White Supremacist Group Offers Friendship
& Support To Terror Groups
By Jeremy Reynalds
From American
In a letter posted on its Web site the head of the white supremacist group
Aryan Nations offers his thanks to radical Islamic terrorists and extends
the group's hand of friendship.
Aryan Nations National Director August Kreis writes (www.aryan-nations.org),
"We as an organization will also endeavor to aid all those who
subvert, disrupt and are (sic) malignant in nature to our enemies.
Therefore I offer my most sincere best-wishes to those who wage holy Jihad
against the infrastructure of the decadent, weak and Judaic-influenced
societal infrastructure of the West. I send a message of thanks and
well-wishes to the methods and works of groups on the Islamic front
against the jew such as Al-Qaeda and Sheik Usama Bin Ladin, Hamas, Islamic
Jihad, Hezbollah and to all Jihadis worldwide who fight for the glory of
the Khilafah and the downfall of the anti-life and anti-freedom System
prevalent on this earth today.
Kreis continues by saying (sic), " I ask our Islamic fellow fighters
against jewry to remember the co-operation between Mufti Haj Mohammad Amin
al-Husseini and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler during the last century and
to remember that all that is of the past it is our duty to surpass!"
Next Kreis tells his ominous vision for the future (http://aryan-nations.org/wulfranhall/kreis_interview.htm).
"I see ... violent acts taking place against high places that
represent the(sic) jewish domination of our lives here in (sic) Amerika. I
see lone wolves targeting jews and others who knowingly condone and
perpetrate crimes against White Freedom Fighters such as lawmakers that
legislate laws which rail against the Laws of our Father and also those
that enforce unmoral corrupt policies against white patriots,
organizations and individuals."
Kreis continues on in what many would consider a threatening vein.
"Carefully thought out and planned random acts of violence committed
against all those who are affiliated with this satanic system will be a
strike for freedom. It will not be much longer until our race in mass
begins to see the hopeless plight our race is in at the hands of ‘those
mine enemies.' I believe that as we continue to wake up our brethren and
they realize that there are worse things than death we will begin to make
the enemy pay dearly for their actions against us."
E-mails to Aryan Nations officials requesting comment were not answered.
In case anyone has any doubt about what Aryan Nations stands for, an
article on the group's web site attributed to "Aryan Nations
Staff" (www.aryan-nations.org/about.htm) makes it very clear.
It reads (sic), "We are not a non-violent organization, we believe
that our Race is on the verge of extinction, and will do anything in our
powers to secure a white safe future for our children and our children's
children ... Kindred, WAKE UP , join the Aryan Nations in our fight
against this evil, jewish menace... Don't delay, JOIN Today! Together we
can reach the masses with the Truth of Yahweh, exposing anti-Christ jewry
as Satan' kid's and the Children of Darkness they are!"
The web site also contains an invitation to join the Aryan Nations ($25.00
to register and $10.00 monthly thereafter).
Part of the application reads (www.aryan-nations.org/application.htm),
"I am of the White Aryan Race. I concur that Aryan Nations is only
Aryans of Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Nordic, Basque, Lombard, Celtic and
Slavic origin, the White non-Jew race worldwide. I agree with Aryan
Nations' Biblical exclusion of Jews, Negroes, Mexicans, Orientals, and
"That for which we fight is to safeguard the existence and
reproduction of our Race, by and of our Nations, the sustenance of our
children and the purity of our blood; the freedom and independence of our
Race; so that we, a kindred people, may mature for fulfillment of the
mission allotted us by the Creator of the Universe, our Father and
A highlighted portion of the application page (www.aryan-nations.org/application.htm)
reads in part, "All those that are refused membership falsifying the
application or trying to join under false pretenses; please consider
before doing so that your donation to the cause will still be gladly
accepted and put to good use."
On the web site's contact page, a Wulfran Hall is listed as "High
Counsel" (www.aryan-nations.org/wulfranhall/library.htm).
