The Art of the Possible: On Using American Power
By : Sorge L Diaz
How should the
United States
use its military power? There
are many options: Keep the status quo.
Retreat from the world stage and form “Fortress
.” Divest from defense and
spend it in socialistic schemes. (Do
it for the children!) Those
are not the only choices, however. There is an effective way to leverage
American might.
‘Politics’, as Otto von Bismarck said, ‘is the
art of the possible’. We
should not ask for the impossible; that is, we should not ask the American
people to understand the dangers of Islam overnight.
The dominant ideologies of my country make it impossible to hold an
honest public discussion of Islam. But
we can, and should, ask for the possible, in a language Americans
understand: we must ask the American people to support religious
minorities fighting against Islamic tyranny.
Foremost among the oppressed, the Christian and
Animist minorities of Souther Sudan deserve our support.
They have been victimized by a genocidal war, which have cost them
hundreds of thousands dead and enslaved, and stand ready to fight for
their freedom. Other
minorities might follow the Southern Sudanese in their fight for freedom.
As long as a rebellious minority has a realistic chance of succeeding
against Islamic tyranny, American aid should follow as well.
The tactic here proposed would weaken Islam.
Islam needs minorities to victimize.
Victimized minorities provide Islam with resources to expand.
The Jizya taxes in its many incarnations, old-fashioned booty,
and–more deviously–the reproductive power of ‘infidel’ women, are
resources commandeered in the service of the never-ending Jihad. Denying
Islam these “resources” would serve the cause of human liberty.
Because when the Ummah is not expanding, liberty blooms.