a true Muslim
Vernon Richards
It was reported Sept 14th 2005 that Iraq's al Qaeda leader Abu Musab
al-Zarqawi has now declared war on all Shiite Muslims in Iraq. In a first volley
in his new declared front, he dispatched suicide bombers and gunmen to North
Baghdad and succeeded in killing over 160 innocent civilians and wounding well
over 570. This from a man who is worshiped as a great religious leader, a pious
Muslim who understands the nature of Jihad and follows Muhammad literally. Of
course, there is no point in offering Iraqi Muslims to convert to Islam to save
themselves, Zarqawi simply intends to kill as many Shiites as possible until
they are all dead or cowed into repenting and becoming ‘true’ Muslims
like himself.
One summer at a remote beach on a mountain
lake, me and my children completed what turned out to be a great undertaking. In
the unusual sand, we built edifices first from compacting towers of moist sand,
then dripping wet sand mixtures onto the structures to create multiple high
towers unique and surreal in appearance. In the end we had created a complete
city, with roads and bridges connecting them. The task took all day, with my
wife and 6 children each creating neighborhoods and towers to add to our sand
kingdom. Some onlookers admired our efforts and chipped in to help. As the sun
set, the shadows cast were as varied and unique as the imaginations which had
made them. The whole was greater than the parts, and we stood in awe at what we
had created. Several other families had created various structures as well, but
ours was by far the favorite, with our method of ‘sand drip’ construction
widely copied, a true form of flattery. When night came, we retired to our
tents. The next morning, all the children were crushed to find that hooligans
had crushed our creations underfoot. Our neighbors creations suffered the same
fate. I took the opportunity to emphasize to my children that everyone in life
can choose to be a builder, or a destroyer. I pointed out that the satisfaction
of building is infinitely superior to the satisfaction the destroyer gains from
destruction. It takes zero thought and intelligence to destroy, and so it is
much more desirable to run with the creationist crowd than the destruction gang.
So we set about creating another city from the ruins of the first, and made it
even more spectacular. That night, we guarded our creation, and the next day
finally left the beach with our sand cities intact.
Each of us chooses to either be a builder & defender, …or an attacker
& destroyer. The rewards of each activity are inherent. Creators are more
enlightened, happy, and satisfied reflecting on their contributions. Attackers
and destroyers, on the other hand, must live with memories of replacing order
& beauty, with chaos & ugliness. Sometimes remorse can make a builder
from a destroyer, but often the sadistic pleasure some gain in the act of wanton
destruction is too addictive to overcome. The creator of heaven and earth, is
undoubtedly a ‘creationist’. His adversary, called Satan, is by definition a
‘destroyer’. By definition then, destruction is the realm of Satan, whereas
all creation is within the realm of God.
Zarqawi is a sadistic destroyer, who has never created anything except death and
sorrow. His followers are similarly disposed, anxious for the opportunity to
slice the throat of a Westerner, …or now, Shiite Muslim. Numerous video
productions of attacks and murders show the elation of his attackers in the act
of causing pain and death to numerous victims. “Allah Akbar” they shout in
giddy ecstasy, in what passes for a spiritual experience for these agents of
pure hate and destruction. It takes little intelligence, and no imagination, to
build and explode a bomb to kill men, women, and children. Those expecting a
reward from our ‘creationist’ god for such acts of wanton ‘destruction’
are certainly deluded, and undeniably mistaken to expect reward instead of the
full measure of justice which is what stands ready to greet them in the next
life. Instead of Houris, the piercing eyes of angry angels greet them to
immediately introduce them to the beginnings of torment. Mere words cannot
possibly begin to describe the depths of sorrows and unquenchable anguish
awaiting men who with pleasure kill and maim in the name of God.
Zarqawi probably had narcissistic tendencies since childhood, but the example of
a certain revered man heavily influenced his thoughts and actions, amplifying
personality disorders and creating the monster we know today. He and other vile
terrorists follow the example of another individual of equal sadism and
destruction, Muhammad.