Resisting Islam
By : Sorge L Diaz
I. Truths
Barely two days ago, they murdered again.
This time, like in
earlier, they hit the transportation system, killing people going to work. It
is moments like these that concentrate the mind; it is moments like these that
compel me to tell the truth, come what may.
Here are the truths we must face:
1. Islam is
incompatible with liberty: We
need to understand this, if we wish to preserve liberty.
In the West the political left claims, over and over, that terrorism is
caused by poverty and the actions of the Western democracies; that defending
from terrorism causes terrorism, that is. In
, the dominant voices of the right believe lack of political freedom causes
terrorism: both the left and the right confuse cause and effect.
Islamic countries are backward, poor and violent because Islam prevents
wealth creation and internal peace. Similarly,
it is not political oppression that creates Islam, but Islam that creates
political oppression. That is why
the so-called neo-conservative program will fail; individuals must be free from
the shackles of Islam before they are able to live in liberty.
Consider; in every country where Muslims are either a majority or a
considerable minority, political hatred and violence follows.
, the
....) Examples from history support
this view as well.
2. Many of our
Institutions have been damaged or Corrupted: Some Christian Churches support
divestment from
. The Catholic Church keeps
promoting ‘Peace’, and forgetting Justice.
The intelligentsia clamors for a
. Our schools indoctrinate our semi-literate children.
Environmental organization promote ‘zero population growth’, (in free
societies, never in Islamic ones.) Marriage
is little more than a joke. It is no
wonder Western Civilization is on decline; the institutions that ought to
sustain it undermine it instead.
3. Muslims’
Reproductive rate is enough to defeat us: in every society where Muslims become
a majority, they have sought to impose a version of sharia, and so far, they
have succeeded. They have been able
to do so in
, where they are a bare majority. Vast-majority
countries such as
, impose sharia in practice, if not in letter. Once Muslims are numerous enough
, the same template will be followed.
4. It is up to
us to change this state of affairs: This is perhaps the most important truth:
nobody is coming to the rescue, no magic solution is at hand.
It will be, as Donald Rumsfeld would say, “a hard, long slog”, and
victory is not guaranteed.
5. The more we
wait, the more serious the problem becomes:
Every year that goes by, they are more Muslims and fewer Europeans.
Every new year, our institutions deteriorate further, and widely held
ideas get nuttier. Waiting for
action is not a viable option.
II. Ways and
This state of affairs cannot be solved by inaction; we
1. Dedicate our
lives to this struggle: First, a note of caution: we should not become mindless
fanatics. The greatness of the West
comes from respecting the autonomy of the individual.
But individuals must choose to live as if they want their society to
live: to be productive citizens, to learn about the world, to have a family and
children. And we must be ready to sacrifice time and money to fight Islam.
2. Form an
organization to spread the anti-Islamic resistance: It is necessary to create a
multi-level organization to spread the resistance at the local, national, and
international level. The
organization ought to be permanent and be armed with a long-term view.
3. Strengthen
and influence existing organizations: It will be crucial to strengthen the
weakened organizations in our societies: the family, education, churches, etc.
No society will survive without a proper base, and we'll need the
strength of those institutions working together against Islam.
III. Objectives
Several objectives must be pursued simultaneously for
success to be significant and permanent. Some
may be achieve in a relative short time, while others might extend past our
lifetimes. They also differ in
importance. We must struggle to:
1. Protect
societies under Islamic threat: Societies suffering from Islamic aggression
should be helped to win the struggle. From
Europe to the
, defensive victories will help roll back the tide of Islam.
2. Protect
minorities within Islamic societies: Islamic aggression against their minorities
should be punished whenever possible. We
should not, however, allow Muslims to use those minorities as hostages to obtain
concessions from the West.
3. Remove
territory from Islamic control: Whenever practical, we should work to remove
territory from Islamic control. Southern Sudan and southern
are obvious places to start.
4. Reverse
negative demographic trends in societies at risk: This falls under the next
objective “strengthen free societies”, but it is so important it gets its
own number. Simply, we cannot allow
our societies to become majority Muslim, or even allow a strong Muslim minority
to live within us. If this violates
some of our most cherished values, then perhaps we should not cherish those
values anymore.
5. Strengthen
free societies: Besides reversing demographic trends, we should work to make our
countries strong. This includes the
economic, social, and military spheres.
6. Weaken
Islamic Societies: Similarly, we must work hard to weaken Islamic societies; for
one thing, poor people are too busy surviving to kill anybody.
7. Destroy
Islam: Finally, if we weaken Islam, we must go on with the job and destroy it.
It is such a dangerous ideology, it should not be allowed to survive: it
might resurface, and with it the barbarism we face today.
Future generations ought not be burdened by this abomination.