Hall's opening diatribe reads, "We can become more than simple
domesticated pawns in the games of (sic) jewish commerce. We spit upon the
false sanctity of the 'flag' - of whatever country - for all of those
flags have failed us and seek to keep us in thrall to 'government
authority' - government which we have not asked for and which we do not
need. We spit upon the erroneous sanctity of the cross - and all the
meaningless relics of organized religion which is but another way to
enslave us and control us, to keep us from realizing the potential that we
possess as a race."
In his "library," Hall introduces readers to people and books he
apparently admires.
For example. There's "A Practical Guide to The Strategy and Tactics
of Revolution." (www.aryan-nations.org/wulfranhall/practical_guide.htm).
Here readers learn four ways they can
"undermine/overthrow/disrupt/de-stabilize the present anti-Aryan
System, and thus create or provoke a revolutionary situation. The four
methods are: (1) assassination of individuals; (2) terror bombing
(including targets where civilian casualties are probable); (3) sabotage
of the infrastructure of the System - such things as roads,
communications, television transmitters, airports, railways, power
stations, food supplies, businesses, shops, financial institutions and so
on; (4) terror campaigns directed at our enemies - indiscriminate or
Readers are also given instruction on targeting and killing "soft
"Successful assassination will get the organization known, respected
and feared. One aim here is to create a climate of fear among the types
targeted. The best types of soft target in this respect are: (1) enemies
of Aryan freedom - specifically those active in anti-Aryan organizations;
(2) drug-dealers and (3) those involved in street attacks on our people;
(4) politicians who have spoken-out against Aryan groups or who have done
things harmful to our race and our freedom (such as supporting some new
anti-Aryan law or encouraging race-mixing). (2) and (3) provide excellent
propaganda material - the organization can issue a statement saying such
decadent anti-Aryan scum have finally been brought to justice.
"On the practical level, the organization must collect intelligence
on suitable targets, acquire suitable weapons and prepare statements for
after the action. Individual covert cells can then be supplied with a list
of targets, and armed with suitable weapons."
Instruction on terror bombing, sabotage and race war is also included.
Hall then provides a collection of writings by Abdul-Aziz Ibn Myatt (www.aryan-nations.org/wulfranhall/islam1.html)
"rarely seen outside of the Islamic world. Abdul-Aziz Ibn Myatt
presents us with pure, unadulterated Islam as it is meant to be - not the
corporate, government-promoted false-Islam of ‘peace and tolerance'
spoken of by the apes in Washington D.C. but rather the religion of war,
numinosity and cosmic apprehension which the Magians wish so desperately
to destroy. Abdul-Aziz Ibn Myatt is calling you to jihad, will you answer
the call?"
Hall also provides (with a disclaimer that they are "quite
entertaining") "The Terrorist Encyclopedia," "Hit Man
On Line: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors" and the
"CIA Book of Dirty Tricks."
A post on the group's bulletin board (www.aryan-nations.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=693)
from one apparent Aryan Nations follower attributed to David Myatt is just
as ominous as the material disseminated by group leaders.
It reads in part, "It is natural and healthy to want to kill, with
our own hands, our sworn enemies, as it is natural and healthy to joyfully
celebrate such a killing. It is natural and healthy to use violence to
defend ourselves, our family, our kin, our comrades and our clan or
The Aryan Nations Site is apparently hosted by the California Based
Managed Solutions Group which also appears to do business as Managed
Solutions (www.managed.com). The ISP's hosting of this site violates its
acceptable use agreement (www.managed.com/support.htm) which reads in part
that users may not, "Utilize the Services to threaten persons with
bodily harm, to make harassing or abusive statements or messages, or to
solicit the performance of acts or services that are illegal under
applicable law."
Managed Solutions also appears to host a number of other hate sites that
include www.Aryanradio.com, www.kkkchat.com and the American Nazi
Party at www.nsm88.com/
Numerous e-mails and a telephone call to Managed Solutions requesting
comment were not immediately returned.
Additional information about the Aryan Nations is available at
Background information about Kreis is available at
http://stop-the-hate.org/disciple.html and