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the Prophet of Islam, was not a Muslim!
By Mohammad
May 12, 2005
Mohamed Taha Mohamed
Ahmed, the Editor of Al-Wifaq Newspaper of
is on trial, because he theorized that Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, was
not fathered by Abdullah. The disclosure of this very important theory has
incensed the entire Muslim population of
and they have been demanding that Mr. Ahmed be put to death for committing
blasphemy against Islam and its founder.
The trial is going on, and
at the end of it, Mr. Ahmed may be found guilty of the crime he has been
charged with. He may even be beheaded, for this is the punishment Islam
has prescribed for the blasphemers of Islam and its Prophet. For details,
please visit here
I am lucky in the sense
that I am still walking after theorizing a number of years ago that the
person Muslims believe was their Prophet was not the same person Amina had
given birth to. Haleema, the foster mother of Amina’s son, switched him
with her own son, Masroud and then planted him in the house of the Meccan
Quraish. It was this Masroud, and not Amina’s son, who later became the
Prophet of Islam.
My theory escaped the
attention of the diehard and zealot Muslims, as a result of which, I am
still alive. I am also alive, because I am now living in an infidel
country. Had I publicized my said theory while living among the Muslims of
the country of my origin, my action would definitely have stirred my
Muslim compatriots, including my friends, to seek my death. I thank my
adoptive country for giving me the freedom that enables me to express what
I believe are the truths about the religion my parents raised me with.
Readers are cordially
invited to read my theory on the Prophet of Islam’s background on the
following links: 1
We are now living in an
era that requires us to verify and cross-check every bit of information we
come across in our lives before accepting it as a fact. Inquisitiveness,
created in our minds by the quality of our modern education, leads us not
only towards Science, it is also proving instrumental in gradually taking
us to a level of enlightenment where induction, on one pretext or another,
of humans into falsehoods, may one day become not only remote, but also an
almost impossible task.
Religions are important
for most of their adherents for one reason or anther. No believer is ever
willing to admit that his or her religion is harmful in any way, despite
the fact that religions are responsible not only for dividing humans on
the basis of their religious dichotomy, they are also responsible for
putting hundreds of millions of them to violent death from the time
religions became one of the hottest issues for mankind.
As if their respective
belief is not enough to keep the believers divided from each other, their
religions preachers have taken upon themselves the responsibility to
reinforce their existing belief by disseminating to them what are clearly
falsehoods and inanities of their Religious Scriptures.
Regrettably, almost all
believers believe that what their preachers preach to them carries the
seal of approval of their deities. This belief prevents them from
challenging the merits as well as the real value of the preaching they
receive from their Rabbis, Holy Fathers and Imams, fearing that such an
act would either make them suffer inordinately in this world, or it would
turn them, in their afterlife, into a fuel of hell. The fear of the fire
is the most effective arsenal in the hands of the preachers, and this they
have been using most effectively, from time immemorial, to advance, to
achieve and to preserve their own causes and agendas.
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