By: Vernon
Richards, author of: ‘Islam
Football fans in
dodged a bullet Oct 1 2005, and the sad fact is that most of the lucky are
blissfully ignorant of how close they came to being the latest victims of
Islam’s world-wide Jihad. In a minor report buried amongst the Supreme Court
nominations, main-stream media reported an apparent suicide by a ‘small’
explosive device by a disturbed Oklahoma Student outside a Sooner’s football
game. Poor disturbed Joel Henry Hinrichs III, a distraught engineering student
from Colorado, had decided that taking the time to build a powerful explosive
vest and blowing himself up near a huge public event was preferable to shooting
himself in the head all alone in his apartment he shared with two roommates from
Pakistan. 87,000 fans only learned about the ‘suicide’ when they were
delayed from leaving the stadium for a bit while the site was cleaned up. No one
was told that part of the clean-up consisted of rendering harmless an additional
large bomb nearby, or that the blast was strong enough to be heard 4 miles away
and blow out windows of a building 200 yards away. CNN somehow failed to catch
the fact that the boy was a recent Muslim convert sporting the typical beard of
the devout. We don’t want to be accused of being insensitive to our peaceful
Muslim fellow Americans, so the spin by mainstream media in keeping this huge
story off the front page is ongoing.
A lot of additional information has been coming out of this event which
somehow has missed by all but the most conservative news blogs. Apparently the
local CBS affiliate in OKC also held a report that Hinrichs has been known to
visit the local Islamic center around the corner from his apartment. But that is
not national news, so they stuff it in a small byline. Still, information is
slowly leaking out. A blogger
named PhiKapMom
I was at the
game so I might as well post what a girl at my son's fraternity said. She is
Iranian (Persian) and she said two dark Middle Eastern types came running into
the stadium and separated several minutes after the bomb went off. She said
since she was Middle Eastern she felt safe in saying they fit the profile. She
made a point of saying they were much darker skinned then the Iranian people and
when she heard the bomb blast, she was convinced at the time it was a suicide
bomb and these two were part of what was happening.
The police raided the young mans apartment and found some other
interesting facts and items apparently not worthy of reporting, like lots of
extremist Jihad material and enough explosives to keep the bomb squad busy for
hours removing it. It was also discovered that the boy had two Pakistani
roommates, and we all know how moderate Pakistani Muslims are. No word as to
whether they were the two reported making their escape after the blast. It also
emerged that Dustin Ellison, the general manager of Ellison Feed & Seed on
Porter Avenue
reported that Joel Henry Hinrichs had previously inquired about purchasing a
significant amount of ammonium nitrate, but couldn't offer a reason why he
needed it.
Apparently Hinrichs was an at-risk depressed young man who fell into the
clutches of Fanatical Islam. As has been shown in
, Islamists often manipulate the humiliated, the depressed, and sometimes the
intellectually handicapped to carry out their most vile acts of murder by
explosion. The boy is dead, but his handlers, either the local Imam/Cleric
and/or Muslim roommates, still run free. One wonders why their faces are not
broadcast nation-wide to bring them to justice.
The largest attempted attack on a public venue since 9-11 and our media
suppresses the facts to insure public support for the War on Terror continues to
deteriorate, and to prevent Bush's approval rating from spiking. Spin and
misinformation, or no-information, remain effective tools of an extreme
Socialist agenda playing a fatal political game with American lives.
Either Hinrichs had reservations and was killed to cover his
co-conspirators escape, or the explosives were mishandled arming them. Either
way, hundreds of lives were spared the horror of yet another sanctimonious act
demonstrating pure Islam. The secondary bomb was obviously intended to be
set-off after homicide weapon had been detonated, and the potential for panic
and deaths by stampede are all too real.