group of students from the
University writes to the Nobel Prize winner Harold Printer
Harold Pinter won the Nobel Prize for
literature for this year (2005). In his speeches that he delivered at various
places, including
, he lashed out at the American foreign policy. He gave those speeches after he had undergone a major
operation for cancer. If we do not take his speech as delirium of a sick man
still under the influence of medications, then it should be considered as a show
of human indecency and deceitfulness. Afraid of seeing the truth, Printer tries
not to look at it. It seems
that for some people, as long as their lives are cushy, the rest don’t matter.
Mr. Pinter blamed
for the
bombings of 7/7. He believes that the attacks were the consequence of American
foreign policy. His argument is that if
had not attacked the Taleban, Al-Qaida would not have bombed
The crux of the speech of Mr. Pinter
was: Why should we be concerned about the plight of people in other countries?
Who cares if some thugs in other parts of the world slaughter other people? It
is none of our business if a mad man like Saddam Hussein kills millions of his
own people, invades his neighbours, gasses multiple villages, and massacres
thousands of innocent children. What does it have to do with us if the Taleban
maim the fingers of an eight year old girl for the crime of decorating them with
dahlia flowers? Why should we give a damn if in 1986 thousands of political
prisoners in
were executed during a single night? Should we do anything when the Iranian
authors and artists are kidnapped in the streets and a few days later their
mutilated corpses are found dumped in the outskirts of
? Why should the Europeans care if millions of Iranians leave behind their loved
ones, risk their lives and escape the country to seek refuge in other countries
because their lives are threatened? Why should it be important to us if the
Islamic police (guards) rape underage girls before they execute them the next
morning? It is probably their custom! The important issue here is that
should not be bombed.
Mr. Printer’s rationale is that if
people are dissatisfied of their rulers; let them overthrow them [the tyrannical
rulers]. No other nation has the right to intervene in the “internal
affairs” of another “sovereign” nation.
Isn’t this statement hypocrisy when
Mr. Printer knows that had it not been for the American intervention, Europeans
could not have defeated Nazism on their own? He is well aware of the fact that
Europeans owe their freedom to
. It was
who sacrificed her sons and daughters to liberate
from the Nazis. If Americans had to think like Mr. H. Pinter,
, most likely would have had a different destiny.
Today, we the people of
are under the yoke of a regime no less brutal than the Nazis. Just like the
Nazis, the Islamists are motivated by an ideology of hate. They have destroyed
our country that they conquered through terror. They are as ruthless as the
Nazis. Can Mr. Printer tell us, how can we fight them back with our bare hands?
They have shown that they have no qualm killing any number of us. They have
already killed hundreds of thousands, they can kill millions more. How many more
of us should die, Mr. Printer for your sense of humanity to awaken, assuming you
have any?
These are a people who have divided the
world between the “faithful” and the “infidel” and believe to have
divine mandate to cleanse the Earth from the infidels. As far as they are
concerned, we the infidels do not have even the right to live on the Earth that
is given only to the faithful of Allah.