly superstitious people in the dark.
For example they believe that after the book of
Allah (Quran) Al-Bukhari is the only book on the face of the earth to contain
the truth. Ref: Al-Bukhari,Vol,1, forword page. Nobody can reject the Hadiths of
Al-Bukhari. If you reject one hadith then the rest of the hadiths become
dubious as well. Is there any Muslim who can challenge the Imam Bukhari? If any
one is crazy enough to challenge Imam Bukhari, he will lose half the deen
because Islam is not complete without Hadiths.
In praising Imam Bukhari it had been said, that he
did not record, (write) any hadith without bath or ablution or two rukit nafil.
It means all the Imam Bukharis hadiths are authentic. If you study the hadiths
you will soon realise that Mohd did not receive any revelation that is the
reason he did and said the things against the law of nature and logic.
Mostly the Muslim scholars allege that Non-Muslims
use the Quran and Hadiths out of context, OR misinterpret the verses, OR do not
understand Arabic.
They believe Arabic is the language of Allah. For
example if you criticize that Mohd at the age of 58 years, raped the 17 year old
beautiful Jewish women Safiyah after capturing her in a raid and he did the same
thing with (20) years old Juwairiya, the Mullahs feeble excuse will be “he did
it because it was the commandment of Allah.”
If you ask why did Mohd, sleep with nine year old
child Ayesha while he was 53, the answer will be, there is (Hekmiha) WISDOM
behind it and that wisdom nobody knows except for
What a disgusting attitude of the
Where the Muslim scholars feel that, if the Quran
and Hadiths were both combined, even then they cannot offer complete code of
life, so they invented the consent of community, even these three together could
not become the complete code of life. You can see the failure of consent of
community if you look at the number of sects in Islam.
At the end when they see that the Quran, the Hadiths,
and the consent of community together still cannot solve their problems, they
introduce the Analogy (Qyais), outcome of the true meaning of teaching of Islam.
How they fail in Analogy you can guess from the Quranic interpretation of Muslim
Scholars! Every Muslim Scholar has different opinion and interpretation of the
Quranic verses.
A person, who reads the Quran in ordinary manner,
knows that the claim that the Quran is the complete code of life is false.
For example it is not mentioned in the Quran how you
have to perform the five prayers, even the five prayers are not mentioned in the
Quran, Details of the Hajj rituals have also not been given.
Other things have not been mentioned, and are
missing in the Quran, for example, how do Muslims lawfully slaughter the
animals? They face the Halal meat problems in
The Quran does not say anything about circumcision,
and details of when and where it should take place. Which method should be used
is not highlighted either!
Prayer is obligatory, but no details have been given
on how you have to perform the prayer. How many prostrates are needed in a
prayer. In saying Takbir no commandment is mentioned about holding of ears. If a
Muslim has sexual intercourse with an animal, what punishment does he deserve?
Many other things that a man faces in his daily life
haven’t been mentioned in the Quran either. If a one wants to become spiritual
and find the best principals in the Quran he/she soon realises that the whole
Quran is empty from such principals. Many teachings in the Quran, contradict
themselves and are incomplete!
The Quran is clearly misguiding people and contains
hate and violence and produce terrorists. If any Muslim Scholar OR Mullah claims
that the Quran is the complete code of life then they should have an explanation
about the problems that exist in the Quran.
The truth is that there is no book on the face of
Earth that contains the complete code of life. People’s needs and problems are
different in different times. Islamic teachings are not suitable for today.