Ever-Changing Islamic God, Allah
By: Vernon
Richards, author of: ‘Islam
Following the
destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina, Islamist sites all over the world praised
it as a divine act by Allah. In their minds, it became proof manifest that Allah
is on their side and wants to help them destroy the infidels. Goggling reveals
126,000 hits on the subject of Allah punishing the
through Katrina. Such logic claiming Allah caused 1000 American causalities is
difficult to reconcile with the much larger losses in the Qam, Iran earthquake,
the 125,000 causalities (plus 110,000 missing) suffered in the Muslim world by
virtue of the Dec tsunami, or the 30,000 or so causalities suffered from the
most recent earthquake in Pakistan / Kashmir. Devout Muslims in the past attempt
to get around this quandary by claiming the tsunami was aimed at bad
Muslims in
South Asia
involved in homosexuality and fornication, or part of an
Indian/Israeli/American conspiracy. I would guess that a high percentage of the
dead would take issue with the claims they were bad Muslims.
It would appear
that if Allah punishes through nature, he is currently much more intent on
killing Muslims than infidels. When one tries to find goggle hits of articles
relating to Allah punishing Muslims by earthquake in Pakistan one finds only
about 9,000 hits, and most of those are ‘shoe on the other foot’
pieces mocking the earlier Muslim claims regarding Katrina. Interesting though,
there are a few Muslim pundits claiming Allah is punishing the
ultra-fundamentalist region because of Pakistani alliances with the
. Islamists can always find a way out of their own arguments, apparently.
Should we
conclude that the people hurt and killed in this latest natural catastrophe are
all evil apostates? Or can we infer that Allah has changed his mind (again) and
now favors another religion over Islam? If God changed his mind once, then what
is to keep the all powerful one from switching his alliances again? According to
the Muslim Qur’an, Allah suddenly decided one day while speaking to Muhammad
that he only loves people who believe in his designated psychopath, and no
longer had any feelings whatsoever for all other creations. He further revealed
that the proper path in dealing with unbelievers was through the sword, slavery,
and death. Quite a switch, really, from everything he had previously
communicated to his designated representatives. So perhaps now He has tired of
all the murderers arriving in heaven to claim their mansions, 72 wide-eyed
virgins, and dozens of boys like pearls. Perhaps he took a new decision to find
a better class of neighbors to rub shoulders with. All those mujahedeen
miscreants have undoubtedly proven to be a total bore to socialize with, since
all they want to talk about is sex and violence. So Allah might well have
changed his mind again deciding to only accept as neighbors men and women who
care for and help their fellows.
Or here is a
radical thought, as long as we are drawing reasonable inferences from empirical
data, …perhaps God never changed after all! In fact, wasn’t He already
supposed to be omnipotent and omniscience prior to Muhammad? And since already
fully formed and perfect, isn’t it reasonable to assume such a mature being is
not likely to exhibit adolescent tantrums nor wild personality swings? Maybe,
…just maybe, this Muhammad guy is a total farce who never had an inkling what
God was like, let alone communicated with Him. Maybe God never changed, and all
Muhammad’s claims otherwise are self-serving lies designed to assist in his
version of Arab Imperialism. Mmmmm… The reasoning here seems sound, and
leaves one to feel sorry for Muslims worldwide deceived by such a ridiculous and
transparent notion that God switched his personality, likes and dislikes, and
his modus operandi in dealing with His creations.
The rest of the
world can breath a sigh of relief, …the Muslim God Allah is not affiliated
with the actual Creator, and its only mortal men who want to kill us. Whew
…that was a close one!
For Muslims the
problem is much bigger. You see, their usual method of interpreting the data on
natural-disasters supports the certainty that Allah has switched sides, which
can’t be good news for them. A few more tsunamis and earthquakes, plus perhaps
a plague or two, and Allah might just solve the mistake he started with
Muhammad. Good luck with that!