The Clash of Fascisms
By Wolfgang Bruno
Historian Bat Ye'or fears that it may already be too late to save Europe
from Islam, and that the continent will be transformed into Eurabia.
Should this come to pass, Eurabia will either slowly decline into just
another overpopulated Islamic failure, or it will be used as a staging
ground for Islamic aggression against the rest of the infidel world. With
Europe’s nuclear weapons and accumulated resources at disposal, Eurabia
would be so dangerous that the Americans, the Israelis, the Indians, the
Russians and maybe even the Chinese would be forced to crush it. According
to this scenario, Islam will fall, but it will drag Europe down with it.
This is not, however, the only possibility.
Some Americans have a stereotypical view of Europeans as being
appeasers. There is definitely an appeasement instinct in Europe, but it
is first and foremost a continent of extremes, sometimes changing in rapid
succession. The nations that only a few generations ago tried to impose
their culture on large parts of the planet are now afraid of enforcing
their cultural values even in their own lands. The ruthless nationalism of
the past has been subdued and replaced with anemic multiculturalism and naïve
pacifism. It won’t last. The pendulum will swing back. If it appears as
if the mainstream authorities are incapable of taking action to stop the
ongoing Islamic invasion of the continent, faith in the entire democratic
system could break down. Europe right now has all the ingredients needed
for the rise of something akin to a new Nazi movement. It is an extremely
dangerous mix of suppressed nationalism, high unemployment and failed
economies, democratic detachment and a widespread sense of being betrayed
by the ruling elites. Tens of
millions of immigrants pour into Europe, changing the face of the
continent forever without any real debate about the issue. People feel
like strangers in their own cities, but are being silenced as
"racists" if they object to this.
There is a widespread feeling that Europe is descending into chaos, and
that the governments are unwilling or incapable of stopping this. If this
situation continues, some people will cry out for a Strong Man to
“cleanse Europe of foreigners" and restore its honour and wounded
pride. And He will step forward. There is never any shortage of
self-proclaimed Strong Men once you call for them. By then, you won’t
have a “Clash of Civilizations” in Europe, but rather a Clash of
Fascisms: Euro-Fascism vs. Islamo-Fascism. Ayaan
Hirsi Ali fears that if we don't take effective measures, now, ''the
Netherlands could be torn between two extreme rights'': an Islamic one and
a non-Islamic one.” She’s right. MP Geert Wilders in Holland has
proposed a moratorium on all non-Western immigration to the Netherlands
for some years. Perhaps that is an approach that should be adopted by
other European nations, too. Major cities across the continent are now
powder kegs of ethnic and religious tensions, built up after decades of
failed immigration policies and an absence of a genuine debate. Common
sense says that when you have a powder keg waiting to explode, adding even
more powder is not the smartest thing to do.
How will the other Europeans and the Americans react if or when the
first EU nation breaks down in civil war because of Muslim immigration?
Will they sacrifice the non-Muslims out of fear of a widening conflict,
bomb the infidels into submission and establish a de facto Muslim state in
a vain attempt to save themselves? Some would argue that is what happened
in the Balkans in the 1990s. The answer probably depends upon which nation
breaks down first. If it turns out to be nuclear armed France, the
reactions may be different from what it would be with Holland, Belgium or
Sweden. If Jihadis get their hands on French nukes, they will then use
these weapons as a nuclear umbrella with which to establish sharia in
different parts of Europe. This cannot be allowed to happen.
Some would argue that this bleaker picture does not fit my prediction
that Islam
will not survive this century as a force of any significance. That’s
not necessarily true. We should remain confident that in the battle of
Islam against Humanity, civilization will eventually triumph. I will again
postulate that Islam will have faded off the world stage by the end of
this century, and that the process should be apparent by mid-century, or
even before. Seen in a historical perspective, this is a fast demise for a
religion that has existed for 1400 years. But it still means that the
Islamic world will remain extremely volatile and unstable for decades or
even generations to come. It is highly unlikely that there will be an
Islamic Reformation. Islam does not have a natural separation between the
temporal and the spiritual as Christianity does, nor the non-violent
personal example of Jesus, nor the ethical teachings of the Bible. In the
unlikely event that somebody should manage to reform Islam, this process
will take time and probably be quite bloody. The Christian Reformation was
hardly peaceful while it was going on. There is no reason to expect an
Islamic Reformation to be, either.
The good news is that Islam is not capable of achieving the world
dominance it desires. The bad news is that it may well be capable of
achieving a world war. Perhaps Islam will not “go quietly into the
night”, but push for a final, decisive confrontation. Islam has lived by
the sword, and may die by it. We need to brace ourselves for decades of
turbulence ahead. This is unavoidable by now, as the Islamic world will
struggle, and probably fail, to come to terms with the modern world. We
have to concentrate on trying to avoid that the new “Cold War” turns
into a hot, cataclysmic world war. We can perhaps speed up the process, by
a selection of the best Islam-critical literature available to major
languages, spread them across the Internet and encourage downloading and
free reprinting of the books to reach those without Internet connection.
Other spending on Muslims should be avoided as much as possible. We cannot
buy Muslim goodwill, even if we try. Economic aid to Muslims will
be viewed as Jizya, the tributary tax non-Muslim dhimmis should pay as
a sign of submission to Islamic rule.
Continued Muslim immigration will eventually lead to the demise of
European democracy, either by the establishment of a Muslim-lead
totalitarian entity, Eurabia, or disintegration of Europe, with different
fascist groups competing for the spoils. The only way we can avoid this is
by separation, by ending and reversing Muslim immigration. Muslim
immigration is equivalent to playing Russian roulette with your own
children. The worst case scenario is that the current trends continue
unabated, triggering civil wars in several nations as the Muslim
population reaches critical
mass for an armed Jihad. A Balkanization of the continent would ensue.
It may already be too late for the worst hit areas of Europe, but still
not for the continent as whole. If we get an Islamic nuclear attack
against an American city on top of this, events could spiral out of
control. We still have a window of opportunity to prevent this from
happening, but swift action needs to be taken as soon as possible. It is
unclear whether our politicians have the foresight and the courage to do
what is necessary to avoid the impending disaster. Time is sadly not on
our side.