Precursor in
Vernon Richards
Nov 2,
2005 police described a sixth night of continuing fighting and rioting in the
northeastern Clichy-sous-Bois suburb of
as "civil
war", now branching out to other suburbs.
Mainstream media has bent over backwards to prevent notification that the
problems spring from the Muslim community, but truth can only be hidden so long.
The rioting started after two Muslim young men accidentally electrocuted
themselves running from police (after a robbery) by climbing a fence into an
electrical substation. Police claim they were not in hot pursuit, but the Muslim
communities have convinced themselves that French officials are responsible. As
the melee continued, and for whatever reason (and we can be sure there was
reason), the rioting led to a tear gas canister being fired into a mosque on the
4th night. Whatever the circumstances, one suspects that praying
might not have been the only activity going on in the Mosque that night. Of
course, however weak the pretext to riot was before, the Mosque incident now
justified any and all forms of violence and destruction.
hurled rocks, Molotov cocktails, and set fire to cars and trash bins in the
poor/immigrant (read Muslim) area notorious for violence, injuring several
policemen. A carpet factory has been torched, a primary school, along with over
69 vehicles. Several officers have been injured as police struggle to keep the
area from becoming yet another European 'no-go' region where law
enforcement is abandoned to Muslim gangs. Of course, liberals and Islamic
apologists are shrill in their criticism of standard methods of law enforcement,
and are demanding instead less 'repression'.
Also on their list of demands are more education, housing, jobs, and increased
direct support. In true dhimmi style, political leaders are beating a path to
the feet of Muslim community leaders to beg for forgiveness and guidance. In
case you missed the point, here are the demands of Frances Muslim community to
the proud French people:
Should a Muslim decide
to take the property of a Franco infidel, no non-Muslim may attempt to pursue or
capture the alleged perpetrator, who is engaging in acts deemed halal
(permitted) by the prophet Muhammad. (i.e. robbery, pillage, assault, murder,
rape of non-believers)
Muslim communities
shall have the right to run their own affairs in accordance with Sharia laws and
self-anointed thugs, ...er …enforcers.
Law enforcement shall
not enter nor impose any restrictions in Muslim areas. Violating this provision
will subject the infidel imperial forces to any and all means to expel them.
In accordance to the
principals of jizya, law abiding working French citizens and businesses shall
provide adequate education, jobs, subsidized housing, and welfare payments which
are rightly due to Muslims by infidels from now to eternity.
Civil rights and free
speech shall be subservient to Islamic demands for respect and ultra-sensitivity
to even the slightest hint of criticism.
the French be able to reach deep down and save themselves from their new Muslim
masters, or will the white flag be produced yet again, signaling the beginning
of the end to personal and religious freedoms, equality of the sexes,
self-determination, and eventually, even French whine, …er …wine. French
Muslims look forward to the day when French law is aligned with other Islamic
nations and all female students are required to wear the hijab (head
scarf), instead of the law forbidding it. Right now Islamic passion seems to be
trumping the usual French grandiose sense of superiority, though a few well
placed terrorist acts could change that equation. French intelligence just
disrupted al-Qaeda plans as cell members delayed while they bickered between
bringing down the British Embassy, or the Eiffel tower. Still, things could be
worse. Young French girls walking to school do not yet have to fear the boogey
man leaping out and beheading them as girls in Indonesia
do, …for a few years anyway. This latest display of tolerance and peace
has been brought to you by devout members of the world’s best religion. No one
should gloat over the dilemma faced by the French; their plight today will be
ours tomorrow.