A Pack of White Lies-2
Mohammad Asghar
from the previous part-
extent of loss in human lives, sufferings and destruction of valuables
caused by one of the Islamic lies shall remain unparalleled in the
annals of religious history. Led to believe by the untruthful story
that Muhammad had sanctified the precincts of the Temple of Solomon in
Jerusalem on his way to the celestial world, Yasir Arafat, the
Palestinian leader, refused to accept the terms offered to him in the
year 2000 at Camp David by the Prime Minister of Israel that would
have given the Palestinians sovereignty over almost 93 percent of
their land that is now under the Israelis’ occupation. As a
result of that refusal, not only the ordinary Israelis, but also the
Palestinians continue to face death and hardships due, especially, to
the latter’s unwillingness to leave the ownership and the
management of
in the hands of the former.
have suffered in the past and they would continue to suffer in future,
until they decide to severe their relationship with lies and
falsehoods of their faith. Their sufferings are also likely to keep
the rest of humanity on the edge of fear and suspicion; both of them
being the elements that can trigger tension and conflict anytime
between them and the people of other religious denominations.
hope that in the common interest of all the people of the world,
Muslims would listen to saner voices, and refrain themselves from
acting on false and harmful hope and instructions given to them by
their Quran and religious leaders. In this way, not only they and
their posterity would prosper and live happily, the entire earth would
also become a safe place for other religious people to cohabit with
them in peace and tranquility.
the purpose of enlightening ourselves with one of the major falsehoods
of the Quran, let us go back in history and consider the following
promise Allah made to the Pagans:
is a fact that contrary to how the Muslims present the Pagans of
Muhammad’s time, they were a decent people. They lived by
certain standards of morality together with believing in a large
number of gods. The harsh environments of the deserts and the constant
struggles for survival had forced them into developing a belief that
was good for their spiritual needs and circumstances.
all the gods they worshipped, there was one by the name Allah who
played an important role in their lives. They believed that this Allah
gave them life and then sustained it with the means of livelihood.
With this belief in their mind, they assigned a number of attributes
to Him. Some of the attributes were: al-Rahman, al-Rahim and al-Razzaq
etc. The inscription of Abrahah dealing with the break of the Ma’rib
Dam begins with the following words: “In the power and grace and
mercy of the Merciful {Rahman-an--- it being the title of the
Christian God, found in a fifth-century South Arabic inscription} and
His Messiah and of the Holy Spirit. The word “Rahman-an”
is especially significant because its Northern Arabian equivalent, al-Rahman,
became later a prominent attribute of the Muslim Allah.
the beginning when Muhammad began preaching Islam, with him as the
Prophet of Allah, the Pagans did not see much difference in the
beliefs they held and the ones he was propagating. But the problem
arose when he asked them to abandon their gods and to believe in his
lone Allah who, he claimed, possessed all the qualities of their
remaining gods. The other major difference they had with Muhammad was
the concept of resurrection on the Day of Judgment. The Pagans did not
believe in it and were not willing to accept it, despite his best
the Pagans refused to budge from the stand on the question of
resurrection, Muhammad threatened them with the fire of hell.
Undaunted, they repeatedly asked him to beseech his Allah to hasten
the Day of Judgment. Every time, he ducked their demand by turning
away from them (32:30).
the Pagans remained steadfast with their demand. Pestered by their
insistence, one day Muhammad declared that the Hour (of Judgment) is
near, as it had been indicated to him by Allah through cleaving the
moon asunder (cf. 54:1). Naturally, the Pagans had thought that the
fateful Hour was on its way, since it was not possible for the
universe to continue to exist with a divided moon.
after year passed by, but the Pagans never saw the Hour turning the
earth, sun, moon, stars and humans into dust. Nor did they find
themselves before Allah to answer His questions on what they had done
during their sojourn on earth.
the accountability of each human being, the Quran tells us the
following: As soon as a person is buried, angels appear in their
graves. They ask them various questions to find out how they lived on
earth. Unsatisfactory answers mean that they lived a sinful life. This
determination makes them liable for all tortures they order the hell
to inflict upon them.
answers from the respondents prove that they lived on earth strictly
in accordance with Allah’s prescriptions. Angels reward them by
hooking the interior of their resting places with heaven, thereby
enabling them to pass their days in them, until the Day of their
Resurrection, in comfort and luxury.
who die in the cause of Allah, are not required either to face the
questioning of the angels, nor do they remain in their graves, for,
their bodies get transported to heaven immediately after their burial.
