letter to Mr. Nadir Ahmed
Mr. Sina,
reading parts of your debate with this
fellow Mr. Nadir Ahmed, I sent him an email, that I think you should get a
copy too. I appreciate if I see this writing on your site,
Mr. Nadir,
am an impartial reader that reads everything with open mind, but then looks
around for evidence. I have been following your debates with several people as
they are mentioned in your site. As I read these items, I cannot help but
looking around me and regardless of what you or others say, make my own
Quran is a miracle or not, or whether Mohammad was a profit from God or not can
not be decided by debate, obviously, each one says what they want and declare
victory, as both of you and other fellow have done. Word is cheap and needs no
capital, it is the results that prove who is right and who is not. What can not
be escaped from is reality. It is reality that can not be escaped or covered up.
It is reality that decides who is right and who is wrong, not words or debates.
and reality is Islam has given nothing to the world but poverty, war, misery.
Look around yourself and decide, wherever Islam is dominant, there is poverty,
lack of progress and misery, Look around yourself and see in every conflict of
the world, one side is Islam. Do you know of one, only one Moslem person in 20th
century that has done something positive for humanity? A good doctor, a good
scientist, a good entertainer, a good sports person, a good writer, a good
invention, etc, etc etc. From all these scientific progress of the last 200
years, which one was done by a Moslem? And there is 1.2 Billion of them in the
world, with the greatest wealth that anyone can imagine. Why do you think that
is? If Quran is a miracle, why it leads its followers to such a misery and
backwardness? If Mohammad is a true super human as Moslems claim him to be, why
is that his followers are among the most back warded, poverty stricken,
miserable peoples in the world? Among 1.2 billion followers of him, why is that
not even one of them enjoys freedom? The ones that come closest to it are the
ones that are under occupation !! by Israel, and that does not bother you? You
can spend hours and hours of your time playing with words, and debating what has
or has not happened 1400 years ago, but don’t take a moment of your time and
look around yourself, look at every Moslem country and think why is that these
people are among the most under progressed peoples of the world, if it was not
for the “infidels”, the entire 1.2 billion members of Islam can not make
even one vial of antibiotics, or one headache pill, and that does not bother
you? And you are happy that you caught Mr. so and so lying about a story that
occurred 1400 years ago, and keep comfort in proving that Mohammad did not say
this or that, and devil is in translation? Isn’t that enough of ignorance, and
isn’t it better to start thinking. I be honest with you, if I belonged to a
huge community of 1.2 billion with access to all the natural resources that mind
can imagine, and still live in poverty and misery, and still be behind in every
aspect of life, I would not waste my time debating anyone, instead, I would be
thinking of what can I do to get out of so much shame.
Mohammad said or did, does not matter, it was 1400 years ago, those that still
think like him blindly are the ones to blame, since they are 1400 years behind
everyone else. Whether Quran is a miracle or not and whether Mohammad was a
great leader or not, must be clear as sun shine for whoever that thinks, just
look at the results.
Los Angeles, Ca,