Fatwa Empire
By Keshto Patel
Muslim stock, there were not very many earthlings who knew the exact
meaning of a Fatwa or a religious edict under Islam, till the famous (or
infamous for that matter) Salman Rushdie episode kicked in on the
international scale. This time the Fatwa had a made in
stamp and the proud manufacturer of this product was no one but one
Islamic fundamentalist fanatic of international repute by the name of
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini whose literature still causes many decibels of
noise pollution in today's
through the mosque loudspeakers.
Fatwas can be termed as a two sides of a coin, or better said, a slice of
bread with butter on one side and nothing on the other. Fatwas are genuine
religious edicts of their Imams who try to convey adherents of Islam what
is wrong or right as per Islam. Under Islamic jurisprudence every Muslim
must follow the Fatwa or religious edict for the great cause of Islam in
their ritual life.
But Fatwas are benign and malign based on who it is directed at, basically
there are harmful and harmless Fatwas depending on who is a target of such
religious edict.
In case of Rushdie Salman, who on default became an apostate by engaging
in an act of blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad in his international best
seller book satanic verses which shot him to a celebrity fame but also
took a toll on him by forcing him to forego his normal way of life by
confining himself within four walls most of the time, thanks only to one
malign Fatwa that was issued against him to have him decimated at contact.
On the other hand there are million of Muslims who receive benign Fatwas
day in day out and seek the Islamic tenets as laid down by their warrior
prophet Muhammad to live a life as per those guidelines as lived by
Prophet as described in Kuran and Hadeeths (Sunna) and as interpreted by
Grand Muftis of Islam who are the Professors of allegedly true Islam who
oversee Madarsas and Umma in connivance with political big wigs of Jeddah
and or Islamabad.
Imams issue Fatwas, as for example, that Muslims must eat with their right
hand, they should not mingle with Kafars because it would dilute Islam,
that they should encourage Dawa to bring forth Kafars under Islam's big
roof and try to convert them, that they should not eat Mayonnaise because
it contains tallow which is of swine origin. All these Fatwas are harmless
for Muslim brothers - a slice of bread with no butter.
Here comes a kicker, a slice of bread with butter that is only reserved
against kafars, This is a side of slice which attracts Fedayeens with
malign Fatwas who in their dedicated life to Islam, want to achieve the
last of the paradise, the ultimate, Houris and rivers of wine as promised
by Kuran which induces them to kill or get killed under the name of all
merciful Allah and meet with him in Jannat (paradise) by way of doing
Jehad, by killing kafars of this beautiful earth - Exclusive property of
Remember Rushdie was declared apostate, a non Muslim, hence the
Fatwa fell on him, it did not fall on better deserving candidates of
allegedly peaceful Islam like Osama bin Laden or Ommar mian simply because
they are the best Muslims who are only doing what is required of them to
do by Allah, decimate the infidels, should they not submit to him.
Ladies and gentleman; Please don't get deceived
by a phony mini Fatwa of unknown character that originated from Spain, it
was a tool just to fool white man as to think that those Muslims were with
them and not Jehadis to save their own selves with lesser backlash from
Spanish society. It is called Tiqiyyah or deception to fool gullible
I say this is Phony Fatwa because you know as well I, including high
Priests of Islam at
or Jeddah that this Fatwa cannot be carried out, who in his right mind
would believe that Osama would be killed by a Muslim? Who would bell the
cat like scenario pops up with above situation. The chances of such
ridiculous Fatwas to kill Osama is minus zero.
Malign Fatwas are reserved for kafars stupid! That's the law of the
Islamic lands as lived by Hazrat Muhammad and as prescribed by Mullahs of
today in the ears of Muslims at every Friday sermon.
Those laymen must note one interesting trend that there are 57 Muslim
nations (source OIC) from where the Fatwas may be manufactured, but they
can be carried out anywhere internationally a la van Gogh or on any other
potential Kafar Keshtos of the world.
As I write this article, luckily look at what has come forward as a news
to bolster my views on this kind of Islamic menace of coercive nature: A
Yoga Guru threatened by Muslim hoodlums;
and believe me these things are routine in India where meek Hindus
are overpowered by Muslim Mafia either from India or from Islamabad a la
Also read here:
is, for all practical purpose, a democracy with soft
belly which has been ripped open by Islamic sword that is bleeding it at
every sunshine, and the bizarre thing is that our politicians are
constantly trying to preserve the status quo on this sordid saga of
national in-security matter which can make or break Hindus of India.
Country like
is besieged with Islamic Mafia who rule the roost with the help of rented
Hindus who have no principles or conscious.
Islam has Mafia like vice on its followers with monopoly on jehad and code
of silence, hence I would recommend the local authorities to do various
sting operations on all the mosques and find out the unmasked face of it
to their surprise. Determination phase must start now before it’s too
late, for it is Kafars who are at stake, not Mir Jafars of Islam.
Stop Fatwa regime, before it stops you.
Think 3D