The Course of History is Changed
"knock and the door will be opened to you".
For years, the pundits of this site along with a
handful of other sites such as
and, etc., have
been trying to make the world realize that the enemy is Islam and not
Wahhabism or “extremist Islam” as has been claimed by many so called
experts and apologists of Islam. We kept repeating that Islam is not
hijacked but rather Islamic terrorism IS the real Islam. Our message seems
to be finally heard. Folks, this message is getting through.
We knocked for eight years. Someone has finally heard us. The door
is opening at last.
Once imputing Islam as a political adversary and the
enemy of the state is adopted as the official policy of the government, I
promise, read my lips, I PROMISE, that the Islamic terrorism will
be thwarted, that the Muslim pressure groups will go into hiding, that the
masses of Muslims will start leaving Islam and that eventually, the war
against Islamic terrorism will be won hands down.
What you are going to read now, it the most important
document I have published in so far. If what this
document says is true, if indeed the
s' government is starting to take a closer look at Islam itself as the
engine of terrorism, and if strategic plans are made to destroy this
engine, mark this day as the turning point in the war against Islamic
terrorism. It is the turning point, because up until today, we were on the
defensive. If what this document says is true, for the first time, we will
be on the offensive and for the first time there is hope, nay, rather
certainly that we will win this war.
This is the most important day in human history. This
is not hyperbole.
Ali Sina