Stop Blaming the Muslims
Dr. Wasima Syed
Any sane man understands that if he goes in a jungle and if a lion attacks
and kills him, the lion cannot really be blamed. It's the victim's
stupidity or maybe even foolhardiness. No law of the land will hold the
animal guilty. It did what Mother Nature intended it to do.
No law-maker or government debates over the evil or
the cruelty of the beast in cold-heartedly butchering a human-being. The
relatives of the victim and the media hold the park-keepers or the zoo
authorities responsible for the death of the lion's victim. If anyone
would hold the lion responsible for the human death, such a person will be
called foolish.
When Muslims attack, plunder, behead, rape others all
around us, most of us fool ourselves that a few evil and/ or misguided
persons operating under the garb of religion are committing these
atrocities. We further lull ourselves into inaction by thinking that all
religions promote peace and universal brotherhood. Very few of us realize
that Islam is an exception to all religions. It's no religion at all, but
an extremely dangerous disease that overpowers the thinking capability of
its victims. Once fully under the influence of this evil curse, a human
ceases to be a human and instead, gets transformed into an evil,
blood-thirsty animal.
A man is a man as long as he exercises his grey
matter. Muslims exercise their grey matter, undoubtedly, but only to plot
the next assassination, the next act of violence. Like a man-eater let
loose upon a colony of innocent civilians, they are oblivious to the sheer
mindless havoc they are unleashing upon mankind.
We may debate, theorize, hold discussions, placate,
appease such animals, but the bitter fact remains that an animal is an
animal. Negotiations and reasoning work with humans, not with an animal
who has received Allah’s divine sanction to murder and rape. Besides, of
course, it is extremely dangerous to be logical with foolish and evil
people. A blood-thirsty man-eater can be repelled only by blood. And
that's his own blood.
Sina uses an appropriate term to describe the state
of mind of a typical Muslim - A zombie, or brain dead person who is still
alive. It would be a wishful thinking to we assume a brain-dead zombie
would start using his head the way you and I do.
Of course, not all have reached the point of no
return. Islam is an evil religion, founded by a man with the blackest
heart the world has ever witnessed. People of all communities and
societies have their share of evil members. Islam is no exception.
However, when a man with in-bred hatred and evil comes in contact with
Islam, the evil inside him gets multiplied a hundred times. Such a man
becomes Osama, Zarqawi, Khomeini, etc; the modern day mirror-image of the
founder of this terror cult. Going by the offhand ratio of 15% of
evil members in any society, we have a total of 200 million Muslim
'man-eaters' walking on the face of this earth.
Nazism died with the death of Hitler. Red communism
collapsed with the break-up of the Soviet Union. Islam is not going to go
so easily. It transcends country borders and individual personalities.
What can be done when a man-eater enters your
neighborhood? If your child is killed by a marauding man-eater while
strolling in a public park, will you sue the lion or the park-keeper?
Islam has struck the most infamous and most publicized terror in its
bloody history of 1400 years on the shores of America. Death-count wise,
the strike was miniscule, but publicity wise, 9/11 was the most
spectacular display of Islamic holiness ever. This could well be a
blessing in disguise.
America is known as a land of most lawsuit-happy individuals. People sue
for any and whatever reasons. By claiming Islam as a religion of peace and
the acts of terrorism as individual cases of delinquency, the Presidency
and the State Department is conveniently washing its hands off
responsibility. A multi-million dollar opportunity awaits the Erin
Brokovitch who wakes up the myopic, incompetent internal security / state
department off it's costly slumber. The US govt. has to be sued left,
right and center for allowing an evil cult such as Islam to function
openly and with full state protection, thereby endangering the lives of
all peace-loving and Tax-paying citizens.
The Chief justice presiding over such a case has his job cut out. He only
has to read the holy Koran to derive his conclusions.