They will not face judgment on the Day of Resurrection, either.
the day, when Allah will decide to cause the Day of Judgment to come,
He will ask angel Israfil to blow his horn. With its sound, everything
will turn into dust. Then Allah will bring them back to their original
forms. All dead persons will emerge from their graves, and assemble in
Allah’s court.
would happen to those persons whose bodies had been cremated or dumped
in rivers and seas is not mentioned in the Quran. Perhaps, they would
go scot free on the Day of Judgment!
will judge each human and jinn on the basis of their performance on
earth. Those He would find clean would enter heaven. Others, who would
be found guilty, would find their place in hell, to burn in its fire
much the jinns, made of fire, would suffer from the fire of hell is
not clear. Perhaps, they would not be affected at all; rather, they
are likely to prove as an instrument of succour for those of the
humans, who followed them during their activities on earth, by
bringing them into the circle of their (jinns’) own neutralized
fire. It is a possibility we should not discount at all, for, jinns
have proved elusive and unmanageable even to Allah before; they might
try to defy Him again in the world hereafter as well!
the above Quranic facts, it should not be difficult for us to conclude
that heaven or
has been having inhabitants in it from the time humans and jinns began
sacrificing their lives in the cause of Allah. Opposed to it, hell
should not have any occupant in it, as sinful humans and jinns have
not yet been judged by Allah, without which process, both of them must
still be lying in their graves, waiting for resurrection on the Day of
Judgment, which has not yet come.
the light of our above understanding, let us read the following Sahih
or authentic hadith of Ismail Bukhari.
4, Book 54, Number 464.
Narrated 'Imran bin Husain:
Prophet said, "I looked at
and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I
looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were
hadith supports the nocturnal journey that Muhammad had allegedly made
to heaven via
. During his tour of the celestial world, Allah was pleased to let him
see who was living in
and hell in the 7th century of the Christian Era.
saw poor people forming the majority of the
’s inhabitants. It was in keeping with the Islamic way of life:
It is mostly the poor Muslims who are supposed to fight and die in the
cause of Allah. Consequently, they are also supposed to enjoy the
felicities of Paradise, as they sacrifice the pleasures of their
worldly life in the hope of entering
on the Day of Judgment.
how about those women whom Muhammad saw, during his tour of all the
seven skies, inhabiting the hell?
were those women? Where they came from? Did those women enter hell
without facing Allah on the Day of Judgment? Or, was it possible that
Muhammad was telling a lie to convince his Companions with the story
of his journey to heaven?
questions have only two answers, and those are:
The Day of Judgment has already taken place, while Muhammad was still
alive, without the Pagans knowing it. Those women he saw in the hell
were adjudged guilty by Allah and He consigned them to its fire on
that Day. This is the only explanation one can give for the women’s
presence in hell at the time it was being inspected by Muhammad in 620
A.D. Or,
Muhammad lied. He did not visit Allah nor did he see the
and hell. He deliberately lied to his Companions and followers in
order to hide his illicit relationship with his cousin.
one of the above two answers will Muslims chose to believe in is up to
them. If they believe that the Judgment Day has already come and gone,
in that event, they should forsake the fear of the hell that inhibits
all of them, and start living a normal and human life. If they believe
that Muhammad had lied about seeing the hell being occupied mostly by
women, in that case, they should not only stop believing in a lying
Prophet, they should also discard all the teachings he gave them
through the Quran.
whichever answer you like. Decision is yours. Only through the right
decision are you going to transform yourself into a living and
breathing human being. Wrong decision is going to keep you shackled to
a belief, the foundation of which was laid by using falsehood and
you still willing to remain blind, even after being told of some
of the lies that are hidding behind your religion?
January 01, 2005