By: Vernon
Richards, author of ”Islam
America is hated in large parts of the Middle East and Asia, but
the more educated and affluent Muslims usually wear Levi jeans while
shouting 'death to America '. When the cameras are gone and the frenzy is
over, they can often be found cueing up at Western embassies, hoping for a
visa to immigrate in search of a ‘better life’. This hate/love
relationship many Muslims have with western democracy, freedoms, culture,
and technology is despised by their more aged Imams, who then respond by
ratcheting-up the hate America sermons. They paint illusions of Western
conspiracies into young minds in the region, desperately trying to hold
back the forces of enlightenment and change.
Muslim spokespersons claim moral purity in their fight against
‘decadent’ Westerners. Indeed, if a Muslim is told an infidel slept
with a nine years old girl, they would condemn him for being a pedophile.
But mention the Prophet Mohammed slept with a girl of the same age, and
watch him overact with all kinds of rationalizations such as 'girls in
those days matured fast' or 'it was normal and acceptable in that
culture', etc. Apparently it was also normal in those days to rape a
widow the same night you slaughtered her beloved husband in an unprovoked
raid. To normal thinking feeling human beings, the phrase ‘most
merciful’ would not seem to apply to either of these divinely
sanctioned acts by Muhammad, yet somehow that contradiction is lost to
We hear Muslims believe the Black Stone circled in Mecca is
conscious and will testify for and against them on Judgment Day (though
they will deny it, the stone and ritual is based on a pagan deity).
Meanwhile Muslims all over the world gleefully bring down ‘un-Islamic’
idols, statues, and figures representing deities in other religions. The
physical manifestation of Allah, in the form of a conscience stone, is an
important core of Muslims’ connection with deity. A pillar of Islam
states that every individual must make a pilgrimage to the stone and pay
homage. Having done so, a good Muslims can then return to his/her home and
with greater piety plot violence against pagan idol worshipers of all
The world continues to find disappointment as it waits for the
majority of ‘moderate’ Muslims to bring the extremists into line. The
problem is that even moderate Muslims have enormous capacity to absorb
great hypocrisies. Remaining completely unfazed, they continue to call
monsters who target innocent women and children in Israel ‘mujahedeen’
(holy warriors). But then, even the term “holy war” (Jihad) is an
oxymoron. There is nothing ‘holy’ about War, even when necessary to
preserve a society, and there is certainly nothing warlike in any pure
religion based on a kind benevolent God. The last 1400 years of history
warn us that the typical Muslim variant of War usually involves targeting
innocents, raping, and pillaging. Thinking, feeling human beings consider
such acts much less than ‘Holy’, despite the usual chants of “Allah
Akbar” by vile marauders. Muslims, however, seem largely oblivious to
the self-evident truth that the greatest blasphemers in any religion are
those who kill in God’s name. Numerous videos exist showing chanting
Islamists sawing off the head of some poor victim. Such videos are in high
demand in Islamic lands, in what can only be described as some form of
sick Islamic rapture. What are in reality the worst examples of hypocrisy
and human depravity, is to many Muslims wonderful examples of pure
spirituality. If a spirit is involved with such human depravity, it can
only be an evil spirit, and could not be a spirit based on kindness, love,
mercy, and forgiveness. Those who take pleasure from someone else’s pain
are correctly called Sadists, and are mentally and emotionally maladjusted
Acts by sadistic
terrorists produce by design extreme human suffering and pain to innocent
and unsuspecting victims. Instead of an act of wanton brutality and murder
producing shame for the family of the perpetrator, it is common for a
festive ceremony known as "the wedding of the martyr" ('irs al-shahid)
to be held in honor of the murderer. The celebration is held to symbolize
the murders wedding in paradise with 72 virgins. At these events, the
family receives guests who offer more congratulations than condolences for
their son's martyrdom. So the same culture that requires a son to brutally
murder a daughter to 'preserve family honor', also celebrates
wholesale murder of innocents, both acts defended as the requirements of
family/religious ‘honor’. It’s a strange thing, this Islamic concept
of honor. As George Orwell said; "There are spectacles before
which even satire herself stands mute." Duplicity is the ability
to articulate and adhere to two completely opposing moral standards at the
same time, and is a sign of both intellectual immaturity and moral
bankruptcy. Sadly, even reading these words, most Muslims will see no
contradiction whatsoever, the natural result of a lifetime of conformity
to Islam and shunning critical thought.
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